
My Kingdom Fall Legacy: Rise of The Conqueror

Many years have passed since the War of Medivet City. Peace has run through all of Medivia. King Gragas Fewlos died of an unknown disease and his son, Ragar Fewlos became king of Midhanhal. Queen Evelyn Shard's son, Ariax Shard, became king of Dusk. Eberia has successfully pushed back the scavengers for some time now. As for the Empire of Dython, it was renamed to the Elysian Empire. Dython has fallen ill, and Johannes is going to succeed the throne. Old and new faces are revealed. A new tyrannical king takes a throne. A fair and just ruler sits on a throne. A new ambitious ruler rises to take all the thrones. This is the story of the new Medivia, for peace will no longer be.

NexusAzara · 武侠
21 Chs

New and Old

Sweat dripped down Johannes' forehead as he spared against other kids. He was slightly taller and stronger than the rest of them. Dython stood proud on a nearby balcony as he watched his only child dominate during training. The boy, who would one day be king, had grown up strong and fast. The kid did not know what the future held, but he knew one thing: he would do everything in his power to make his father proud.

Dython watched his son fight off three kids at once. They tried to pin him, but he was too quick. One managed to get his arm pinned behind his back, but before any more could touch him, the young prince was free. He quickly ran behind them and used Gravity Energy to push them down to the ground. The output was surprisingly strong for a fourteen year old. Rose walked next to Dython. Johan had a massive smile across his face as the other boys struggled to stand up. The trainer ran over and began talking to them.

"He's going to be rather strong, isn't he?" Rose said.

"Of course he is! He's our son! *Laughing* He will be the strongest." Dython said.

"I don't doubt it, but you should teach him how to control his Energy. I once saw someone get crushed by a bandit who could use Gravity Energy." Rose said.

"Oh, don't worry. He will learn." Dython said.

'I'll have him become the best.' Dython thought.

Rose rubbed his back as they watched their son successfully take down the trainer.

"That boy will rule this empire." Rose said.

"Show off a little, Johan!" Dython shouted from above.

Johan smirked as he imbued his sword with Fire Energy. With his off hand he used Gravity Energy to slow down his opponents. The Fire Energy made their armor burn and catch on fire. After a few minutes of fighting, Johan defeated two of his opponents and won the sparring match. He looked up at his father and smiled.

"Good job, my boy." Dython said.

"Thanks, Father." Johan replied.

A servant brought food out to them. It consisted of beef steak and vegetables. While eating, Dython explained the expansion to Rose. Many legions have begun marching North.

"We almost have complete control from here to the mountains." Dython said.

'Why do we need all of that land?' Rose thought.

"That's great." Rose said.

"Father! Mother! Watch this!" Johan shouted.

He placed his hands next to each other and clasped them. He bent both ring fingers down and pointed the other straight up. He lowered his thumb as far as it could go and closed his eyes. Raw Energy began to build up around him and opened his eyes. He took his sword and imbued the raw Energy into it and cut through a thick metal shield and his wounds were healing. Dython stood up and was in awe at the sight of his son's power. He began clapping and cheering.

"Yes, Johan! Amazing!" Dython said.

Rose looked almost displeased.

"Rose?" Dython asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." she said, getting up and walking away.

Johan just stared as he watched her walk away.

"You're amazing, Johan!" Dython said.

"Thanks, Dad." Johan replied, with a somber tone.

The next morning, Rose woke up early and went outside. She sat down under an apple tree and looked up at the sky. Her mind drifted off as she pondered about things. A breeze blew and a small drop of rain fell upon her. It felt refreshing, but also sad. She sighed and leaned her head back against the tree trunk.

"Mother?" Johan asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there. What is it son?" she said.

"Are you disappointed in me?" he asked nervously.

"No no! That's not it at all. I'm very proud of you." she said.

"Then..." he began to say.

"I've heard a story where a very powerful man was lost and became mad. He would kill and destroy everything and anything he wanted to. The Energy corrupted his soul and he turned into the darkness. Do you know why there are people born weak and others strong?" she asked.

"No." he simply said.

"The strong protect the weak." she said.

"What do the weak do?" he asked.

"A fair question. They help provide support and have other responsibilities. You must learn how to use your Energy because if you do, someday you will have people to protect." she said.

