
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · 漫画同人
59 Chs


-Naneko's Pov-

After we fought against that Demon called 'Envy', Akane and I are laying on the ground, trapped under Rin's body who's sleeping on my shoulder. The guy's passed out from overusing his abilities, not to mention he was dishing out those complex moves one after another. When I look at his peaceful face now, it makes me question what kind of things he saw when he got hit by Envy's attack.

I could sense and smell all of it. The scent of confusion, the scent of fear, the scent of hatred, the scent of envy, the scent of madness...

(Akane): "This is weirdly comfortable."

Akane, my childhood friend, suddenly says as she plays with Rin's navy blue hair. Her usual Androphobia doesn't kick in as she gives Rin a loving look whilst smiling with flowers between her cheeks. Jeez, just ask him out already.

(Naneko): "Yeah, must be comfortable when you don't have a sleeping Rin on your shoulder."

I say that in annoyance as I feel my right shoulder feel sore. I can't move my body as well thanks to that damn Envy. He left a few injuries on me with those annoying attacks. Why does he have so many abilities? Not to mention I felt like I nearly lost myself in that fight.

I don't want to fight another one of those again… The scent of Envy was overpowering every other smell in the area and all I could see around me was green. I had to resist myself from losing control from those smells. Luckily I didn't lose control again else Rin and Akane would've had another worry for themselves.

(Akane): "Well if it annoyed you that much, you would've kicked him off by now."

Akane says to me in a teasing voice whilst poking my face. This girl can be so annoying sometimes...

(Naneko): "Do you take me as some violent brute?"

I can't kick him off me, and even if I did have the strength, I can't kick him off after sensing the amount of hatred he had for everything. I can usually differentiate when someone hates a particular person or a group of people due to the slight difference in smell and quantity, but for Rin, that difference was massive. The colour of anger is usually red. For most people, it is a shade of red that only flashes whenever they meet people that annoys them. Some have more density of these red strands, others are much thinner.

As for Rin, his aura was completely black. Like a black hole or venta black, it was pure hatred. In the last 4 years that I've had this ability, I've never seen a black aura before. I've seen depression, which is grey, or sadness, which is blue. The black aura gave me chills

I don't know what he saw… But he hated everyone and everything at that point...

I give Rin a thoughtful look as I think about the last few weeks. He's helped me slowly accept my powers and heritage so I want to be there for him to get through with his hidden hatred for the world.

(Akane): "I mean, you used to do that to anyone who tried touching you or me before."

Akane says with a questioning tone as she rests her head back to the floor. Oi, I did that for your sake! It's either I push them away or you breaking their bones!

(Naneko): "I can see where this conversation is going. I'm not talking about this anymore."

I know she's trying to make me think of Rin as someone special. Well, he's undoubtedly someone important to me, I'd definitely risk my life if something happened to him but I don't know if this is what love is. I'm embarrassed to say this, but I'm just as clueless with romance as Akane is. I was a tomboy since I could remember and after that incident at the orphanage, I just stopped talking to people other than the club members

I've been sleeping in all my lessons and head to the clubroom as soon as possible, making my contact with people and understanding of love very limited. It's sad, isn't it?

(Akane): "Yes, yes, Tsundere-chan."

Akane rolls her eyes at my response as she braids Rin's somewhat long hair. She really knows how to push my buttons. For god's sake, it's weird that you're trying to hook up the guy you like with other girls!

(Naneko): "Bitch, you're some crazy girl trying to hook your boyfriend up with other women for crying out loud!"

I can't be the crazy one here, am I? I feel like I've been surrounded by nothing but crazy people lately.

(Akane): "We aren't dating or anything yet. I know it's weird but I like our friend groups. Rin's too cemented in them, even with the other girls in the cram school, so him having a relationship would affect those."

Akane tried to sound logical with her explanation as if she has enough self-awareness to be able to analyse something like that. She has the attention span of a child, how would she be able to tell about these social cues?

