
My Kingdom Building System

[QUEST: The Beggar from Another World] [Beg 10 times: 0/10] [Rewards: Old Rusty Sword] "Huh, what am I supposed to do with that sword? Dig my own grave? Then you better give me a shovel." The beggar said jokingly. [The quest has still not been accepted] [The reward changed] [New reward: Old Rusty Shovel] "Hey, hey, hey! I was joking. And why did you gave me a Rusty Shovel? I meant a new one!" [Ding] [The quest has been automatically accepted] "System! You bully people far too much!" ["..."] "Ahh! I guess I can only complete this quest, so that I can receive new quests." The beggar walked down the street and approached one middle aged man. "Excuse me." "Get away from here!" The man took a broom ready to chase the beggar away. "Sigh!" The beggar lowered his head. "It's really hard to live as a beggar. But how can I give up? A whole kingdom needs to be build and it would definitely not build itself."

DivineAquila · 奇幻
97 Chs

Transmigrating into Another World

"Bastard!" A muscular, bald, gorilla-like man shouted at a beggar lying on the ground. He wore only shorts with his upper body completely naked, revealing the only thing he was proud of, his muscles.

"You dare beg on the streets without paying the fee?!" The man screamed as he kicked the beggar in the stomach with all his might.

However, the beggar did not react. He did not let out the slightest sound even after receiving such a strong kick.

The man knew his strength, so the beggar not budging even a little after receiving that kick could mean only one thing, he was dead.

As he turned to leave, the man threw one last glance at the dead beggar. "I should have done this long ago. If nothing else, at least I would have saved myself some time!" He spoke without even the slightest sense of guilt. Instead, he spoke with anger and disgust.

Finishing his words, he left without looking back again.

The moment the man left, the dead beggar slowly rose and dragged himself to the nearest wall on which he leaned.

Sat on the ground, he slowly examined his body.

"What's this?" He muttered, disgusted by the stinking smell of his body and his torn, old dusty clothes.

"Where am I?" He tried remembering the last events that took place before he found himself in this place.


Before he could remember anything, he heard a sound.

He glanced around the small dark alley, searching for the source of the sound, but he found nothing. Not before the second sound sounded, he realized the sound was in his head.

[Congratulations for successfully transmigrating into another world]

"Another world?" The beggar muttered, confused.

He glanced all around the alley in disbelief.

"Come, come…Fresh potatoes!"

"Jewelry! Buy three, get one free! Just today!"

Mixed voices of the salesmen from the light busy street a few meters from him reached him.

"I'm really into another world? " The beggar muttered. "But how did I die?"

[Because the host's soul got transferred into another world, the host might not remember the last moments of his previous life]

"In other words, I won't remember how I died." The beggar lowered his head. He appeared to be sad. "Please tell me how I died. Did they kill me in my sleep?"

[The host was stabbed to death in a street fight]

"I see."


[Merging the host with the Strongest Village Building System]

[Merging completion in 20 seconds]

A pair of large tears rolled down the beggar's eyes. He looked like he could burst into tears at any moment. After all, not accepting the fact that he transmigrated into another world was normal.

Tears started streaming down his face.

"Hahahahaha!" He burst into laughter.

[Merging completion in 10 seconds]



"Finally! I knew I was special! I finally crossed into another world. I waited for this to happen for too long! I'm so happy!" He slapped his open palm across his face, trying to hold back the wild emotions with the help of the pain.

"Hahahahah! I can't hold back my excitement!!" He screamed and laughed uncontrollably like a crazy person.


A red window with the word 'ERROR' written all across appeared before the beggar's eyes.

"What?!" His heart tightened instantly.

[Re-judging the host]

[Processing the information]

His previous excitement instantly turned into fear, he breathed heavily, and his back was drenched in cold sweat as he waited for the information to proceed.

What will happen? Will the system disappear? Will he be left in this unknown world without a cheat?

Just thinking about it made his heart beat like crazy, not to mention it happened. If the system disappeared, it wouldn't be strange even If his heart burst.

He started regretting not trying harder to control his emotions. But what can he do? That's just a bad side of his. Whenever he gets too excited, he loses control over his emotions.