Johan nodded, "I understand now. Thank you, Mother." he said.

She hugged him tightly. He returned the hug.

"Now go and play or train." she said.

"Do you know where Father is?" he asked.

"He isn't here. He left and went to Johannes City. He will return later this week." she said.

Johan walked off towards the training grounds. Rose picked up her book and continued to read it.

Dython was sitting alone in the throne room when he heard footsteps coming. He faced forward and saw Calitio entering the room.

"It's been a while since you've been here." Calitio said.

"Yeah... I never liked Golden Gate." Dython said.

"Luckily this isn't Golden Gate anymore." Calitio pointed out.

"No, it still is. In its own way." Dython said.

"Why have you come?" Calitio asked.

"I need you to train Johan. His Energy is a lot more powerful than what I expected it to be." Dython said.

"Of course. Here or there?" he asked.

"You will come back with me tomorrow." Dython said.

"Sure." Calitio agreed.

Horses' hooves clicked as Johan rode around the open field. The air brushed against his face and wavy silver hair. He looked back and saw his lovely betrothed, Kate, struggling to control the horse. He hurried over to her and calmed the horse down. She had blue eyes and lovely long blonde hair.

"No fair, Johan!" she said.

"What?" he said lightly laughing.

She was pouting. He smiled at her.

"You have more practice than me." she said.

"You let go." Johan said.

"I didn't. The horse does whatever it wants. I can't control it at all." she said, still being uncooperative with the horse.

"Here." Johan said, putting the reins back into her hands.

"You have to kick lightly," he said, "use these to steer the horse."

"I know that..." she said.

"Try to ride it in a small circle." Johan said.

"Like this?" she asked.

"Yeah, now you're getting it." he said.

"Johan!" a knight called out, riding towards them.

"Yes?" he answered.

"It's your father." the knight said.

"Take us to him." Johan said.

Maids rushed around the room as the baby twins cried and cried. Ariax Shard entered the room and tears began to fall as he picked up his son and daughter. He looked over at his tired wife, Sarah, with a huge smile on his face. The maids carefully took the babies from him, and he sat down next to her. The maids waited patiently for the names.

"For this little guy, the name shall be Adam." he said.

"And her, her name is Amelia." she said.

The maids nodded and took the kids and started recording the information. Ariax smiled and grabbed her hand.

"We're finally parents, huh?" he said.

"Yeah." she said.

One of the children began crying, and a maid brought him over to Sarah. The king pulled back a blanket and saw a strange mark on the boy's back.

"What is this?" he asked.

"A birthmark, sir. It is normal for people to have them." a maid said.

"Why does it look like a strange face or mask?" he asked.

"They come in all different shapes and sizes. It's just a coincidence." the maid reassured him.

"Bring me the Prophet." he said.

"Of course, sir." the maid said, quickly leaving the room.

A few minutes later, the servant returned, leading an old woman into the room. The woman carefully stepped in and looked at him.

"Ah, sire, what a pleasure it is to see you." she said, smiling kindly.

"This mark, what does it mean?" he asked.

"Oh, this mark is the mark of Invictus." she said.

"Invictus? The God of Judgment?" he asked.

"Yes. Such a strange and curious marking." she said.

"What does that mean?" Sarah asked.

"Nothing bad, I assure you, ma'am," the Prophet spoke, "Don't worry about it."

Sarah looked anxious but nodded her head anyways.

"Now you should rest, ma'am. " the maids said.

Ariax nodded his head and left. He and the Prophet left the room.

"Invictus, the God of Judgment. Will he be a vessel, and it is of my blood?" Ariax asked.

"A vessel, perhaps. Give me some time while I ponder." she said, walking away.

He rubbed his eyes and leaned against the wall next to the door. Maids quietly left the room and carried the babies to the nursery. They bowed as they passed him. The sky turned red as it turned into dusk. He sat in the courtyard, looking up at the beautiful array of colors.

"Congratulations, my son." Evelyn said, sitting down next to him.

"Thank you, Mother. You will be able to see Adam and Amelia shortly. Most likely tomorrow." he said.

"How is Sarah?" she asked.

"Well. She is sleeping right now." he said.

"Twins... that's wonderful." she said.

