
Blood Man

編輯: Exodus Tales

"Really," I teased her deliberately, and her face turned pale. She grabbed my arm and ran away.

We ran for a while, and Ming Si was nowhere to be found when I looked back.

Maybe he had left.

However, the little boy I met in the utility room followed us. He stared at Cheng Fengfeng in a daze, with fear and joy alternating between his eyebrows.

"Sixi, what are you still looking at? Are there ghosts?" Cheng Fengfeng slowed down. She glanced at the space behind her and shuddered.

"En, it seems to be following you," I said solemnly.

This time I didn't scare her intentionally. I found out that the little boy's eyes were fixed onto Cheng Fengfeng. To be precise, he was staring at the jade bracelet on Cheng Fengfeng's hand.

Cheng Fengfeng's face changed color. Her eyes gazed around, and her lips trembled, "It's following me? Sixi, don't scare me. This isn't something to joke around."

I patted her shoulder. She shivered, and I smiled, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

"Can you not tell me anything in the future?"

"Weren't you the one who asked me first? I'm just telling you the truth."

She glared at me fiercely and shouted with her cheeks puffed out, "Just because I asked you doesn't mean you have to say it. If you want to, tell me that there's nothing not to scare me."

"...Then you might as well don't ask me."

I was not good at lying.

The boy looked at us from a distance, and he stopped moving as soon as we stopped.

I secretly wondered, Who is this little boy? Why is he following Cheng Fengfeng? Does that jade bracelet mean anything special to him?

The boy was skinny and scrawny. He must have lived a difficult life during his lifetime, or maybe he was a starving ghost.

The boy noticed that I had been staring at him. He turned around and ran out of sight.

Cheng Fengfeng tugged on my arm and whispered, "Let's go. This place feels gloomy."

I looked up and glanced at the sun above my head. It's such a nice day. It's so hot, how is it gloomy?

"Let's go back to the classroom."

She followed me timidly, holding my arm tightly with her hands. I asked her how things were going with at Teacher Wu, and she replied, "They are already drawing blood."

"It's almost over?"

"Almost. They came with a car full of people. It should not take a long time with so many people."

It happened that it was a Friday, and we would be on holiday after two more classes in the afternoon.

I discussed with Cheng Fengfeng that we would go straight to Teacher Wu's psychological studio after class to take off the jade bracelet as soon as possible. This would guarantee Cheng Fengfeng's safety, the earlier the better.

She agreed with what I said, and her small head nodded desperately.

We entered the teaching building, but before entering the classroom, I saw Teacher Wu and a small-sized woman walking out from the back door. They were both carrying a white medicine box in their hands, and Teacher Wu smiled when he saw me.

I stepped forward, and he said, "You can come to my studio before six this evening."

"Thank you, Teacher Wu."

"It's nothing to thank me for. We are going to go first. You two don't forget to come over."


We watched as Teacher Wu left and returned to the classroom.

I looked out through the glass window and saw many men and women carrying white boxes emerging from the teaching building. They boarded a large business van and then drove away.

Morning passed quickly. The two classes in the afternoon were Chinese, but it was uncertain if Teacher Four-eyes was still alive. He did not show up, and no one except for me knew where he was. We self-studied quietly in the classroom until the school bell rang and then the whole school was suddenly in an uproar.

There was no longer Teach Four-eyes to not nag us about safety precautions on the way home, and there was no one to assign homework.

The students looked relaxed and everyone waited patiently for a while. When Teacher Four-eyes still did not appear, they all carried their school bags and ran out.

I tidied away the books on my table calmly. Cheng Fengfeng walked toward me. She seemed to be in a good mood, and her face looked a lot rosier.

"Let's go."

"You're not going back to the dormitory to pack your things?"

"Of course, I will go back!"

I nodded, and said to her, "Then you go back to the dormitory to pack up first. I'm going to go to the toilet."

"Then, you hurry up."

I gave her my school bag and asked her to help me take it back to the dormitory. I saw her leave, sneaked out of the teaching building, and ran to the abandoned utility room against the stream of people walking to the dormitories.

The utility room was in the bleakest place of the north side of the school. There was a row of newly built staff dormitories; the two-story building blocked the sun from shining through, which was why the utility room behind was not exposed to any sunlight and had been in the dark for many years.

I must check whether Teacher Four-eyes was dead or alive. If he's dead, someone must find his body no matter how. If he's alive, I can send him to the police station and expose his evil deeds.

I thought about it again. Teacher Four-eyes fell into the hands of the female ghost, and the chance of survival was small.

The closer I got to the staff dormitory, the quieter it got. Most teachers were sending the students off, and there were very few people here.

I walked at a fast pace and wanted to save as much time as possible as I was afraid that Cheng Fengfeng would wait too long.

I went around the staff dormitory, and the abandoned utility room stood there quietly. The door was left open, but it was too dark to see anything inside at first glance.

I walked over lightly. My steps stopped when I smelled a strong blood smell even before I entered the door. I was suddenly too scared to go in.

At that time, Ming Si blindfolded me, and it was apparent he did not want me to see something.

Could it be that Teacher Four-eyes died miserably?

Just thinking about it made me want to retreat and couldn't help but step back.

Just at that time, I felt a vibration sensation between my thighs. I was so scared that I almost collapsed onto the ground.. then I found out that it was the phone in my pocket that vibrated after I reacted.

I took a few steps back and took out the phone from my pocket. The caller ID was Cheng Fengfeng's number.

I was about to pick up the call when I suddenly heard a rustling sound from the utility room. My scalp went numb immediately.

"Is there anyone, help…"

The sound was weak, but it was the voice of Teacher Four-eyes.

Is he still alive?

I walked a few steps forward hurriedly and saw a bloody man covered in blood stumbling out of the utility room. I recognized the man from his figure and clothes, although his face was fully covered in blood. It was Teacher Four-eyes.

There were cut marks over his whole body. His eyes had become two bright red sockets, and blood kept flowing out of the cut marks. He looked horrifying.

I was scared stiff and didn't dare to step forward. My whole body was as stiff as a rock.

"Is there anybody…"

Teacher Four-eyes staggered a few steps forward, fell violently, and then tried to get up desperately.

I wanted to give him a hand, but my legs would not allow me to move. It was like my legs were nailed to the ground, and I couldn't move at all.

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