
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · 漫画同人
59 Chs

The Truth

-Rin Pov-

After a few minutes of us hugging awkwardly in silence, Akane soon broke the hug as she turned her face around in a hurry to wipe the tears from her face. Looks like she doesn't want me to see her crying face, but she seems fine with not covering her bra, huh. They're black by the way.

I looked at her lap as I see Naneko still passed out on them. I told Akane to let me check up on her condition to see if she had any injuries before laying her on the ground to examine her properly. Looks like my first aid knowledge came handy here since I can assume she's just resting. While this happened, I tried my best to not notice the grin Akane was giving me when I was touching her Naneko's body. Come on, I'm just making sure nothing's wrong with her body. I swear.

(Rin): "Alright, let's get her somewhere better to sleep."

I say that to get her serious again, though I can't take her seriously when she has her bra showing out so I took off my blue cardigan and covered her with it. Luckily only her white top got ruined.

(Akane): "Thanks. Are you gonna take Nano back to the dorm rooms?"

Akane asks as she wears the cardigan, but she doesn't zip it up, letting her bra still show. I sighed when I realised she had no intentions of covering herself before I answered her question. She loves teasing me huh. She better fix up when the kids get here.

(Rin): "Nope, let's just bring the bed to us instead."

I say that as I create a portal of Silver flames that's connected to one of the spare dorm rooms. I'm sure nobody will miss an entire mattress from an unused room, right? Explaining this to Yukio will be a headache though, but oh well.

(Akane): "You know… You're Satan's son, right? So why does your flames change colours so often? I thought it was just blue"

Akane says that with a thoughtful look probably from recalling what happened earlier to me. I gave her a little head pat before explaining.

(Rin): "My flames are a mystery to me as well. Everyone tells me that my flames are full of destruction but I've been able to figure out how to use them for other stuff too. Like those black flames from earlier, they affect the soul mainly and not the physical body. Meaning they're perfect for exorcisms but they mainly function by burning the soul of the demon to nothing. I had to make sure I didn't accidentally kill Naneko in that attack so I had to take my time to prepare my heart and mind."

I say that as my hands start shaking a little as I recall what just happened. Just one mistake and everything would've gone wrong. I could've killed my friend if I wasn't careful enough with that last move.

(Akane): "It's okay, Rin. You helped out Nano even if it was through a slim chance. Don't beat yourself up for taking the risk. We can train that ability of yours till you can use it without worries, okay?"

Akane says that while grabbing my hands together and looking at me with determination. I feel the warmth coming from her small hands as I recovered my bearings again. Although she seems to be helping me out, it looks like she's siking herself up to train harder.

(Rin): "Thanks, we'll both get stronger."

I say that resolutely as Akane gives me a gentle smile. We looked at each other's gaze for a little bit before Akane broke it by kissing me on the cheek.

(Akane): "I'll go check up on the kids. Look after Nano for me. But don't do anything inappropriate until I get back."

Akane says that with a smile as she licks her seductively lips before running towards Kuro and the others. I just stand there like an idiot as I touch where she kissed me. I probably had a goofy expression on me but I didn't care as I pinched my cheeks until I felt the pain, confirming that this wasn't some kind of weird dream.

(Rin): "I never thought a girl would intentionally kiss me on the cheek."

I did entertain the thought of having a harem in this world, but going with that thought is a little scary. I don't want to be abandoned and I want it to be a meaningful relationship compared to the ones my mum had. If I do get in a relationship with anyone, I'd want it to be after Amaimons attack in the forest. That way I can get through the bullshit of being satans' son and see which one accepts me for who I am.

Though I have a feeling those three kids of mine will try wing manning me with the girls regardless. As long as it's nothing ridiculous, I won't mind.

I look over to Naneko, sleeping on the bed with a bad sleeping posture, before laughing at how different the situation became in a few short moments. Though she seems to be having a nightmare. I moved over to the edge of the bed next to Naneko as I patted her to calm down a little. I wonder what she's dreaming?


While Rin was wondering what Naneko was dreaming, it was anything but good. The young catgirl was remembering something that was wedged into her heart. An event that caused the current Neko and the reason for both her and Akane to join True Cross Academy. It all started at their orphanage/#.

-Young Naneko's Pov-

(Naneko): "You bastard! Leave them alone!"

I scream as I struggled against the people twice my age that's pinning me down on the floor.

"Hahaha, you think I'll listen to you just because you said that?"

The one who spoke came from further in the room and seems to be the leader of these delinquents. They all carried the same Yankee hairstyles with different colours and styles. They look like idiots and those same idiots are causing trouble for my orphanage!

(Akane): "Nano…"

My childhood and best friend, Akane, calls my name out in worry as she hides behind her teddy bear that I gave to her for her 10th birthday. I can tell from her face that she's scared. Scared of all the delinquents here and of what they'll do to us.