"Ha... it will be. Right now, the only things they can do are cry, eat, and shit." he said.

"In that order too." she said.

They both began to laugh.

"So, what's really going on, Mom?" he asked.

The Queen sighed and looked off to the left. There was a fountain of one of the gods. A woman holding a sickle and dripping water from it. In the distance, Ariax could see a black bird pecking at something. A fox stared at the two before running away.

"It's a rare disease. Exposure to toxins from raw Energy. My old body can't properly dispose of it." she said.

"Oh, Mother..." he said.

"The doctors assume I have at least five years left." she said.

"Let's make those last five memorable," he said.

They sat in silence for the next few minutes and gazed upon the stars. The cold breeze soothed their sore bodies. The stars gazed back down at them. Evelyn stood up and walked back to her chambers.

"Goodnight." she said.

"Goodnight." he replied.

Ariax closed his eyes and fell asleep on the chair outside. His head spun as he drifted into a deep sleep.

Ariax opened his eyes and stood up. He looked around at the quiet world and ran his finger across his desk. The moon turned blood red and a devilish creature walked around outside.

'Invictus?' Ariax thought.

Behind the beast were two little lambs of the same blood. The creature turned around and grabbed the one with a similar mark as Adam. He bit the head off of the little lamb and blood spilled onto the other lamb. Its body fell limb and was dropped to the ground. Ariax stood in place as the horrors unfolded in front of him. The creature looked at Ariax and his heart picked up speed and felt as if it was going to explode. Then the monster placed its hand over the dead lamb and revived it and the mark faded away.

The king woke up, sweating and began sprinting to the nursery.

"My lord, what's wrong?" a maid said.

"Show me Adam's back." he said.

"Of course, sir." she said, lowering the cloth.

The mark was still there. Ariax sighed and sat down in a nearby chair.

"Are you alright, sir?" she asked.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine." he said.

"It's late, you should rest." she suggested.

"I will," he said, "in here."

"Would you like us to leave?" she asked.

"No, stay and make sure nothing happens to them." he said, closing his eyes.

In the morning, he entered Sarah's chambers. He laid down next to her and rubbed her chest. She scooted closer to him. He kissed her forehead.

"How are they?" she asked.

"Healthy." he said.

"Good, good." she said.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm good. Just really tired and sore." she said.

"Good. Evelyn is watching them right now." he said.

"Oh good. I hope she is happy." she said.

"Extremely. You should've seen her face." he said.

"It will be good for them to have such a caring woman as their grandmother." she said.

"Thank you for those kind words. She will be the best." he said.

'Should I tell her?' he wondered.

"It's rather hot in here." she said.

"I'll open a window." he said getting up.

"Much better." she said.

"It is Spring. The mornings and nights are cold." he said.

"That is true. What do you have planned?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You have that look on your face when you are in deep thought." she pointed out.

"Nothing gets past you." he said jokingly. 

"I have some news to tell you, but I don't know how to say it." he said.

People dressed in black and women covering their faces with veils walked through the streets of Midhanhal. Knights carried an open coffin with King Gragas Fewlos' corpse inside. His son, Ragar Fewlos walked in front of them with his sister, Eriessa, next to him.

"So ends the short reign of his greatness. The light shined bright today, but will the light fade? I only hope that these last four years will let you see a brightness that I have had in these past sixteen." she said.

"Worry not my sister. Light shall not fade today nor ever. For we shall rise." he said, grabbing her hand.

At the castle, knights readied their swords for the final salute towards their late king. The grand doors opened, and the crowd followed as the casket was taken down into the crypts. After a speech made by a priest was given, the people were dismissed and Ragar was crowned king of Midhanhal.

"Look at you, Ragar." Eriessa said.

He gave her a sly smile. Ragar and Eriessa walked back to their chambers after the ceremony. Ragar grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his private chambers. Her cat-like ears bent down as he slowly took off her dress. She bit her lip as he gently touched her beautiful body. He quickly took off his shirt and pants and pushed her onto the bed. She lightly moaned as he kissed and licked her in various areas. She embraced him and pulled him closer. She ran her hands up and down his back. He let out a small grunt as he pushed inside of her. She moaned softly and lightly dug her fingernails into his back. Eriessa clawed up and down as he moved faster. His movements got rougher as she continued to make lustful noises. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him in close. She arched her back and sweat covered them both. Ragar leaned back in and held himself above her as he rocked back and forth. A few minutes later, they stopped and collapsed next to each other on the bed. They cuddled up next to each other and rested under the sheets.