(Naneko): "Don't try to explain it in a 'logical' fashion!"

I refused what she was saying. So what if he's friends with other girls? That's normal after all. What, you trying to save them from some kind of heartache like some kind of stupid romance anime?

(Akane): "Okay, I want Rin to get everyone in the club and cram school in his harem. It means we'd be together even after we finish school"

I was close to hitting Akane even though my body was screaming whenever I move until she told me her real reason. Goddammit, that's even weirder!

(Naneko): "You serious!?"

What caused her to behave like this? Did I raise her wrong?

(Akane): "Wait I lied, everyone except Amebell, she's reserved for Yuku. When we went to the dinner party, even I could sense the love between those two. Yuku should admit his feelings first since Amebell is too shy to say it."

I felt a migraine as I used my left hand to rub my temples. Again with the weird nicknames for Yukio and Amethyst. I don't know what's worse: Us fighting against Envy or Akane's logic. Should I be jealous of Amethyst for not getting involved with Akane's plan or not?

(Naneko): "Still… it's really weird."

Polygamy or a harem… just no. We may have harem anime's in Japan but we don't practise that anymore...

(Akane): "You'll join the dark side soon. Hehehehe."

Akane says with a weird laugh as she finishes making a part of Rin's hair braided. When did she even learn to braid hairs? She hardly ever styles her hair, just like me.

(Naneko): "Hell no."

I replied as I stare at the empty red sky. It just doesn't make sense to me. Just have a committed relationship. I've always had an initial dislike for people who cheat and lie. I can never wrap my head around how they can do that.

I guess I'm just scared because I was abandoned. I knew since I was young that some of the kids in the orphanage were born because their parents were young and dumb, and had too many drinks that night. Honestly, it makes me sick thinking about it

(Akane): "Awww Kage would get sad if she heard that."

(Naneko): "Urgh, I don't want to make that little angel cry."

Akane brought me back from my bad mood as she reminds me of Kage, the little girl that views me as her mother. Fuck, she knows that Kage is my weakness but you can't just expect me to just agree to be part of a harem like a collector's item. Especially one with that kind of size. I got myself tied in the weirdest and stupidest shit ever.

(Akane): "Haah, I'm not telling you to fall in love with him for no reason. Rin seems to be off-holding future relationships else he would've asked someone out by now. Until then, I'm gonna get everyone closer to Rin."

Akane says so with a sigh as she tries to gently explain her reasoning to me. I can tell Rin doesn't seem to be proactive in getting a relationship but seriously...

(Naneko): "I've known this since we were kids but you're a weird girl. Hope you enjoy being the harem queen of this game of yours."

This was more of a reminder to myself on how weird Akane can get. I just hope it doesn't hurt anyone in the process...

(Akane): "Thanks, but it's not a game."

Akane says so with a serious face that I'm not used to seeing. She had the look of resolve that she made on the day our lives fell apart. So she's that serious about it... Looks like I offended her a little…

(Naneko): "Alright, moving on. That demon… How did you guys trigger him?"

I wanted to change the subject and to stop her from looking like she's about to fight me. Even if she gives me those eyes of resolve, I still don't feel right about this "Project" of hers.

Well for now my distraction worked, but she looked uncertain to tell me about it.

(Akane): "If I told you I don't know, would you believe me?"

Seriously? That's a weird question to ask.

(Naneko): "Hmm? Why wouldn't I believe in you?"

I've known Akane practically since birth, why wouldn't I at least trust her?

(Akane): "Thanks."

Okay, forget what I said earlier. Something's fishy.

(Naneko): "Okay, you're hiding something. Tell me."

Akane doesn't usually ask something like this, so it has to be important for her to be like this.

(Akane): "Well… I think it has something to do with why we were abandoned…"

(Naneko): "Oh… I see…"

I said slowly as I realised why she was like that… For us, our family was the orphanage. Whenever we gathered around the table for food or anything in general, it was a taboo among the kids to talk about our real parents. That same rule still stuck with us even after the incident.

