
Quests: Making A Team (part 10)

Quests: Making A Team (part 10)

War between teams; 

As soon as the other team left, Qiao and his team continued their journey. 

It was not that Qiao had not sensed them early on, but he wanted to ignore and hurry up and leave. As long as he could reach the entrance of the Guild, he would be safe.

But the enemy can chase them easily if they were not careful enough, they were still half the distance away. 

"You thought that taking this long path, you will be able to make a fool out of me," he heard a voice and turned. It belonged to the team leader who was keeping eyes on them from the very first day. 

"If you don't bother us, I assure you that we don't need to make you…" Qiao intentionally left the sentence incomplete, implying his threat. Since the enemy was here, he would not beg for mercy or be a coward.