For context's sake, we've lived in this orphanage since we can remember. We got abandoned here on the same day so we've been stuck with each other since. Akane's super shy around strangers for some reason and as her best friend I've always been dealing with those annoying people bugging her. But today's different.

(Delinquent leader): "You girls are such feisty kittens. You should remain in your place like you should be, you damn orphans!"

(Naneko): "Guh!"

The leader of the group kicked me as I got sent across the other side of the room. Everyone else in the room looks at me in worry but are too scared to move, in fear that the delinquents with weapons will attack them next.

As for why these bastards are here, I have no clue as well. They just appeared here for no reason and started wrecking the place. I tried stopping them but then this happened.

(Akane): "Nano!"

The only one who risked getting close to me was Akane, who ran towards me like an idiot who didn't care about themselves but was stopped by one of the delinquents.

"Now, now, little girl don't mess with big bro's fun."

One of the delinquents started getting close to her as Akane got cornered to a wall. The man snatched the teddy bear away from her before getting even closer to her in an uncomfortably close manner.

(Naneko): "Fucking let her go of me!"

I got angry and started pushing the people who pinned me down off of me. It's definitely not something a 12-year-old can do but I'm tougher than the average girl.

(Delinquent leader): "Looks like this one has a lot of spunk. Better put her down!"

The man said as he caught me off guard before roundhouse kicking me to the face. I hit the wall hard before glaring at him when I tried getting back up. His face mocked me as he gave me a smug look. Every second I looked at him made me angrier and angrier but I couldn't get up.

...Until I got the sudden urge to kill him.

'Kill him, he's only trash. Trash can be replaced easily, but it'll pile up soon.'

I suddenly heard a female voice coming from my head. The voice had a mysterious effect on me as it made me feel relaxed. Yeah, I should. It'll be just like sweeping the leaves when it's fall before chucking them to the composter. The voice kept tempting me as I started making plans to give him a slow and painful death.

(Akane): "Aaaaaaaaah!!!"

I snapped out of my weird thought as I got an earful of Akane's screaming. One of the delinquents grabbed her shoulder which caused her androphobia to kick in. That shit bag!

(Delinquent): "Fucking shut up already!"

The man throws her tiny body across the room before getting on top of her to cover her mouth. I look at that scene with terror on my face. My thought process all went numb as everything seems to have gone slow motion.

'Kill them all. They even harmed your so-called friend. Steal their lives and reap them of everything they have!'

The voice in my head grew stronger as I looked at the disfigured face of the delinquent leader. Did he always have fangs and horns on his head? No way, that's not possible, I know what I saw before.

'Feel what's in the air. Feel their malice. Feel their terror. Feel their resentment!'

I'll kill them. I'll kill him. It was at this moment, I didn't realise the change I was going through. My brown hair started growing longer and darkened to black as my hazel eyes turned gold. I could feel something foreign enter my body as my heart started beating faster and faster. At some point, my body moved all on its own as I pounced on the nearest delinquent and bit the flash of his arm that tried punching me off.

(Delinquents): "Aaaaah!"

The delinquent screams in pain as I begin taking another bite out of him. Suffer. Make sure he suffers! I enjoyed the screams of the man as I 'feel' the fear coming from him and everyone in the room. More. Give me more fear!

(Akane): "Get off me!"

Whilst I was busy dealing with the man I was on, another one got sent flying, hitting his head to the wall by Akane. Akane got covered in a dark aura which caused my spine to tingle. 'Kill her'. The voice came back to me again, but I snapped out of it when I saw Akane walking towards the man calmly.

I don't want to kill my friend. What the hell is happening to me!?

(Delinquent): "Got you!"

My head started to pound for resisting the woman's voice as I grabbed my temples in an attempt to stop the pain, but it didn't help at all. Why? Why do I want to kill Akane? Before I noticed it, one of the delinquents came up to me and grabbed my arms, trying to pin me to the ground again but I unconsciously grabbed him to push him away.

(Delinquent): "My hand!"

The delinquent screamed in pain as I looked down at the blood in my hand. It's his blood. But how? And why are my hands black now!? I looked up to the screaming man again as I saw him grabbing his arm in places where his wrist was. His hand wasn't too far away from where he was but he couldn't process the loss of a limb just like I couldn't process the fact I caused it.

Why? Why does this please me? I look over to a mirror and see myself smiling like a lunatic as the blood makes my head feel funny. Now that I think about it, I bit two mouthfuls of the other guy's arm off. I don't understand myself anymore.

(Akane): "Die! Die! Die!"

I broke my train of thought as I saw Akane stamping on the same guy who got sent flying to the wall. The man's head was bleeding but he somehow stayed awake from the hit, but it doesn't look like it'll stay that way for long. What's that black and red thing around her? It looks like a gas being released from her skin.

(Delinquent): "P-p-please, let me go!"

The delinquent curls up as he tries defending the back of his head and neck as Akane ruthlessly attacks him until he starts begging for his life. She stopped for a second as the men looked up with hope in his eyes before getting mercilessly kicked in the face as he screamed louder in pain.