That's why I immediately understood Akane's difficulty in talking. She was the most distraught when she awakened her powers after all.

(Akane): "That demon belongs to the group that's been hunting Rin. I think… At least my parents are linked to them… He seems to know about my mother."

Akane's voice was low as she tried squeezing the last few words out of her mouth. I see now… I'm sorry.

(Naneko): "So that's why Rin trapped him instead of killing him."

I was wondering why he was so persistent in keeping him alive, instead of just flat out killing him. Looks like he's more than just a demon cook with a hobby of adopting kids. I really can't underestimate that kid, he does the craziest stuff.

(Akane): "Yeah, he was trying hard in interrogating him but Envy was too persistent. Afterwards, he managed to escape the initial prison Rin made and here we are."

Akane explains as she hugs Rin. The guy himself is still out cold so he isn't aware of the situation around him. He would probably act shameless whilst being embarrassed as hell. That's what I've gathered from hanging out with him at least.

(Naneko): "And this all took place while I was dealing with fans…"

When I realised how different our last 2 hours were, I felt bad that I couldn't have been there earlier for them. But I shook that feeling away as I looked at Rin's sleeping face. I probably wouldn't have been anything more than dead weight anyway… I need to get stronger… Even if that means I have to train harder.

I wasn't looking forward to it, but I'm gonna train harder. I'm gonna have him train me personally.

(Naneko): "I knew he looked like a troublemaker but I didn't think it'd be this bad."

I played with his hair as I recall the things he's done. It's been fun hanging out with him and his kids. He's already helped me to slowly move on and feel better of myself. If Akane wasn't desperate for the harem thing, then maybe i...

(Akane): "I guess it takes one to know one."

(Naneko): "Shut up, that was years ago."

Just as I was considering what Rin was to me, Akane ruined it by reminding me of my tomboy past. RIP people who wanted me to confirm my feelings huh.

(Akane): "Yeah it was... Thanks for still being with me all these years."

Akane suddenly thanked me which made me shake my head as I smiled. You don't need to thank me, you've done more for me even if I don't show it.

(Naneko): "No problem, we're best friends forever."

(Akane): "Thanks."

The two of us rested our heads together before we ended up snoozing a little. It was oddly peaceful even though Rin was sleeping on top of us. The scene must look weird and even stupid, but for the three of us that survived a battle like that, it was a pleasant time.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long when we remembered something. Something really damn important.

(Akane and Naneko): "The kids are still in Tokyo!"

How did we forget about them for this long!? My precious Kage is still out! I was about to complain to Akane that this is all Rin's fault, until the person himself suddenly gets off of us, causing me to stagger.

(Rin): "Yep, and that's my cue to wake up and bring them back."

Rin made a hurried expression as he quickly opened up the portal to Tokyo, leaving the two of us behind. What just happened? That was way too quick for me to process.

(Naneko): "That scared the Demons out of me."

I put my hand to my chest that was beating from the spook. That damn Rin. He gets too over

(Akane): "Same… Speaking of Demons…"

I looked over to Akane who looked like she just thought of something.

(Akane): "What Envy said… What did he mean when he said we each have a Demon inside of us? Aren't we already Demons?"

Akane said as she sits up. Now that I think about it, he did mention something like that along with other disgusting stuff. Seriously, can guys stop looking at my breasts when they meet me? I know not all do that, but it annoys me a lot when they just stare.

(Naneko): "I'm not sure but maybe… it has something to do with that night…"

I have a feeling that maybe our powers awakening at the same time is a little suspicious. What the hell were our parents and how do they link to that guy? I thought to myself as I looked over the Envy's body, covered in Green, Blue, Black and White flames in the middle of the huge crystal. I want to get away from him. All the negative emotions are surrounding him, giving him a rainbow-like aura that would blind someone from how pretty it looks.

Even though it looks beautiful, from my experience, that's a bad thing

(Akane): "Maybe…"

Akane says whilst touching her right shoulder as blue strands surround her. If I remember right, that was the place that man grabbed before she has a sudden personality change.

