
My Kingdom Building Fanfics I dropped!

This fanfic will actually contain several fanfictions I had dropped as "drafts" when I was writing.

MegaDanijel · 其他
7 Chs

Important NOTES! SPOILERS!!!

Main Character: John Smith,

Appearance: A 19 year old young man, with black hair, short cut, 180cm tall, slim build, almost always wearing "Military" like clothes. With small scar on the right side of his lips.

Likes: Likes playing strategy games such as HOI4, EU4, And especially ones with space in it, like Stellaris and Starcraft 2, with Starcraft 2 being his favorite with Terran Faction. His family obviously, healthy food, his time,

Personality traits: Sarcastic, Strategic, Calm

MC possess System, a specific ability that allows him to summon and design Human soldiers for his goals, and even summon technology, food, resources, vehicles, spaceships, but everything at cost of SP (System Points.)

System Points can be earned by: Completing received missions from the System, eliminating threats, unlocking new human technologies through traditional means.


Story will be set in Alternate version of Milky-Way Galaxy.

Earth will still be in Sol System. 

Milky-Way will have 16 different intelligent races. Including Humans.

And only 9 Still-continuing Nations across the Galaxy.(

1 Rugarli Republic: Rugar, a race of Lizard-like humanoid people, contrary to their appearance, they are quite polite and intelligent people, who are always trying to deal with any problem with peace first. (21 Billion population, 120 planets in possession.

2 Concotian Empire: And Empire made out of religious fanatics, who are running slave-oriented Empire, in other words, they are of the lowest scum imagined. Concots are two meters tall humanoids, with four arms and eyes, with sharp teeth, along with elf like Ears, red-skinned. ( 53 billion population, 647 planets in possession.

3 Democratic Republic of Demorio: Demorians are smart but small aliens, tallest is one meter, they are pale skinned, hairless people with frog eyes, their most known feature is their intelligence, they are known as gadget creators for reasons. (2 billion population, 14 planets in possession.

4 Merlian Empire: Fish like people, capable of both living on ground and on air are ruling this empire. They are very honorable individuals thanks to their beliefs and culture, (34 billion population, 343 planets in possession.

5 Coalition of Armat: Armats are known as Merchant nation, very well known to be greedy people, 10 billion population, 161 planets in possession

6 Hegemony of Bart: Bartians are one eyed humanoid aliens, they are known as battle maniacs of the Galaxy, they were the ones that started most wars in Galactic History.

7 Mayarian Authority: NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION

8 Lotrian-Ziz Alliance: NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION




Ancient parasite army, that's going from one galaxy to another, and slowly devouring all lifeform in it, till nothing remains in it.


Xeras are ancient Artificial Intelligence, created billions of years ago by another, and more developed race of beings, in the end, Xeras is just another threat that's when it wants, it will destroy any organism it ecounters.

Other Galaxies, 

I'm going to add Intter-Galactic Wars.