(Akane): "Scream. Scream louder for me! Hahahaha!"

Akane started getting even crazy with her kicks. She didn't even spare his manhood as the sounds of her kicks echoed throughout the room. I could feel it. Everyone's fears. Even the kids we've known for years. They were all scared at us but the fear was centred to Akane. The feeling was so condensed, I could nearly taste it. My heart started pounding as I could feel these emotions being absorbed into me somehow.

Someone. Save me.

(Akane): "Tch, dead already."

Akane says disappointedly as the man's face can't be recognised anymore. I couldn't sense any fear or hatred from the body anymore. Nothing. He was just an empty shell of his former self. I didn't feel anything even when Akane kicked him away, but I know something was wrong with us. The voice in my head kept whispering to me as my head pounded like a bell.

(Naneko): "Hey, Akane, let's sto-"

I tried talking to Akane to stop this and run away. We're murderers now. The man with his hand chopped off has been quiet too. He's either dead or passed out from blood loss, but he doesn't look like he'll survive. We better get out of here before the police come. No one would defend us orphans after all.

'You've disappointed me.'


Just before I could stop her, I heard that voice again followed by a headache that made me scream. What are you!? Why are you in my head?!

Everyone was looking at me as if I was possessed as I tried enduring the pain. We need to get out of here. Two of the delinquents are gone for and the other- wait, where's the other one? I searched frantically as I glanced at everyone and every corner of the room. He's gone. He must've had something to do with our transformations, dammit.

I punched the floor in anger of losing the cause of this situation. I know he has something to do with this. With us transforming. He also transformed so he must know something- wait, what's that smell?

I picked up a sudden scent in the air but I didn't have enough time to question it any further as everything went white followed by a delayed explosion sound. The floor of the church exploded as the walls collapsed and the roof caved in!

(Naneko): "Akane! Sister! Everyone!"

I hit my head from one of the roof bits as it caused me to pass out. I woke up after an unknown amount of time to find everything in ruin. I looked around as I saw nothing around me anymore. The people I see every day smiling and worrying about our livelihood, the kind old sister who seems strict but has a heart of gold that never abandons a child, Akane who seems like a shy beauty at first glance but a little trouble maker in disguise… all gone.

(Naneko): "Why!? Why did this happen!?"

I screamed as I looked around this empty world. I survived, but everyone else didn't. I survived by pure luck while everyone else died! I started punching the wrecks of the orphanage. I just couldn't control myself there.

I cried until I passed out from pure exhaustion. When I looked up, I realised that was a nightmare.

That day… it's been 4 years since then... Mephisto found me and the barely breathing Akane soon afterwards before informing me that the others didn't make it. I had my heart broken when having it confirmed. Since then, Akane's been training every day to get stronger so something like that never happens again. As for me, I've just been trapped in that past. Whenever I use my powers, I always get bad memories. It doesn't affect me much if I have my ears or claws out unless I'm in the middle of a fight or an area with negative emotions.

I tried shifting those thoughts away as I buried my face deeper into my pillow. I can��t keep living like this. I've already become a shell of my former enthusiastic self. Sleeping in lessons, hardly talking to others without getting too attached to them, becoming cynical of life. I need to get rid of this lifestyle, this isn't healthy. I resolved to myself as I felt a little better as my face caressed on the fabric of the pillowcase.

Wait a minute, somethings not right.

(Naneko): "Wait, how did this happen?"

I quickly jumped up when I realised I was hugging someone's stomach! It just so happened to be Rin's. Oh my god, how'd this happen!? Why did I have to sleep on him!? Wait, when did I fall asleep? That's when I got a headache again as I recalled everything in my Cat form.

Not again. Not again. Why? Why does this keep on happening to me? I recalled all the things I've said and done while I was in "that" state. I nearly had a mental breakdown until I got interrupted.

(Rin): "Calm down, you just woke up from a fight."

Rin put his hand on my shoulders as he tried to calm me down. His gaze was gentle as he didn't give an ounce of pity, but worry instead. I recalled the things he went through to save me, even the things I did to Akane. I really am a trash friend…

(Rin): "Don't beat yourself up for what happened. It wasn't your fault, it's nobody's fault. Everyone makes mistakes."

Rin says that kindly as he began patting my head. I was about to refute him, telling him I'm not one of his kids, Akane or whatever girl he's been hanging around with, but I felt the calming effect it had on my head. No fair. How do you make this seem so easy?

(Rin): "We all have our pasts and our history's, but sometimes sharing a bit of it is better than keeping it all locked up away. You can use my shoulders as a stepping stone to escape that past of yours if you want, but that's only possible if you agree."

Rin says that resolutely as his eyes didn't show a hint of falseness. Although I know this guy is sly, he can be genuine in these kinds of moments.

(Naneko): "Yeah… Thanks… And the same here. If you have something on your mind you can tell me. From the looks you normally make, I can tell you've had it rough yourself."