(Naneko): "I'm sure that's another thing Rin would be interrogating him about. Just remember to ask him, okay?"

I patted Akane's head when she started feeling down again. I've noticed that whenever I mention Rin, she seems to get rid of those black blue strands of sadness.

(Akane): "Okay."

Akane quickly calmed down as the strands around her disappeared. See, it worked. It's a shame my ability is only limited to negative emotions. I'd love to see what others would like and stuff, instead of using logic to get them what they're negative emotions.

(Akane): "Hmm, Rin leaving seemed a little convenient. Maybe he was faking his sleep to get a good feel of us."

Akane suddenly dropped the bomb as both my tails stiffen up in surprise. He couldn't have... Could he?

(Naneko): "I swear if he faked it…"

I started imagining plummeting that blue head to the floor. Ugh, even if I tried, he'd still escape somehow. He's the type of person who wouldn't take a hit unless it's necessary.

(Akane): "Yeah, then that means he heard us and didn't deny anything. Looks like he's on board with the harem."

Akane says as she puts her arms behind her head before stretching. I swear...

(Naneko): "I feel like punching him."

I wanna curl up in a ball. This is so embarrassing.

(Akane): "And the tsundere act prevails."

Akane says aware that I feel embarrassed by the thought of Rin listening to us talking about the harem and my tomboy past. Goddammit, I should've just kicked him off of me when I had the chance

(Naneko): "You love taking that word out of meaning."

I just want to sleep. This is just a bad dream, right? I always have lucid dreams so this has got to be one of them, right!?

(Naneko): "Alright, let's for a little bit."

I finally got up as I gave Akane a serious fight. I don't want to stay the same. I need to get stronger.

(Akane): "Huh? For reals? You sure your not possessed again?"

Akane questions my out of character suggestion as I feel my right eye twitch. For god's sake…

(Naneko): "I just wanna sweat some stress off. Take this!"

I say as I change my hands to claws as I strike at Akane who blocks it with her bare arm which causes her to bleed, but she didn't worry about it.

(Akane): "This is like a dream, take my attack!"

Akane said with a smile as the blood changes to some kind of chains as they get sent flying towards me. Looks like she's copied Rin. I guess I need to up my game!

We got engrossed in our spar as I slowly start developing an interest in fighting. Though nothing beats a good nap.


A few hours later, we finally stopped our spar as I was drenched in sweat. Remind me not to underestimate Akane when she starts enjoying her fights. I think her crazy smile will stay forever in my mind.

I shivered a little when I remembered that smile before she summoned a whole army or little blood demons. Talk about scary...

(Akane): "That was a good fight!"

Akane walks up to me with a towel as she carries a refreshed smile. Yep, scary. I don't think I could see Akane the same after this.

(Naneko): "Thanks, I need a nap…"

Today's been a long day. For everyone... I really need to sleep.

(Yanno): "Huh? Naneko-senpai? Miyamoto-senpai? "

(Naneko and Akane): "Yanno-san?/Huh?"

And as soon as I thought that, I heard Yanno-san's voice, which made the fatigue hit harder. We made eye contact with each other before Akane hid behind me as her phobia kicked in. When can I sleep…?

-Rin Pov-

After passing out on top of the girls, I had a deep sleep where I was surrounded by a sea of blue flames. The flames were nursing me as I could feel their intentions of wanting to help me. they not only healed my tired body, but it felt like my soul was being healed.

I was sorta aware of the surroundings around me. I could barely make out what the girls were saying but I didn't want to listen to them. I was too busy reflecting on my past and my actions. I still have that hatred for the world, huh. I can't help it, I still have hate for the world that I've been cultivating for the last decade.

Even though I've been much happier recently, my past still haunts me. That event with Envy made me remember it. It's made me come to terms with it. When I thought that, I felt like my soul was healing faster. The past isn't my weakness anymore. Although I can't forget it, I won't let is chain me down anymore.

