

Lance fought shiro's armcale claws. The fire, like a dragon's breath, bit through his scales and singed his skin as Lance struggled to keep it at bay. He couldn't let go until he had burned Shiro all the way down to bone but Shiro wasn't giving him any slack so Lance dug in his claws and tried once more to hold on to the limb that could snap him in half at any moment.

It seemed to work because finally Shiro went limp in Lance's arms and dropped into the ash like some dead beast. Lance cradled him close before running for the safety of their ship.

It took every ounce of strength within Lance not to look back and watch his old paladin fall apart. As it was he kept moving towards the ship as fast as he could. He didn't dare pause long enough to consider whether or not this meant Shiro' death was real and if he was already gone. That didn't matter now. They were going home to Earth and Lance would do whatever it takes to make sure everyone got there alive.