
My Love Rival Is Me

Leon Grace Angelo is a 20-year-old Korean-American boy who studies in Seoul Law University. He suffers from anxiety and is less confident in himself. He has a crush on Hwa Young in his class from high school. But he never had the balls to ask her out... One day he overheard his crush talking to her friends. She said she doesn't like Leon as a love type, because of his weird and gloomy behaviour. He felt heartbroken. During this time he almost ran himself in front of a truck to get isekai... But then he woke up in a bed naked beside a woman he knew he should not sleep with... Later we get to know about Leon Grace Angelo's tragedy and his talents. But the most shocking truth of his alter ego, Noel Grace Angello, a playboy, confident, fully opposite to him. He doesn't believe in love and wants to prove to Leon that he so call love is delusional... This story is about Leon's Belief in Love And Noel's desire for Lust Leon: '' Finding Love is hard when my Love rival is ME. " Romance and Comedy love story...

GalaxyOTS101 · 现实
2 Chs

Chapter 2 ( Truth Taste Like Grimace Shake)

Chapter 2

( Truth Taste Like Grimace Shake)

                          |||  Leon |||

Today I am going to it.

"Leon, go for it. you got this. "

Actually, I don't. Cause, I have been saying this to myself for 30 minutes, waiting for the perfect

the moment when she will be alone,

She is popular even if it has been only 6 months since the Semester started.

alone.  After twenty more minutes, they left her alone. Then I went for it. The moment I was close to her, she

noticed me and looked at me.

"Leon nice Angelo.. "she called me.

Damn it, I hate that name. After coming to university I never told everyone my full name. I had my fair share of discrimination.  Only Hwa Young knew about it.

I  tighten my fist. it's alright she doesn't know. I never told anyone about my problem and the reason behind my hatred towards my name. because when people know about your misery, they always rub Salt on it by giving you fake sympathy.

But after I saw her smile all my negative emotions had already gone to Hawaii. I don't mind if she called my name a thousand times as long as it was her.

"So...  Do you need anything? " Hwa asked.

Your parent's approval of the marriage...

Now that the bitter feeling is helping me to control my nervousness I asked her if she would go out to eat something after class. " I saw a new Cafe nearby I don't know anyone to go with me so you can call some of your friends to come. "

Look guys, it is an idiotic move to ask a girl out along with his friends but I am not asking her out on a date. We will only hang out together like normal University friends. Besides my heart won't be able to stay alive if I go with her alone

"That's a great idea... " she said with a big smile.

" I was also planning to share some of my ideas about the upcoming festival next month well "

"Do you mind if I ask my friends from another department? "

"Sure," I reply with a smile," I will see you soon after class, bye bye. "

Today may have been one of the Best Days Of my life if only I hadn't heard these words

" Leon isn't my type I don't like him, " Hwa Young said.

Her words hit me like a 9 mm bullet. I was looking for her and when I came to our classroom I heard her talking to her female friend he is a polite and hard-working guy that doesn't mean I like him

"Is he an American? I mean his name is Leon Grace Angelo... "

Then my head started to hurt and memories started to flash

"ALL BECAUSE OF YOU," a woman's voice said

" you're weird,"

" why is your hair like that,"

I felt very dizzy  and my stomach started to hurt more

Before I knew it I was running away.






The voice started to speak. My senses came when I heard the sound of a horn. Before I could do anything it was too late before my vision faded I saw myself running in front the truck.

"Will I get Isekai? "







When I opened my eyes I saw the ceiling and I was lying on a bed. Then I realised I wasn't Isekai because I could see the buildings near the window. I was glad I was still on Earth. Don't want to miss The Fast and Furious 10 part 2.

But I also realised that I wasn't in my room. It was someone else's when I looked down I saw myself butt naked. But the true shock came when I saw a girl, a very hot girl, coming out of the shower only wearing a towel and drying her hair when she was not that I was awake she gave me a cute smile and said

" you are awake. Do you want to go to the shower?  We can go tougher."

I also saw that I had many bike marks and some scratches on my back my soul left my body for the fourth time.




To be continued...