I smiled to myself as I was drifting in this blissful state. How long has it been since I didn't have anything to worry about?

Unfortunately, I left that state too soon as I woke up to Naneko and Akane sleeping. I was confused about the situation before calming down and decided to fake sleeping. My body feels a little tired, plus they feel soft, so it's a win-win for me. I just had to be careful nothing rises, and I'm not talking about the shield hero.

(Akane and Naneko): "The kids are still in Tokyo!"

I had to leave the comfortable bodies of the girls as I got up from them. It's been an hour since we've been in the pocket dimension, so it's been a few minutes for the kids, but it only just hit me that the connection between my kids and I was severed for a little bt

At least it was until I remembered I left my kids in Tokyo, which is probably having Exorcists searching around the area thanks to the fight against Envy!

(Rin): "Yep, and that's my cue to wake up and bring them back."

I said hurriedly as I opened up the portal to arrive at where they were at reforming the connection strands between us. That scared me, I thought I wouldn't be able to find them if that was the case.

Ironically they were at a park, luckily it was away from those Exorcists that were trailing us after the fight.

(Kuro): "Shitty father!"

(Midori): "You made Kage cry!"

I was gonna call out their names but I got interrupted by a small fist and leg at the stomach and hip by Kuro and Midori who were looking at me in anger. I could've dodged there attacks easily, but I thought letting them hit me a little will make them calm down faster.

This is the first time I've ever seen them this angry.

(Rin): "Huh? What happened Kage?"

I endured the pain of not dodging their attacks when I had the chance to, before asking the question in worry. Kage cried? What happened?

(Kage): "Tou-san… Please don't leave us!"

Before I could get an answer from her, Kage immediately hugged my waist with the speed of a car, nearly knocking me over as she digs her face deep into my stomach. I ignored the pain of her sudden hug as I looked at her trembling body and felt the strength of her grip.

(Kuro): "Your connection between us suddenly got cut off."

Kuro approaches us as he pats Kage's back, who's sniffling from crying so much. I could feel the tears seeping through my shirt...

(Midori): "And when that happened, Kage thought we got abandoned and started freaking out."

Midori also pats Kage on the back. I see… I can relate. If someone close to me left me, I think I'd have a breakdown too. Especially if it's these little guys...

(Rin): "I'm sorry for making you feel like that Kage. To everyone. I'll never abandon you guys. You guys are my precious kids."

I said that to not only Kage but to Kuro and Midori, as I drag them into a group hug. I may be a bad role model and lack the responsibility to be one, but I'll never leave you guys.

(Kuro): "Just make sure that never happens again."

(Midori): "Yeah, at least give us a warning."

Kuro and Midori finally reciprocated as they hug me with enough grip strength to break a doorknob. I worried them that much, huh. I ignored that pain as I focused on calming down the kids who've been scared for the past few minutes.

(Rin): "I'm sorry guys. I'll be careful the next time."

(Kuro, Kage, Midori): "Thank you, father/Tou-san"

Looks like I can hold off the punishment for now. I can't bring myself to do that after making one of them cry this badly. Maybe next time.

(Rin): "Right now I want us to go back to the pocket dimension, but before that, I need to pick up someone."

Once everyone seemed to be normal again, and after I healed a little, I told them what I wanted to do. I want to train harder. We need to get stronger so the others can fight off demons like Envy, although chances are low that they'd fight an Emperor Class Demon, you can't be too certain.

And we'll get there by using Envy as a live test dummy for practising news skills till he dies.

(Kuro): "As long as you don't trigger some flags while we're picking someone up, I don't mind."

Kuro annoyingly says as he puts his hands behind his head. The other two agreed with his statements as they nodded their heads before slewing me.

(Midori): "Father has a knack for meeting trouble, doesn't he?"

(Kage): "Reminds me when we first met. I remember it just like yesterday."

(Midori): "I'm not surprised! It was less than a week ago!"