I say that while giving Rin my own serious face. Well, as serious as I can get with my sleepy expression. I really have become a Cat over the years, trying to sleep my problems off as a bad dream.

But anyway, I've noticed Rin's unusual mood swings even though his face is just about the same. His normally calm aura get's chaotic like a storm before returning back to normal, sometimes he goes from depressed to excited and vice versa. I noticed it when I first met him and he grabbed the controller, he was remembering something unpleasant before getting happy then becoming depressed. The cycle repeated itself for a while before he finally calmed down. I know he doesn't have a bipolar disorder, he doesn't have mania or a depressed stage, so that's good to know.

That wasn't the only time. When Akane stayed over with the dorm the first time, when he started cooking for everyone, when people judged his artwork. All of them were genuine but the change in emotions was unnatural. Almost as if he's dealing with some trauma before changing into joy.

(Rin): "My… problems are complicated… I've escaped them and they can't affect me physically anymore, but they've left scars on me. When I feel ready I'll tell you… And hopefully, you can tell me about yours too."

Rin says that reluctantly as his aura starts to become chaotic again. I guess this is his weak point huh. One that only I can see. Not that I can blame him, my past haunts me even after 4 years.

(Naneko): "Sure, sounds like a good idea."

I gave the poor boy a gentle smile of my own before I leaned over to rest my head on his lap. Something about sleeping in this position is comforting to me. Enough to make me think he was a pillow.

(Rin): "Seriously? You really are a spoilt kitty."

Rin says that as he starts patting my head and playing with my hair. This guy really can't keep his hands to himself, can he? It's gonna lead him to trouble someday.

(Naneko): "Let me have my moment, okay?"

I guess I can understand why Akane likes Rin, but I still find the idea of forming a harem stupid. Oh well, if he does form one, maybe I can be a little honest with myself. I just hope no one stabs him in the process. I wouldn't want those little kittens of his to cry after all.

(Rin): "Whatever."

-Rin's Pov-

Well, that was surprising, to say the least. I was in the middle of meditating before I got interrupted by Naneko's sudden hug. I got a little flustered when I felt her tits on my legs but I somehow managed to calm down when I realised her body was trembling. Her nightmare got worse, huh. I ended up patting her back in an attempt to calm her down and eventually both her breathing and trembling became normal which was good and all, but I feel like she was awake during that time and didn't realise that I was her pillow.

Her reaction was priceless though, but I didn't have enough time to savour it properly. She started showing eyes of self-hatred, probably from remembering what happened earlier. I somehow managed to calm her down and now I'm sitting here with Naneko sleeping on my lap while I play with her hair to keep myself distracted. This is weirdly stimulating and I'm trying to control my lower self.

I'm starting to feel like these girls love teasing me like this on purpose now.

On a random note, how did she know about my struggles? I thought I had both my emotions and aura wrapped up from other people's eyes. Ugh, that made me sound like an emo or an edgelord. I guess it might be an ability of hers. I'll ask her another time when she's not resting on my lap.

By the way, what made her suddenly over comfortable around me? She reminds me of Kuro a little since the guy likes resting his head on my lap while we watch a movie or something. Might be a cat thing.

(Akane): "Oh? Looks like I missed something interesting. Did something juicy happen while I was gone?"

As soon as I started getting bored of messing around with Naneko's hair, Akane suddenly appeared out of nowhere, startling the sleeping Neko on my lap who sat up almost instantly. She looked like a kid that got in trouble with her mum for some reason.

(Naneko): "What do you mean by that? Nothing happened here."

Naneko says that hurriedly with a red face as her bed hair sticks out more than usual. I had to hold my laughter in when I saw her tails turn to lightning bolt shapes as she tried justifying herself. She looks really cute right now.

(Akane): "Oh? Then it must be my imagination then. I remember distinctly a while back you said you'd only sleep on my lap. You sure I didn't miss something while I was gone~?"

Akane says that questioningly as she gives Naneko an all-knowing look. Naneko freezes up a little which made me break into laughter before joining in.

(Rin): "Hahaha. Well, nothing other than Naneko suddenly hugging me in her sleep. I heard of tough love but this takes the cake a little."

I said so jokingly which made the Neko herself dyes in a deeper shade of red as Akane looks at us with a mischievous smile. I know the kids are into the mother plan idea, but I wonder if Akane is serious with that or if she thinks of it as some kind of fun? I genuinely can't tell.

(Naneko): "Hey! You didn't need to tell her that!"

Naneko immediately starts beating my chest with weak hits as her tails move around frantically. Even with her punching me, I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

(Akane): "Oh? Nano has a habit of sleep talking. You sure she didn't say anything?"

Akane says that as she got her face closer to question me. She had a somewhat serious face that slowly turned red, probably from remembering what happened earlier with the kiss to the cheek as my face probably became the same. I really can't tell if she's being serious or just flirting around, but I'll let her get a taste of her own medicine one day.

(Rin): "Hmm, now that I think about it, I do remember her saying something like, 'Yes Rin, I'd love to go out with you' or someth-pft."