[Unable to judge the host]

[Conclusion: The host is mentally unstable]

"Wha…" The system's conclusion dealt him a little emotional damage, but he didn't have time to worry about it. His biggest worry now was whether the system would disappear or not.

[Judging the host's potential]


[Unable to judge the host's potential]

[Conclusion: Unlimited potential]

[Changes will occur in the system]

'Will It disappear?' His mind went blank at this thought.


[Merging the host with the Kingdom Building System]

"Sigh!" The beggar let out a long sigh of relief. His fear slowly disappeared, and his heart calmed. After he calmed down, he could finally think with a clear head.

If it's a system similar to those he read about in the novels back on Earth, then there would be many quests with handsome rewards. Also, he needed to explore the world. Does magic exist or not? Can one practice martial arts? How far is the technology developed?

There were just too many things to do.

[Merging completion in 10 seconds]

The beggar waited in silence.


[The system merged with the host]




System messages bombarded him, and blue windows covered his vision.

"System, close the windows."

The blue windows instantly vanished.

"How was it…" He tried remembering the novels he read. "Status window!" A bluish status window instantly appeared before his eyes.

[Name: Nolan]

[Gender: Male]


[Personality: Mentally unstable]

[Occupation: Beggar]

[Level 1]


[Martial Arts: None]

[Strength: 5]

[Stamina: 5]

[Agility: 5]

It still bothered him that the system regarded him as mentally unstable, but instead of getting angry about things he can't change, he focused on exploring the system.

Down, in the right corner of the Status Window, he noticed two tabs, [Skill] and [Shop].

"Skill," Nolan said calmly. A bluish skill window instantly replaced the status window.

[Martial arts skills: None]

[Active occupation skills: None]

[Passive occupation skills: Information gathering lv.1, Begging lv.1]

[System skills: None]

"Ohh!" He exclaimed in shock." I didn't expect to have something useful like information gathering. But what's this? Begging lv.1? Wasn't he a beggar all his life? How could it be only level 1? Well, it doesn't matter. It would probably be useless even if the level was higher."

"Shop." The shop window instantly replaced the skill window. However, the shop window had chains all over it, locked with a padlock in the center.

[Reach level 10]

"As I thought. It would've been too much to have access to the shop from the start." The many possibilities for business he thought of using the system shop vanished from his mind. "System, are there any quests?"


[Main quest: The Beggar from Another World]

[Beg 10 times: 0/10]

[Gather information about the world: 0/1]

[Reward: Exp 10, an old rusty sword without a sheath]


[Can't decline the quest]

[The quest will be automatically accepted in 30 seconds]

" What a shitty reward. What can I even do with the rusty sword? Dig my own grave? Then I think it's better to give me a shovel"


[The quest has still not been accepted]

[The reward changed]

[New reward: Old rusty shovel, Exp15]

"Hey, hey, hey!" Nolan screamed as he threw a punch at the blue quest window, but his hand passed through the window and hit the air. "I was kidding! And why did you give me an old rusty shovel? I meant a new one!"


[30 seconds passed]

[The quest has been automatically accepted]

A vein popped on Nolan's dirty forehead as he read this message.

"System, you are trolling!" He screamed from the bottom of his lungs



"Fu.k!Fu.cking system! It's bullying me!" Nolan cursed as he stood up and headed towards the busy street.

"Wait!" He stopped right before the busy street. "In the novels, for someone to transmigrate into another world, the previous of the body they would have must die. In that case, the previous owner of this body must have died. But the problem is, how did he die?

"Was he killed?" Nolan stepped back and leaned on a wall again, taking his time to think the things more thoroughly.

If the previous owner of the body died due to an illness, then the moment he transmigrated, the existence that transmigrated him must have healed the body.

But If someone killed him, it means Nolan would have a mortal enemy somewhere out there.

"System did someone kill the previous owner of this body" Nolan deliberately spoke in a low voice, trying to hide his anxiety, but he still couldn't hide it.


"As I thought!" He exclaimed. "Ahhhh!" He rubbed his head, messing up his messy long hair even more. "It looked so easy in the novels, but now that I'm here, I have to take into account every single detail when making a decision. "

He stood in silence for the next few minutes.