(Kuro): "And in that week he's still had too many fights…"

My face twitched a little at there statements, even though it's the truth. I couldn't even retaliate since it was true. I can't catch a break, huh.

Goddammit, shounen protagonist luck.

(Rin): "You guys can roast me as much as you want in the pocket dimension. Naneko and Akane are waiting for us still so let's not keep them waiting long."

Plus I want to make sure Envy is properly sealed for now. Maybe I'll make an actual prison for him, though that'd take a lot of energy to create that many crystals. A few days spent in the pocket dimension should be enough time to make it.

(Kuro, Kage and Midori): "Okay!"

The kids agreed as I made a portal to Yanno's room. I've visited his room previously when he said he wanted to play some games on his switch, so I agreed immediately.

(Rin): "Sup."

I say that casually to the surprised Yanno who's talking on the phone. His room's a lot cleaner than I thought it'd be. It has a single bed, a desk with school materials and his reading glasses on, a cupboard that has the latest one piece manga, with his electric guitar leaning against a wall

(Yanno): "We'll meet up this weekend for our date, okay? Yeah, I'll miss you too, byebye~."

Hmm? Yanno has a date with his missus? I wonder if I could finally meet her.

(Yanno): "Geez, give a guy a little warning if you're gonna drop by. I could've had people over or something!"

Yanno flips his lid as I cover my kids' ears to protect them from his yelling. I did make sure to see if anyone was here, but let's not say that since it sorta evades his privacy. I scratched my head before explaining.

(Rin): "Sorry, we have a little emergency and I need your help with something. It's gonna take a few hours though."

I tell him in a serious tone as I lose the joky mood from before.

(Yanno): "Is that so, something to do with demons?"

Yanno asks with his own serious expression. His hands were shaking a little from nervousness but he didn't back down. Good.

Though we aren't fighting Demons just yet.

(Rin): "Yep, but it's mainly training."

I say that in my regular tone to help him relax. His body's too tense.

(Yanno): "Haaah, alright, but you're paying me with food again, Mr boss."

(Rin): "No problem man."

Good, he's onboard. I wonder how he'll react to seeing Envy in his prison? Yep, he'd definitely question my sanity.

I want to see what's the limit of Yanno's abilities before making him break those. His body isn't that strong for a Demon and he's more of a summoner type mage instead of a Demon. Though, he should be stronger than the average middle-level demon now. With more experience that'd be to higher-levels if not the upper levels like the demon kings.

But that's only in terms of just pure abilities. Like I said, his body is about a humans level. He might be able to beat a few athletes if he's lucky though.

(Yanno): "Oh hey little guys, I haven't seen you guys for the whole day."

While I was lost in thought again, Yanno turned his head to greet my kids, who seemed fond of him as well.

(Kuro): "Hey, uncle Yanno."

(Kage): "Good afternoon, Yanno oji-san."

(Midori): "I'm gonna beat you in Gun Game this time, Yanno-ji."

(Yanno): "Heh, in your dreams kid. Beat Rin first then maybe you can beat me."

The kids really love him. Especially when it comes to games. We normally play LAN party games against each other, and when Akane or Sora aren't serious, Yanno has chances of winning along with me. I smiled at uncle Yanno before getting involved when my name got mentioned.

(Rin): "Hey, you only got lucky a few times. My skills are way above yours."

For someone who hasn't played any video games, I think I'm making good progress. That's something I can be proud of right? Though whenever we make bets I somehow focus a lot better than usual.

(Yanno): "Sure, as the spartan demon of our organisation says. By the way, have you thought of a name for it yet?"

Yanno says sarcastically whilst rolling his eyes before asking me the sudden question. If you can't tell, I suck at making names, hence why I say "Satan" followed by something else. So a group name...

(Rin): "Not really. How does 'The Blue Cross' sound like?"

Blue because of my flames and for what I have in mind to do. The cross is just to make it sound holy, I guess? Though it sounds a little ironic.

(Yanno): "Dude, ain't that a little morbid considering what your dad did?"

