
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


We went back to New York and I burst into tears, tears of rage and sorrow. Rage at her family for all that they had done to her and sorrow for her and what she had been through.

I went to her dorm, just to remember her. Before the dorm was given to someone else.

I sat down, depressed, then I heard the most annoying voice I knew say,"Hey there, precious friend."

I glared at Rose and said,"I'm not in the mood, you and your family are the reason Ruby isn't here right now."

She rolled her eyes and said,"I am Ruby, stupid."

"I'm not stupid enough to fall for your impersonating anymore Rose."

"What are you talking about? I'm right here."

I looked at Rose, then at...


She hugged me first and she said with a new found vitality,"Time to be the strong Ruby."

I was so glad she was back, really back.

She also called her family and the Song family and said before them,"I accept your proposal to marry Mack Song."

I cried, tears of joy that she was facing her fears, and tears of sorrow that...I wasn't the one for her...

They were engaged soon after and were set to get married in a month.

Ruby was still not for the idea of an arranged marriage, but this time, she was going to face her fears, not run away from them.

Mack didn't know what to feel. He loved Ruby, with all his heart, but he didn't want to marry her since she didn't want to marry him, at least not yet.

Ruby was still allowed to go to school and I was happy that her money loving parents became nicer to her, though Rose was still the same black rose.

I went shopping with Mark for the clothes we were going to wear at their wedding which was set to have the colour scheme of blue, red, black and white.

I got a blue tuxedo with a red tie and a pink under suit while Mark got a white tuxedo with black revers.

The wedding was getting ready and Mack and Ruby spent more time together to get to know each other. I didn't like it, but I had to keep my distance, they were engaged.

I also got to see less and less of Ruby and I learned she was set to leave for China with Mack once they got married.

The wedding was all the celebrity talk in China and Asia and some of the gossip even reached the U.S.A. They were seen to be the perfect teen power couple of the year.

A full Irish and a half Chinese, half American.

Everyone wanted to be them, well except for them.

The wedding was set to be the largest party of the year and the last day they would spend in the states.

I ate a soursop slice while watching the Japanese channel Ms Lucy's movie was shown on.

The movie wasn't set to show for a few hours but the wedding had filled the celebrity gossip. They were talking about how grand it was going to be, to the extent they actually had to make a whole building just for the wedding.

I just ate the mildly sweet pulp of the fruit and watched the news, which of course, wasn't in English. I used the pictures to understand.

The next day, I went to the school with one goal. I went to Mack who was talking with his friends—soon to be his best men—and said,"Congratulations Mack, you won fair and square."

"Won what?"He asked.

"Ruby. I also wanted you to know that I have no hard feelings."

I stretched out my arm. He took it and pulled me closer and hugged me then patted my back. He said,"Thanks."

I walked away, feeling confident then saw something agitating.

Xander was flirting with Rose and she was complying.

I just walked behind him and smacked the back of his head, hard.

He angrily turned to face me then Rose gently pulled his chin back to face her and said,"Don't worry babe, I'll take care of him."

And she did.

The next day, I saw—posted on the school blog—every bad thing about my life before I met Mark.

How I was always bullied, how no one ever came to my birthdays, how overprotective my parents were, how I was the weirdest nerd in the world (literally) and more, it was a freaking documentary about me.

I was furious at Rose, but...

No, calm down...

Deep breaths, she could do worse.

I also wondered why Rose was interested in Xander.

Yes he was good looking, but I knew her type. Good looks and money. He was rich, but not nearly as rich as her, what was she up to?

Though I didn't like Xander, he didn't deserve to be Rose's puppet, so I spied on her.

I once caught her making out with another guy and now it made sense, this guy was in regular uniform, yet it looked far richer than normal, he was rich, and she was cheating on Xander.

I took a video and went to show it to Xander at lunch and he said,"This could be really old or fake, besides, mind your own business."

Then he shoved my face into his food and got up and left.


This is what you do when I try to help you?!

Alright, then I'll just let her break your heart into a million pieces!

...but I have felt that before and it feels terrible...

I don't want even him to go through that.

Ugh, Mark, why did you raise me so well?!

I had to find some solid evidence even he couldn't deny.

I kept spying on her and one day, he was scribbling on some library books and I dragged him behind some shelves.

He was about to pound me, when he saw Rose, kissing another guy with his own eyes...