"No matter how hard I think about it, I still must take the first step." He muttered as he stepped out of the alley. The sight that greeted him made his heart dance.

The people had set stalls on the sides of the stone-paved street. You could find anything on those stalls. Fruits, vegetables, clothes, jewelry shoes, and many other things. No stalls were set in the middle of the street because there passed a road, but all in all, the street was booming with people.

But of course, no matter how good a thing is, there always must be a dark side. When looking around, Nolan also saw a stall selling enormous cages, though he couldn't confirm what was in the cages, one didn't have to be a genius to guess it. Slaves, that stall sold slaves.

However, this didn't affect Nolan's mood much. After all, he knew he alone couldn't change anything. Also, those in the middle class could at least afford one slave, and those poor peasants in the low class could comfort themselves, they were not the lowest class. So no matter how much they hated that someone enslaved people, deep down, they didn't hate it at all.

"Nighaa!" A horse sounded from afar, grabbing everyone's attention and pulling Nolan out of his thoughts.

Not long after, a pair of horses pulling a carriage appeared in the distance.

The carriage moved fast.

"Get out of the way! Out of the way, lowlives!" The coachman screamed, swinging around a long, black, snake-like whip.


The whip hit a man passing the road.

The strong hit coupled with the speed of the carriage threw the man a few meters back, hitting a nearby stall selling grain.

The wooden stall scattered, and the golden grain covered the ground around the stall.

"Aghhh!" The man howled in pain on the ground as he held the place where the whip hit and rolled on the ground.

But the carriage didn't stop to see If the man got hurt, instead, it just passed like nothing even happened, and soon it disappeared in the distance.

The people around quickly surrounded the man, helping him to get up. Of course, there were ones like Nolan who didn't care much and just continued going their way.

It's not like Nolan didn't care. He just had other, more important things at hand.

He immersed himself in observing the street and the people on the street.

Some people wore clothes like the Ancient Chinese people, and some wore clothes like the Europeans.

He really couldn't figure It out. Was this Ancient Earth or some completely different world?

He racked his brain about this question for a half-hour, and as he still couldn't figure it out, he decided to get closer to a salesman and get some hints. If not anything else, he could at least get to know the name of the Country.

"Amm…Excuse me. "Nolan spoke politely to the man selling jewelry a few meters from him.

It was a middle-aged man facing Nolan with his back.

He wore white-blue ancient Chinese clothes, and a beautiful white jade hairpin held his hair together.

The man turned slowly with a gentle smile, rubbing his hands, ready to receive the customer and make a little profit. But as he saw Nolan, his smile vanished, and he showed a look of disgust.

"Bakojbngjbo!Ikuscram!" The man screamed.

'What's going on?' Nolan's smile vanished too. 'Why can't I understand his words? System?'


[Generating a new skill]

[Completion in 10 seconds]

'Can't you hurry up? The man is angry, and I don't know why.' Nolan said in his mind.

The salesman took the broom leaned on the stall, and raised it above his head.

'Hurry up! He will beat me! Stupid a.ss system!" Nolan screamed in his mind.


[You received the skill: Language Translation lv. max]

[Language Translation lv. max: You can speak and understand every language in the world]

"Get away, you dirty beggar!" Nolan finally understood the man. But the man was already prepared to swing down the broom.

'Since it came to this, there is only one way out.' Nolan thought with a serious expression on his face. 'I didn't want to do this, but I guess there are some things you cannot avoid.'


Nolan fell to his knees.

The man froze in shock, and the broom fell out of his hand.

"Great sir! Please spare me! I'm just a little beggar. I beg you, give me a little money to buy food so I can live to see tomorrow." Nolan kowtowed to the man.

"Ahem!" The man cleared his throat. His anger disappeared, and he didn't have the heart to hit the beggar kowtowing to him. "Little beggar, you are lucky. I'm a good man, and today am in good spirits. Here take this."

The man threw a few copper coins at Nolan, like giving them to a dog.

Nolan didn't complain. He hurriedly picked up the coins from the ground and got away from the man's sight.

Hello everyone. This is my first story and I hope everyone will support me. The writing is not perfect and there will probably be many mistakes.

So please correct me because I hope I can grow faster so I can better write this story.

DivineAquilacreators' thoughts