Yanno replied with a facepalm as he takes a deep breath. Yeah, that's a better word to put it.

(Rin): "Yeah, and like Satan Slash, Satan's pillars and the other Satan-named moves aren't morbid at all."

I rolled my eyes at his question. Yep, sounds morbid as hell but I have no better names, though I might change it later.

(Yanno): "You make a good point. You lack a good naming sense huh. Oh well, we should get some kind of proof of id, a uniform, a base of operations etc for our organisation."

Yanno agrees with my point before moving on to other things for the organisation. My mouth twitched from what he was expecting from me. Even the kids joined in.

(Midori): "Like a badge with a blue cross or something?"

(Kuro): "Something like a military outfit or a robe like those Exorcists?"

(Kage): "Would we have a pose too?"

Yep, they're too excites for these things. Only one problem.

(Rin): "I've never really thought of those kinds of things..."

I've only been planning the functionality of our group and how to train them, but never about our appearance. Guess I wasn't planning these things properly huh. We'd need to have some kind of social impact if we get involved with the Order and even with the media when the worlds merge. I guess more planning is needed huh

(Yanno): "Oi, we need to brand ourselves if we want to make ourselves known, right?"

He makes a good point. People won't take us seriously if we only wear our normal clothes or our uniform. Some people might think of us as the regular exorcists from the Order since True Cross Academy is part of the Order. I can't believe I almost screwed us up by not thinking about that.

(Midori): "Yeah, and the clothes will look cool!"

(Kuro): "We also have a mascot team, with little Kage as the leader."

(Kage): "Huh? Leader? I would do my best if that is what Tou-san wants."

The kids really seem to like this idea as they started jumping around. Even Kage, who was a little confused, was happy about it. Guess they're in the mascot team, along with future others.

(Rin): "I'll think of ways to get them. Make a list of the things you want and I'll try arranging them, though give me a little while."

Now I have another thing to do in the pocket dimension. Along with homework and learning some languages.

(Rin): "Okay, it's been a few minutes now, we need to go to the pocket dimension to introduce you to the new members."

I clapped my hands together to grab the attention of the kids planning, including Yanno. It must be about 2 hours for them.

(Yanno): "New members, huh. I guess they'll be my kouhai."

Yanno seemed happy about meeting some fellow demons he can show himself to, but I had to hold my laugh a little when I imagined his surprised face once he meets them.

(Rin): "Yes, but no."

(Yanno): "What does that mean?"

(Rin): "Just get ready to leave."

(Yanno): "Hmm, alright."

Yanno got up from his bed before going to his desk to pack up some stuff into his bag then put it over his shoulder. Looks like he has the same plan as me too. When he was done, which wasn't that long, I opened up the portal to find our senpai's covered in sweat. Oh? They had a spar while we were gone?

(Yanno): "Huh? Naneko-senpai? Miyamoto-senpai?"

(Naneko and Akane): "Yanno-san?/Huh?"

The three of them reacted surprised at seeing each other in this place as I had to force myself not to laugh out loud. Once I calmed down, I introduced the girls to Yanno's real identity

(Rin): "Ladies, may I introduce you to Yanno, Son of Beelzebub."

I said so while on one knee and had my arms pointing at him like he was some kind of display item.

(Akane): "Beelzebubs son?"

Akane asks softly whilst hiding behind the Neko. When did she hide there?

(Naneko): "Hold up, Yanno's a demon too?"

Naneko seems more concerned on the fact Yanno is a demon. I know right? He has no presence as a demon. It's really bizarre.

(Yanno): "I'm just as surprised as you two are. Rin helped me out a little while ago when I found out and ended up joining his group."

Yanno explains as he scratches his head. I really worry that this guy will get possessed again...

(Rin): "Yep, and he's the first member to join 'The Blue Cross' other than me and my kids."

I said whilst grabbing her shoulder. I feel bad to get him involved in my mess, but it's also good for him too.

