

What happens when two different colors collide

Kelfie · 现代言情
12 Chs

Show Miss Wang whose Boss

"What's the actual meaning of this Mark? No just tell me cause I fail to understand how that black sheep .... Oh sorry I mean your daughter is the talk of the town and everyone. Wasn't she going for Lisa from the airport? How come her ugly self is on every screen? "a furious looking Mrs Wang asked. Not believing her step daughter that ugly wrench as she usually thought of her could be the fiancee of a big person like Lijun.

" Mummy... Daddy " Lisa's screeching voice was heard echoing throughout the whole mansion.

Mrs. Wang hearing her precious daughter's voice ran towards her and immediately hugged her. " Imagine mum that thing failed to pick me up from the airport can you imagine how long I had to stay there? Well I stayed there for two hours twenty two minutes and five seconds to wait for her to appear imagine me an influential person like me having to stay under that hot sun. She has been refusing to answer my calls luckily Mr. Jia found me or else I would have died if people knew a person like me used a commercial flight!! " wined Lisa like a child. Mr. Wang didn't want Lisa to see what was on the television but her eagle like eyes had already seen it all.

" Mum, dad, what's that girl's ugly face doing on our television?! And why is my prince holding her?!... No somebody tell me what's going on here and isn't this the same airport that bitch was supposed to pick me up from!!" Shouted Lisa clutching so tightly on her purse her eyes glaring at the screen. Her parents were lucky the girl didn't have lasers coming from her eyes cause the TV would have by now be melted into nothing.

The headlines were boldly written and the reporters clearly repeated, it was meant for those people like Lisa, to let it get in straight to their obsessed brains that 'CEO JIANG BACHELOR YEARS OVER AS HE PUBLICLY CLAIMS MISS WANG LIXI OF THE WANG FAMILY AS HIS ALLEGED FIANCEE' Lisa's eyes twitched wondering which dumbass came up with that headline. She together with her always boosted ego never allowed herself to get close to him. She was used with men coming to her, but with Lijun he knew they had only one thing in common and it was that. Those who were in need were the ones to come to him and not him going to them.

The news she was seeing now was a big slap to her egocentric self. That girl yeah that black sheep had snatched her Lijun away from her. They were in a SECRET relationship? Lisa wondered how long this madness had been going on right under her nose and she didn't know about it... " No no..... Mum, dad tell me this is a big joke don't tell me that sheep just ruined my life... My love life which was almost about to begin has been ruined by that ugly black thing... Mum dad you guys have to do something please" Lisa was now on the floor throwing a fit. Her makeup which had taken hours was now ruined and was smudged all over her face making her look.... Well..... Not so influential anymore.

"Princess wake up don't stress your pretty mind darling maybe it's all a mistake and a misunderstanding." Mr. Wang camly said getting a little annoyed by the little drama in the living room.

"Dad, there is no mistake or a maybe anyone who is blind can see how Lijun is looking at that witch.... She has been in a secret relationship with him I know she did something like that to get even with me for the things I did before." Lisa said shamefully claiming the evil deeds she had done to her sister.

Saying she was mad was a big and complete understatement to anyone who dared try and even think about saying it. Lisa couldn't believe Lixi had stolen the one thing she wanted in this world and that was Lijun. Yes, she had to agree that she had taken almost everything away from her..... The heck!! She had taken everything away from her.... Her father's love for her, her own self esteem, her family, her name and also her place as the real daughter. But to Lisa that wasn't enough for her to take away Lijun no, it wasn't!


"Miss Wang, why are you asking about the time, is there somewhere you were supposed to be?" asked Shawn. That simple question caused him to earn a death glare from his boss making him gulp in fear and regretting his choice of words. Lijun's grey eyes were shouting ' wow Shawn act caring and considerate towards my fiancee and I'll make sure those threats are acted upon you' Lixi's panicked eyes searched allover the room for a clock or just anything that could show her the time.

"It's three pm" a curt answer came from Lijun wondering why she looked so worried. " oh no, no no, I have to leave right now" said Lixi immediately heading out for the door but was stopped. "You can't leave first before deciding what we should do with the little drama we pulled out in public Miss Wang" said Lijun blocking her way to freedom. Lixi wondered if her sister had already arrived home and of course put on a little show on how she waited and waited for a very very long long time. Imagining it made her just roll her eyes internally. But first she had to deal with this narcissistic self appointed king of all businesses. " Mr Jiang am afraid there is no 'we' in anything that happened out there it was all you and only you!" Lixi pointed at him. "You have to clean your mess yourself. Am sorry for calling you a thief cause that was my only fault in all of this but the rest you brought it upon me and yourself Mr. Jiang...." Lixi matched his piercing gaze confidently before brushing past him and heading out of the room. Before she reached far, she looked back and said to a Lijun who was in quite a daze" If I were you Mr Jiang, I would put things straight " she said before actually leaving.

" Boss, looks like those threats didn't work on her" muttered Shawn to himself and before he knew it a flying shoe was sent in his way.

"Shawn, tell me, how can that girl be so brave? I don't even remember the last time I had a quarrel with anyone to do what I want. Shawn... Let's show Miss Wang whose boss..... She looks like she really doesn't know Jiang Lijun, we better familiarize ourselves better with her. Tell my PI to get me all the information I need to know about that little mouse, I want it by today evening no excuses!!! "My poor body has never been overworked like this. " said Lijun his last sentence ever so dramatically.