
Quests: Making A Team (part 9)

Quests: Making A Team (part 9) 

War between Teams;

Level four weapon was a sure-kill against someone of a lower level.

The monster fell with the attack, although still alive. Qiao shook his head, "You can collect the experience points now," he said, while his weapon dripped blood from its edges, truly heroic in sense. 

Both looked at the monster, shocked. "Is it dead?" Linwin gasped. 

"If it was dead, why would I ask you to collect experience?" Qiao shrugged. Now he was suspicious as to what happened to the intellect of his team members. 

Qiao had also managed notice a team which was keeping eyes on them. He then started to warmup his muscles for the real hunt. While Linwin and Quipu moved forward to collect experience, but as soon the second attack fell on the monster, it stood up and this time Quipu was unlucky. He was facing the front of the monster and the monster took advantage of this opportunity.