"I'll give you a pure-bred son." she said.

He smiled softly and cuddled with her. They fell asleep next to each other. The morning came quickly with the bright rays piercing the room. They groaned as they awoke.

"Good morning, sister," he said.

"Brother... good morning." she replied.

Eriessa put her black dress on and kissed her brother. They got dressed and prepared for the day. Ragar quickly left for a meeting with the King's Council. He walked through the hallways hastily. When he entered the room, he saw all four of them sitting and waiting. There was Droken Torg, the King's Hand. Harry Lortik, the treasurer. Klouse Yurk, the Commander. Noral Just, the head maester, an expert of Energy.

"Gentlemen." Ragar said.

"My lord." they all said.

""I'm sorry for your loss, sir." Droken said.

"Thank you." Ragar said.

"I know you just were crowned, but you need to look for a bride. For heirs." Droken said.

"Yes, I do. Has there been anyone willing to give me their daughter?" Ragar asked.

"Lord Gritle, Lord of Molar. He has a few daughters around your age." Klouse Yurk said.

"Send him a raven and have him and his daughters stay a night here." Ragar said.

"Of course, my lord." Klouse said.

"How does the taxing go?" Ragar asked.

"Well. We have been collecting from most people." Harry said.

"Most?" Ragar asked aggressively.

"Some have yet to pay, my lord." Harry said.

"If they don't pay by the end of this week, take it from them." Ragar ordered.

"How?" Harry asked.

"Whatever way you want. As long as I get that money." Ragar said.

Harry nodded.

"How far is Molar?" Ragar asked.

"A day at most." Klouse said.

"Good, good. I should marry as quickly as possible." Ragar said.

"How is the princess?" Droken asked.

"She's doing the best she can right now. Still taking it all in." Ragar said.

"It is tough losing a parent." Droken said.

"Indeed." Ragar said.

The meeting ended shortly after. Droken and Ragar remained in the room alone.

"May I speak freely, sir?" Droken asked.

"Sure." Ragar said.

"I believe Noral is getting too old for this." Droken said.

"What do you suggest we do? Replace him?" Ragar asked.

"Yes. We can find someone who can study and use Energy just like he can." Droken said.

"I don't know if you have noticed but, we monsters can't use Energy as effectively as humans. I would be surprised if you found another man who can use Energy as well as Noral." Ragar said.

"My son, Jaenel, has strong abilities, as well. I have taught him everything I know. He was born with a lot of potential." Droken said.

"Was he now?" Ragar asked, getting annoyed.

"Yes, would you like to see?" Droken asked.

Ragar turned his head and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I'll test both your son's and Noral's abilities, and the one who wins will get the spot at our little table." Ragar said.

"Thank y-" Droken began to say.

"But the loser will be publicly executed immediately." Ragar finished.

"Yes, of course my lord." Droken said.

"Good. This will happen after Lord Gritle arrives and I marry one of his daughters," Ragar said, "You're dismissed."

"Sir." Droken said, bowing his head. 

Ragar began laughing. He walked to the window and saw Klouse preparing the men to travel to Molar. A look of confusion fell upon his face.

'Didn't I say by raven?' Ragar thought.

Eriessa knocked and then entered the room.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked.

"Tremendously. I live for days like this. The one where a man just passed, and I have to pick my wife." Ragar said.

"Well. I hope you find one you like." she said, closing the door.

"Oh, you know this is just a cover for us." Ragar said, walking up to her.

"What if it's a girl? she asked.

"Then it will have to die." Ragar said, kissing her neck.

She remained silent.

"The baby's name shall be Raigar." Ragar said.

"A beautiful name." she said, forcing herself.

Ragar picked up on that.

"Upset?" he asked.

She quickly put her clothes on.

"This girl I'm marrying won't matter. Your son will be my heir. My first born, of my blood." he reasoned.

"But only if it's a boy." she snarled.

"Well... I don't have a need for a daughter." Ragar said.

"Do you think that's how Father thought of me? A waste?" she asked.

