
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


The cops saw Ruby and we're stunned, she looked away angrily then one of the smart ones said,"Wait, isn't that Ruby Welshes, the girl who was reported missing?"

The others began to realize and she widened her eyes.

They told the woman and she said,"I'll get you back to your family."

"No, please don't take me back there, it is worse there than the club!"

"But they're your family."


Her children—who had taken a liking to Ruby—also begged her.

It was only her eldest daughter, Stephanie, who didn't like Ruby in the least. Of course it was because she was far better looking than her.

The woman felt pity for Ruby and actually bribed the cops not to tell anyone, then she gave Ruby a black wig, gave her green contacts and agreed to pay for her tuition and schooling.

It had been over two weeks since Ruby disappeared and everyone was worried, including her parents. I could tell it was because she was their money magnet.

People had even begun to give up hope and stop searching. But her grandparents, Mack and I were determined to find her.

On Ruby's first day of school, she wore an oversized hoodie and sweatpants, just so she wouldn't stick out, but she did.

Even with her hair and eye colours changed, her face was still a head turner and several boys tried to flirt with her.

Stephanie was furious as the hot girl in school used to be her, herself and she, but now, all the attention had shifted to some new girl with a bad fashion sense.

And she beat Stephanie at everything, she topped all their classes, was great in gym class and the cheerleaders even begged her to join once they saw her skill.

Stephanie was burning with jealousy, she needed that girl out of her life.

Ruby was making a presentation that even the teacher didn't understand when Stephanie stood up and said,"Smart girl, but if you are so smart, why are you so bad at keeping secrets?"

Ruby chuckled and asked,"What are you talking about?"

Stephanie stepped forward and said,"Stop lying, you're not fooling anybody with that wig!"

Everyone expected her to be bald but no, to their surprise...she was a red head, a very red head.

The boys went even wilder about her and the girls got even more jealous, Stephanie was given detention.

Ruby quickly put on the wig, hoping no one will recognize her.

She was immediately called to the Principal's office with Stephanie so she could be punished.

The Principal called Stephanie's mother and told her what had happened and she came right away.

She was furious at her daughter and she was grounded for a month.

Ruby was taken back to class.

The Principal had to make a very important call after that.

I was drawing a map of a new route we could use to search for Ruby, in case she was avoiding us when Mack ran to the window of my class.

He looked at me and I immediately understood and asked for permission to leave. I was denied but didn't have the time, so I just ran out of the class.

We went immediately to tell Mark, Ms Lucy and Lucille, they had found Ruby!

She was in Mexico city.

I wondered how she got there but the picture was her.

It was just, she had green eyes. We had our doubts, till Lucille pointed out,"That girl's holding a black wig...so maybe she could be using contacts."

We looked at each other.

Immediately, Mark and Ms Lucy bought us plane tickets to Mexico city.

We went to the person who called us, who was her Principal and we gave her the one million dollar reward. She showed us where she lived and we immediately went there.

We rang the doorbell and she answered it. We widened our eyes. She had black hair and green eyes.

She tried to close the door but Ms Lucy put her foot there just in time.

The woman came down and met us.

We told her we were to take Ruby back but Ruby didn't want to go.

"Ruby, you have to come back."Lucille said.

"My name isn't Ruby, it's Mirabelle and for once, I feel happy and safe. I don't want to go back there, where Rose always endangers my safety and my own parents do the same to my happiness. Please, find it in your heart to let me stay."

I said,"Ruby, I understand there were many bad people in your life but there were good ones too, people to hold you up and help you endure. That's what you have to do, endure, face your troubles, not run away from them. You know that if you run away forever, you will feel the guilt of not facing your troubles like you should have. Where is the strong, enduring Ruby I know? Second only to diamonds, please, let her come back."

"We'll be in this hotel, waiting for you. We are giving you all the right to choose. If you decide to come back, then meet us there before tomorrow. I just hope you make the right choice."Mark said.

Mack didn't speak the whole time s he blamed himself for what she was going through.

If I had not told my parents I liked her, this never would have happened.

We went to the hotel to wait for her.

Ruby was having a dilemma. She was thinking about the choice Mark gave her then she settled on a decision...

We waited at the hotel. Then waited, and waited, but she never came...