Before I had time to answer Akane with a little joke, I suddenly got hit at the back of my head with a pillow with enough power to knock me off the bed. I looked behind me to see a panting Naneko with a cherry-red face. I never thought I'd see a face progressively turn redder the more we talk.

(Naneko): "I-I didn't mean anything I said!"

Oh? Seems like a new Tsundere has appeared. First Izumo, now Naneko. Hopefully, the Tsundere's numbers won't increase any further. I never was a fan of that trope, mainly because of the wimpy mc who doesn't do anything to deal with them. Same with Yanderes.

(Rin): "Haha, I'm not surprised. You didn't say it after all."

I say that calmly as I could feel Naneko's Aura become even more chaotic the more I talked. I wonder if that'll reactivate her Cat form again like this? If not, she might explode from all the blood going to her head.

(Akane): "Looks like someone's still shy. Wouldn't you agree, kids?"

Akane says that as she turns around to the kids hiding underneath the bed. Oi, we're demons, we can sense you guys were down there. The kids popped their heads from under the bed before giving us cheeky smiles. I swear….

(Kage): "Kaa-sama is not very honest with her feelings now, is she?"

(Midori): "I guess it takes time for people like Neko-chan to be honest."

Kage was the first one to give Naneko a mysterious smile followed by Midori who both gave them their own comments. Naneko didn't know what to say as she looks down in defeat. Yep, these kids are merciless without knowing it. Always to the point.

(Kuro): "But if this was a cliche harem series then she'd lose because she was too late for everything."

Kuro says that innocently while this time I froze. What did he say?! Where'd you learn that word!?

(Rin): "Hold up, when have you been watching harem animes?"

I don't remember them watching it while I'm around. We mainly watch action mainstream series with a few other shounen's that deserve to have a bigger fanbase. Maybe it was when they were in the club room...?

(Midori): "Uncle Kas showed us. Is it bad?"

Uncle Kas? Must be Kasamugi then. That bastard, I'll give that redhead a piece of my mind when I see him.

(Rin): "I won't blame you two for watching those kinds of anime, just don't end up delusional. Please."

I give Kuro and Midoru head pats as I start getting a headache of what they'll be like if they take those kinds of anime seriously. Hopefully, they won't become anything like that or expect a harem for themselves when they get older. Now I'm worried about their futures.

Wait, is that why these kids want me to get them multiple mothers? Haaah, so that guy was to blame for this. What's that guy thinking to let kids watch those kinds of series? Oh well, nothing much I can do now that the dice have been rolled. Other than shout the hell at the twat.

(Rin): "Anything else you guys wanna tell me?"

I give my kids a questioning look as they all just give me a cheeky smile before laughing to themselves. I sighed to myself when I found out they won't tell me voluntarily. I wonder what other things these kids have done while I wasn't around? Guess I need to keep an eye on them a little.

We spent some more time messing around with each other and talked a little before we went back to training. Naneko had it rough being teased by everyone in the group, she ended up being more tired from them instead of the training. Once everyone started getting a hang of their training I called it time for rest and us to sleep before getting the other beds from the dorms.

(Akane): "You're gonna use your flames to clean us up?"

Akane asked this with a little worry as I suggested using my flames to clean everyone up from the build-up of sweat and grime. Unlike my black flames which are specialised to the soul, my normal blue flames are easier to control since they respond to my thoughts mainly. A soul is a concept that most can't see unless they have special eyes or something, which makes it harder for me to burn unless I just want to kill them.

(Rin): "Yep, they have a few benefits too. One is that your skin seems to make your skin smoother-"

(Naneko): "Count me in!"

I begin listing off the benefits I discovered from using my flames to ease off her wariness before I got interrupted by Naneko. I looked at her appearance and noticed she was the one sweating the most out of everyone, causing some problems because of my nose. It smells sweet. I wonder if Kuro and the others get this problem as well?

(Rin): "You took that one seriously huh."

I didn't think she'd care about this kind of stuff considering she never fixes her messy bed hair. I guess skincare is more important to her than her hair. I wish she'd think the other way around, to be honest.

(Naneko): "Of course! What girl doesn't want to have smoother skin?"

Naneko says with a while making a face as if saying something obvious. Yep, strange coming from the hair monster herself.

(Rin): "Fine, let's start this then. Satan's Purification."

I agreed before releasing my flames as they surrounded Naneko's body. She shrieked a little from the sudden heat but I adjusted it a little as I focused on burning away the sweat and dirt off of her body. While I was cleaning her body, I suddenly got the risky idea of examining her body with my flames. Let's try it out.

I closed my eyes to focus as I began 'feeling' her body. I gently caressed her skin to find out that there's a thin layer of demonic energy on the outer layer of skin. I wonder if that's why we're able to take hits normal people can't withstand? Maybe my flames strengthen that thin layer a little, causing the skin to form a reaction making it look glossy.

(Naneko): "Mmmn, Aah~!"

