
Scapegoat (C)

編輯: Exodus Tales

Suddenly I felt a gust of chilly wind pass by me. I raised my hand and subconsciously wanted to take off my blindfold to see what was happening, but the hand on my blindfold froze involuntarily.

Xu Zixi's sudden abnormality and panic made me feel uneasy.

Is the dead Ah Zi here?

"Save me," Xu Zixi's tears came out. She looked at me and her body began to shake violently.

The cold air seemed to creep from the soles of my feet to the top of my head until I was shivering from the cold covering me. Yet, I was still determined and pulled off the blindfold on my left eye.

I shone the flashlight at Xu Zixi's calf and a pale hand was gripping her bare feet tightly.

I could tell that the hand was completely devoid of blood with a pale and bruised skin tone, which was not a normal person's hand at first glance. That terrifying arm led to a girl behind Xu Zixi with twisted bones protruding out of her body.

The girl was similar to my age. Black hair draped at the back of her head, greasy and messy, and her face was full of crimson red blood. Her mutilated appearance made my heart sink.

I took a step back; the girl let go of Xu Zixi's bare feet and stood up mechanically bit by bit. As she got up, I could see that the white skirt on her was soaked with blood. She rolled her eyes halfway at me, and with her shoulders were tilted toward one side, she walked down the stairs in an extremely twisted posture.

She is coming towards me...

My brain went blank. I was scared silly by what was happening in front of me.

Xu Zixi fell to the ground on her butt; she was paralyzed on the spot.

She seemed to be relieved that she couldn't see the female ghost anymore. Perhaps she thought that the female ghost was gone, but the ghost was in fact just coming towards me.


I spoke awkwardly; my legs seemed to be rooted on the ground.

The girl didn't stop. She approached me in a slow and twisted mechanical way. I could feel goosebumps all over me.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time. How can I spare you for ruining my plan?"

The ghost's vengeance surged. Her voice was cold and fierce. Her words made me affirm that she was Ah Zi. The Ah Zi who failed to find a scapegoat after three years.

I retreated back anxiously with my back kissing the wall. Then, I moved along the wall to the corner of the stairway. I didn't know where I got the strength, but I just ran downstairs with all I could.

There were seven floors in the girls' dormitory and I escaped like crazy. Despite running for so long, I seemed unable to reach the end of the stairs. What lay in front of me was just the darkness the beams from my flashflight.

A strange atmosphere moved through the stairwell, almost suffocating me.

But I couldn't stop running. In order to survive, I had to even leave Xu Zixi. I kept running and my sweat quickly started to seep into my clothes.

At last, I finally saw the light looming from the dormitory supervisor's room. My heart thumped with joy as I rushed towards the light.

After successfully arriving on the first floor, I ran to the supervisor's room. The door was tightly closed. I beat the small window with all the strength I could muster. The curtains inside were tightly closed, but there was still light coming out.

"Miss, miss..."

I shouted while beating the window, the light inside went out, and my surroundings fell into sudden darkness.

The light of my flashlight also went out.

Helplessness enveloped me.

My heart was almost bursting out from my throat and my temple was throbbing fanatically; a miserable cry came from the corridor behind me.

The cry was extremely frightening, but I recognized that it was Xu Zixi's voice, which came from very far away.

Suddenly, the entire dormitory building became rowdy. The sound of the doors creaking open came intermittently; many students came out with flashlights in a panic. Soon, many students gathered in the corridors and aisles.

Someone shone at me with a flashlight. After finally seeing a living person, I fell to the ground weakly with tears and sweat streaming down.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

"Have you heard the miserable cry just now?"

"En, I heard it. It's so terrifying."


The students were all talkative, and the supervisor soon came out of the room wearing a coat with a flashlight in her hand.

Seeing me sitting on the ground outside the management room, she took a flashlight and shone it straight at my face, "What are you doing here? Which room are you from?"

My breathing was haphazard, my face was twitching, and I was in so much panic, I couldn't say anything.

"What are you all doing? So noisy. Just go back to bed."

The management woman started ranting.

Students were still occupied in their chatter, "There was a miserable cry. It was so scary."

"Yeah, we all heard it."

"What cry? Why didn't I hear it?" The woman reprimanded loudly, "Hurry up! Return to your bedrooms and sleep."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a loud bang.

It was just outside the girl's bedroom. It sounded like something fell from the sky and hit the ground with a thud.

My heart stopped, I had a bad hunch immediately.

"Someone jumped off the building."

"Go and take a look."


The girls' dormitory was in a mess. The management woman could not stop the students from swarming out the dormitory.

I didn't know who ran past me and stepped on my hand in a hurry, making me scream in pain. I raised my head and wanted to scold the person, but all I could see in front of me was a bloody face in the crowd. It was too distinctive to ignore.

It was Ah Zi. She stood firmly in the rowdy crowd as students constantly walked through her body. She was smiling coldly at me.

Her lips moved slightly up and down as if she was speaking to me - You're the next.

I looked at her in shock. Suddenly, the lights in the entire dorm turned on and Ah Zi disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It was the woman in the management room who turned on the light.

The sudden light really made me unable to adapt. My eyes closed slightly for a while. When I opened it again, I heard the bustling voices outside the dormitory building.

Many students ran outside, and many of them kept pouring down the stairs too. They seemed like housewives rushing to the market. However, all of their faces were panic-stricken.

Hearing someone jump off the building, I was in despair.

Without having to go anywhere, I knew that it was Xu Zixi who jumped off the building.

Ah Zi succeeded. She found a new scapegoat, she could leave the cycle and reincarnate. Xu Zixi would be the next one to look for a scapegoat.

Remembering what Ah Zi told me before disappearing, I got up weakly and stumbled out of the dormitory building.

I was surrounded by many students, either panic-stricken or dumbfounded.

"I heard that this school is haunted. There are students jumping off the building every year."

"It's terrible. I want to transfer to a new school."

"Don't be so superstitious. There are no ghosts in this world."


Various noises kept invading my ears. I left the crowd and slowly saw Xu Zixi surrounded by the crowd forming a big circle.

Her posture from falling off the building was eerie. Her body was facing the floor, but her head had been twisted by 120 degrees. Her head was deformed; blood and brain juice flowing all over the ground, forming a crimson red pool of blood under her corpse. Her eyes were staring blankly in one direction and the posture of her hands and legs were all strange as her bones were completely shattered; she had turned into a pile of mangled flesh.

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