"Father loved you. He loved both of us." Ragar said.

"But he must've loved you more." she said.

"We serve different roles in this kingdom." Ragar said.

"What's my role then!" she shouted, "To be your whore!"

"Calm down!" Ragar shouted.

She shook in fear as he spoke.

"You will have a son. You obey me and serve me. You live for me." Ragar said.

She bowed and left the room. Ragar went back to the window. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

"Dragnos, I pray that I will lead this family to a long-lasting era. I know you have planned some war for these simple humans. This is your opportunity to let me prove myself to you. Give me fortune so that we can thrive." Ragar said.

The wind rustled and got stronger. Ragar opened his eyes and saw a perfectly clear blue sky. Suddenly a large flock of birds flew over and continued to fly into the horizon.

The sun shined brightly, and the farmers were sweating heavily. Arthur Malikai walked through the farms with his wife, Fia. Guards followed behind them. The workers stopped to bow when they passed by. They bowed their heads in respect. They continued walking as the grass swished back and forth. They finally made it to a nearby forest. The trees gave off an ominous feeling. The orange shade and scent of dirt and leaves told of the good harvest to come.

"As you recall, I never paid any attention to those foreigners' stories and fairy tales. But I do wonder if anyone's ever walked through the Veil." he said, looking through the thick leaves.

"Ah, yes the Veil." she repeated.

They continued to walk and a few moments later they stood before an incomplete structure made of dark metals. Arthur put his hand on the incomplete ring. A gust of wind blew his graying hair from his eyes.

"Why do we call it The Veil?" his guards asked.

"It covers and shields what must stay hidden. I hear they thought demons built the damned thing; I wonder what was on the other side." he said.

"Perhaps more demons." she suggested.

"That's certainly a good answer." he said.

He stared blankly into the distance, looking at nothing.

"Should we head back, sir?" the knight asked.

"Yeah, I guess we should." Arthur said.

They turned around and headed back. Arthur took a sip from his cup and quietly ate his meal with his wife. He loved spending time with her. He loved to wake up and see her next to him. She was always on his mind, but there were other matters that always plagued him. There were worries of a possible attack by the scavengers. As they sat and ate, clouds rolled in quickly.

"A storm?" she asked.

"Sadly." he said.

The doors opened suddenly, and a scout rushed into the room. Knights tried to stop him, but Arthur raised his hand and they let him pass.

"Sir, it's... it's..." he tried to speak but was out of breath.

"Breathe. Relax and then talk." Arthur said.

"Yes... *Inhales and exhales* It's the scavengers. We found a temple that they were at. It's like a base for them. That's not all, there was a monster there. I couldn't get a good look, but they bowed down to it." he said.

"What?" Arthur asked in shock.

"A Titan?" Fia asked.

"That's impossible. There hasn't been one in years." Arthur said.

"Titans were real?" the scout asked.

"Oh yes, there was a famous man, Lavernius Bear, who killed them." Arthur said.

"I thought he was just another legend." the scout said.

"Are you positive of what you saw?" Arthur asked.

"Yes." the scout said.

"You are dismissed." Arthur said.

"Sir." the scout said, bowing his head before leaving.

"This is extremely bad." Arthur said, walking to the window.

"If a monster is in power, it's definitely not friendly," Fia said.

"I need to travel down to Tyrell. Commander Falco is there." Arthur said.

"Okay. Send me a raven. I love you, baby." Fia said, kissing his forehead.

"I love you, too." Arthur said.

Tyrell was an extension of Light that was made into its own city and moved further South. Arthur traveled by carriage and reached Tyrell in a day. The roads were just made but were meant to extend further North and South and create more accessible travel routes.

The guard opened the doors and Arthur stepped through.

"Is Commander Falco here?" Arthur asked.

"Just passed on in, sir." the guard answered.

Arthur ignored him and continued on his way. He entered the small tower and found Falco reading. Falco had short brown hair and brown eyes. He was buff and very skilled with the sword.

"Arthur?" he asked.

"I have urgent news. A Titan has been spotted among the scavengers." Arthur blatantly said.

Falco just stared back at him for a minute.

"Um... I..." Falco was at a loss for words.

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Not every chapter will be this long. Most will only be a thousand words, like my other stories!

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