I began formulating ideas for what this extra layer does and what I would do, but I got interrupted by a muffled moan. I quickly opened my eyes in surprise to see a bright-faced Naneko, who tried covering her mouth to stop making weird noises. The scene was a sight to see and caused a little reaction from me, but I quickly recalled my flames when I remembered that my kids were watching too.

(Rin): "Ahem, now onto Akane."

I faked a cough before quickly changing the shift of attention to Akane to avoid the awkward atmosphere building up. That was dangerous, I better be careful when I use that skill. It'd come in handy if I can use it properly for things like identifying demonic energy or something, but I need to do it away from my kids.

(Naneko): "Oi, you never told me it was like that..."

Naneko immediately grabbed the back collar of my shirt as she puts a little strength in it and says that with a grave voice. Guess she's pissed. That must've been a little arousing for her, huh, but then it got cut off just like that. I guess I blue balled her, but let's not say that out loud.

I guess this is revenge?

(Rin): "Same here, your reactions were interesting, to say the least."

I said while giving my best smile before moving my hand to pat her head. Naneko immediately dodged it before giving me another glare. Wait, I didn't even mean to do that.

(Akane): "Okay, my turn~."

Akane free's me from Naneko's grasp as she demands her turn. Seriously though, I think I have a patting problem. This never happened before, what's up with me? Well anyway, Akane carried an expectant look on her eye as she was waiting for the flames but I had to disappoint her and gave her the normal purification version. Let my kids' innocence remain in peace for a little longer, thank you.

(Akane): "Hmm? It feels good but not to Nano's extent. Can't handle the heat, kitty?"

Akane says that after getting rid of her disappointment before teasing Naneko, who didn't take it too well.

(Naneko): "Well excuse me, Miss Succubus, I don't think I was made for this kind of stuff."

(Akane): "Excuses, excuses."

The girls start their little argument while I'm just watching for entertainment. I wish I brought popcorn here, too bad it didn't last that long.

(Kage, Kuro and Midori): "What are they talking about?"

(Rin): "Women are mysterious beings. You'll find out in a few years."

The trio asked me in confusion before I gave them head pats while answering their question. It was about time to call it a day. This world has no sun but there exist days and nights cycles, right now it's nearly time for nightfall where it's almost pitch black.

I gave the girls their own bed and the same to the boys before heading to my own to sleep. At least that's what I had in mind until Kage came to give me a visit.

(Kage): "Tou-san, I believe we need a talk."

Unlike before where she had curiosity etched into her face, she carried a serious expression. Looks like it's time for that discussion.

(Rin): "Sure, wanna go for a little walk then?"

(Kage): "Mm-hmm."

I suggested to Kage as she replied with a nod. We held hands with each other as I used my flames in a foxfire-like fashion, having them levitate and light out our surroundings as we walked a little away from the base in silence.

(Rin): "So what's been on your mind Kage?"

I broke the moment of silence as I released more flames to make it lighter. I looked at Kage's face who still seemed unsure whether to talk or not, before slowly opening her mouth.

(Kage): "It's about earlier… when you were talking to Kaa-san and Kaa-sama..."

(Rin): "When I was explaining my reasoning to Akane and Naneko?"

I asked Kage who simply nods before continuing.

(Kage): "Yes, I was wondering why you lied to both of them."

Looks like it's time huh. I could go the usual route of lying but that won't do any good here, will it?

(Rin): "Haaah, it wasn't all a lie. I want to help everyone out my way and make sure they're not over-reliant on me. As for what you picked up on…"

I don't believe my lying skills have gone worse over the last 2 weeks. So there's only one reason I can think of in this supernatural world.

(Rin): "I'm guessing you can tell when someone's lying, can't you?"

Kage squeezes my hand a little when I say that and looks down a little. I'm guessing she's aware of how annoying or troublesome that ability is to other people.

(Kage): "Would you hate me if I told you I could?"

Kage gave a wry smile as she said that before looking at me in surprise as I messed with her hair and chuckled a little. If it was any other person, they'd be worried about that kind of ability or treat her carefully since they care about their secrets and stuff, but I honestly couldn't care.

(Rin): "Why should I? I can't admit my feelings easily without saying it in a roundabout manner. Having someone that knows me well is useful in that regards."

Sure it'd be annoying in certain positions, but I rather have someone who can see through me than someone who believes in all my lies. It makes life more interesting after all.

(Kage): "But lying is bad Tou-san… Could you at least tell me why you lied?"

This question had me stomped and I thought to myself a little. I had a little debate in myself, to tell the truth, or not. If I'm being honest, I was just scared of the people around me suddenly leaving. And likewise, I was worried if telling Kage the truth would cause her to leave me too, but I ultimately decided to tell her the truth.

I could try bending the truth a little but I don't want to make it a habit to lie to family.

(Rin): "I'm…. Haaah, fine. But let's get your brothers here. They'll want to know as well."