(Akane): "And you call my name sense bad…"

Akane says with her head poking out of Naneko's shoulder, most likely hiding from Yanno's gaze. Again, I feel sorry for him.

(Rin): "We're both bad, but yours are worse."

I defended my bad naming sense since hers are worse. Though seriously, anyone got any better suggestions?

(Naneko): "The Order is gonna react badly to it if anything."

Naneko says with a thoughtful expression. Yep, they're gonna react badly, but that would've happened regardless.

(Rin): "I know. it's probably a bad idea in general and they'd use this as an excuse to kill me, but I have faith in our abilities."

Well, I'm not afraid of going into war against the Order too, but I rather not. I like my daily lifestyle of messing around with these guys.

Though they won't let me enjoy that, I know that for a fact.

(Yanno): "You really know how to give a guy pressure."

Yanno says with a sigh before giving me a resolved look. I looked at his arms and this time they aren't shaking as they were before. Good, he looks a bit better now.

(Rin): "You could say it's my charm."

I say with a wink as everyone including my kids facepalmed. O-ouch, tough crowd.

(Akane): "We just have to train harder than."

Akane ignored what I just did as she moves on the subjects. Naneko looked like she was about to pass out when she heard those words come out of Akane's mouth. Yep, she's realised how much of a battle junky Akane really is.

(Rin): "Yep, speaking of training, you see that bastard over there."

I pointed at Envy, who doesn't seem to have changed much over the last few hours. Good, he's still breathing.

(Yanno): "The guy in the crystal cocoon with blue, green, black and white flames around him?"

(Rin): "Yep him, we were fighting him earlier and he's still alive, just heavily restrained. Though I still want to kill him."

I said whilst releasing a little of my bloodlust. Oops, my intentions are leaking out again.

(Yanno): "Yikes, he must've pushed your buttons."

(Rin): "You have no clue."

Yanna says with a little fright before calming down again. I should have him get used to bloodlust.

(Yanno): "So what does that have to do with me?"

(Rin): "Training of course."

(Yanno): "Huh?"

I have a few ideas for what Yanno could do with Envy as a test subject, the only problem is that his personality isn't as twisted as mine or Akane's. I guess that's a good thing else we'd actually lose our humanity one day.

(Rin): "I want you to train your bugs to be able to deal with that madman."

(Yanno): "You have got to be kidding me…"

Yep, he's against this, but I gotta get him to do these kinds of things. If not, the future will be a dangerous place for someone like him.

(Rin): "Come on, I'll cook you a full course meal with your girlfriend too. It'll be like a dinner date for the two of you."

(Yanno): "...That's a tempting offer…"

I started my bribes to give the guy some motivation. I get to see who my first friend is dating and I get him to train seriously. A win-win.

(Rin): "I'll take that as a yes. Also, maybe try looking for Insects that can be used for truth serums and stuff, maybe make him your test subject for poisons and stuff."

If he could somehow develop a truth serum with his insects or something would be interesting and useful if we ever need to do some interrogations.

(Yanno): "Are you sure he's the real madman or you. You just asked a guy to torture someone he doesn't know!"

Yanno said as he rubbed his temples. Come on dude, you need to get used to this. Though seeing his reactions are funny.

(Rin): "Hmm, maybe a little bit of both? I have a few screw loose but this guy will make you react the same."

I said whilst knocking on my head with my tongue out.

(Yanno): "Fine I guess, but you'd be supervising me. I'm not as strong as you guys after all. This so goes against human morals"

Yanno complains before walking towards Envy. Good, this will get interesting...

(A/N: "Yanno gets some love", "Naneko's resolve", "WHO'S THE BASTARD THAT MADE KAGE CRY!?!?!?!", "Join the dark side~~~")

Coming up a chapter name without making a spoiler is so damn hard sometimes.

if you got suggestions then don't be afraid and tell me in the comments below!

My discord name is S_jay#4350. dm me if you got any ideas for the novel that you don't want others to see.

S_jaycreators' thoughts