I tell Kage before sending a mental message to Kuro and Midori before summoning them. My hands started shaking as I started feeling nervous. Out of all my past fights against Demons, this is the one I'm most worried about my life.

(Rin): "Let's sit down… This'll take a while…"

I say that nervously as I sat down waiting for them to respond. The trio looks at each other before nodding, with Kage and Midori sitting on my lap, and Kuro leaning on my back, hugging my neck. I felt a little confident in explaining to them my backstory when they tried comforting me like this but the anxiety of losing another family member remained. Eventually, I calmed down a little and started telling them the story.

(Rin): "Well, let's start with a little story. There was once a child. He lived an ordinary life with his grandparents. He was raised without knowing his parents' faces, but he knew his mother, the woman who gave birth to her, was alive."

I began describing my mother, the bitch who gave me life and ruined it.

(Rin): "The boy had scary eyes, which caused everyone in his elementary school to get scared of him. His personality was the opposite of his appearance though as he was just really curious and kind, but had very bad eyesight which caused him to squint a lot."

My grandparents were living off a pension at the time. I didn't want to tell them my eyes were getting worse, so they never knew.

(Rin): "Regardless of whatever reason it was, he was still lonely at school. But to him, it didn't matter since he had his loving grandparents that always loved him unconditionally."

I started recalling all the things I did with my grandparents before taking a deep breath.

(Rin): "But nothing in this world lasts long. One day, just before his 7th birthday his grandparents died in a traffic accident when they went out to buy him a last-minute birthday present. He found out a night later when he got woken up to a phone call, instead of the grandparents he expected to see. The person at the phone call told him what happened, but his brain shut down to listen to the rest of what he said. The kid knew what happened. His grandparents weren't the stealthiest of people, so he knew what they had planned, but played innocent to not disappoint them"

I started hugging my kids as the memories of my grandparents hit me in full throttle. The only people I learned to love from, and the main reason I want to seek it again. I can't help having a cliche background, but life just made it happen.

(Rin): "He started crying. Crying louder than he ever did in his life. He didn't stop even when he cursed the gods or when his throat hurt. He just stayed curled up in the corner, hating himself with everything he got. Soon after, however, a lady with black hair and brown eyes opened the door, blinding the young child a little as he was crying for hours. She was… she looked at the child with disgust evident on her face before shouting at him with words he didn't know the meaning of. The boy was too stunned at what happened, he didn't have time to react when she dragged him to her car, much to his protest. He later learned that she was, in fact, his mother."

My voice started getting quieter as all the horrible memories started to replay again. The cause of all my struggles, that bitch… if I could… I'd make sure she'd suffer worse than me...

(Rin): "His mother wasn't a kind lady. She would often hurt her child when something didn't go well in her life. She often told him he was a mistake and that she didn't love him, causing his once innocent mentality to morph into the living dead. Staying alive just for the sake of it, in hopes to repay the grandparents who died because of his selfishness, even though he knows he wasn't the main reason for it and developed a pessimistic outlook in life. They lived in a precarious relationship. A dysfunctional family. The mother would often bring strangers to the house, causing him to see things he never wanted to see. Some strangers would partake in hitting him because they were equally as sick as her. And school was as lonely as ever as he scared everyone away with his bruises and bad eyes. Everyone thought he was a delinquent when in actuality, he was abused by both his mother and whoever she brought to over."

I started shaking a little as I remember one time one of her drunk boyfriends used me as an ashtray. I had scars from those that last for years and whenever I screamed in pain or cried, I'd get hit by the two of them to shut up. I know I could've escaped that place but I was too broken to care at that point. I was trapped like a mouse, who knew the cat could end its life in a flash.

While I was remembering the past, I felt my three kids hug me tighter, as they looked at me in worry. I didn't notice it earlier but my body was shaking violently and I was covered in sweat, but the kids gave me worried looks with patience as I slowly calmed my breathing before continuing.

(Rin): "He did find solitude with anime and manga though. His mother didn't let him use any of the electronics of the house since she was tight with money, not even letting him take a bath or a shower. Only a bucket of cold water with no soap was his only method to clean himself. When it came to watching anime, he had to be sneaky at the library or school since they were strict with watching shows on the school's equipment, but the desire to watch anime overthrew the fear of getting caught. He would mainly watch them in silence since there were no earphones or anything to transfer to sound but even then, he still immersed himself into worlds far different from his own. Often enjoying whatever nonsense appeared on the screen, but he discovered too late that he couldn't smile anymore."

I smiled a little as I reflected on how much I've changed. I can now speak to people and even joke around with them. Nothing like my old lifeless self.

(Rin): "But one day, he woke up to a bright blue light. He thought his mother was the cause of it, a new way to torture him and make his miserable life even worse. But to his surprise, he found himself covered in blue flames in another body, along with the body of his deceased father and a pounding headache that made him view the memories of the previous host."

The last few words were difficult for me to say as I started remembering all the things that I couldn't do in my past life and compared them to now.

(Rin): "And now that youth is in front of you three… Hiding from his past, trying to run away from it while finding my purpose in life, seeking a family that he didn't get to experience in his past life. I know I'm selfish... I know I think of the benefits, but I still love you guys as my kids."

I felt everything become clearer as soon as I told them as if the thing that's been keeping me shackled was broken and I was let free. I looked over to my kids, each carrying sad expressions as they struggled to think of what to say next.

(Kuro): "I… We never knew…"

(Midori): "Me neither…"

(Kage): "I am sorry for asking about this…"

Each of the kids responds with their answers as they regret prying into my past. I laughed a little as I looked up to the empty black sky, feeling refreshed for once before cheering up the kids.

(Rin): "Aww, what are you kids saying? I've been wanting to tell everyone once I got more comfortable about my situation. You kids have been helping me out more than you think you have."

I say this honestly as I give them headlocks before messing around with their hair. I get a little glare from Kage for the headlock before getting questioned by her.

(Kage): "We have?"

Even though she can tell I wasn't lying, she had a hard time believing me.

(Rin): "Yep, as long as you guys are with me and still call me father, I could fight my past with no regrets."

I say that cringy line as I give them a confident smile. I never thought I'd be in a situation like this but it's fun. The little things we do have been memorable and pleasant.

(Midori): "We'll get stronger!"

(Kuro): "Yeah, you've done so much for us. We need to pay it back!"

Kuro and Midori say that as they both give serious expressions. The usual carefree duo telling me this made me raise my hands to fistbump them.

(Rin): "Oh come on. I owe you guys a lifetime. Let's not owe each other. After all, we're family."

I think that's what family do? I'm still not sure about everything in a family, but I think we can work things out when they appear.

(Kage): "Yeah, family."

We all hugged each other as I started tearing up a little. I did it. I said it and they didn't turn me away. I feel like an idiot for worrying about this for so long.

(Midori): "How will you tell this Yukio-oji?"

After a moment of silence, Midori broke it by mentioning Yukio...

(Rin): "He's the one I'm more scared of… I'm sure he'll hate me."

Even if I want to continue my dream of making a family, I've got to deal with Yukio who doesn't know the truth. In this world where Demons have all kinds of powers, there's got to be a few that can read minds or see people pasts. I'd rather tell him directly than him finding out from them or accidentally.

(Kuro): "No, he won't."

(Kage): "Tou-san has helped a lot of people out. I am sure Yukio oji-san would be hurt by the truth but would recover soon enough."

The kids started cheering me up again while my head started thinking pessimistically. Maybe he would, maybe he won't. All I know is that he won't take the news lightly, losing his last family member.

Well, excluding the people at the monastery.

(Rin): "You guys don't hate the fact I took over someone else's body?"

I asked in curiosity since I thought they'd find that disturbing. Like, body takeovers seem unethical and disgusting, I'd imagine.

(Kuro): "Doesn't that just make you sound like a regular Demon?"

(Kage): "Why would we hate that, Tou-san?"

(Midori): "That's a weird question, father."

I sighed as I realised who I'm talking to. I feel like an idiot for worrying now. Seems like to Demons, looks don't matter as much as humans do.

(Midori): "Hmm, but you know if you want that family goal to happen, you need to get us some momma's."

While I was busy calling myself an idiot, Midori broke my train of thought when he mentioned my family goal. I guess I can't be selfish in that goal, but I have no clue how to deal with women nor do I want to get into a relationship until I fight Amaimon. That seems like a good point since everyone would be aware of my identity and I can slowly improve the relationships after that.

(Kuro): "Yeah, just go admit your feelings to them, old man."

(Rin): "Oi, I'm only 16!"

I gave Kuro a crane claw before shouting at him. I think he's got my tongue now. Hopefully, that won't lead to anything troublesome for him in the future.

(Kuro): "Then act your age, and be more proactive."

Kuro says that while he tries escaping the crane claw as I put a little more force.

(Rin): "Why you little…"

I got a bit more annoyed before calming down and freeing him from his misery. Kuro drops onto Midori and Kage who caught him and just shake their heads as they look at us with warm eyes.

(Rin): "Thanks. I will one day."

I'm still not used to this world, but it's fun. Even if it's a little stupid. But the brighter the world, the more disgusting the dark side is.

(Kage): "I guess there is no reason to rush."

(Rin): "Yeah, I won't."

I never would've thought I'd tell them already. I guess the world isn't like I thought it was.

(Alternative Titles: "Neko has been tamed", "New Skill: Satan's analysis", "The kids want momma's", "Rin needs to control his hands")

Ah, the infamous "I reveal to you my past" scene. A scene many hate for some reason, but meh, my excuse is that Rin's kids are also his familiars, so they won't abandon him in the long run as opposed to anyone else Rin knows.

Oh well, haters are haters. Be sure to comment on what I could do to improve the chapter and anything else to let me know!

This was Chapter 2/5. Thanks for reading!

S_jaycreators' thoughts