
My Journey to End's Genesis

In a moment of desperation and confusion, I found myself at the brink of death, my past obscured by darkness. But a glimmer of hope emerged as Death itself offered me a second chance, albeit at a steep price. Now, thrust into a world I know nothing of, I grapple with the consequences of my newfound existence, haunted by the uncertainty of my past and the weight of a contract with Death. Yet, amidst my turmoil and doubts, a determination burns within me. Despite the odds, I refuse to succumb to despair. Instead, I embark on a journey fraught with mystery, magic, and peril, driven by the unwavering resolve to reclaim the life I once knew. Join me as I navigate the labyrinth of sorrows and trials, wielding every ounce of strength and willpower to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic world. In a realm where darkness lurks at every corner, I vow to fight for my existence, to seize back what was taken from me, no matter the cost. [DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE, SOME CHAPTERS MAY CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

jhoe_hikay · 奇幻
52 Chs


I just glazed at the smallish-looking girl, wow her eyes were stunning, it looked like she was tired and then she let out a yawn and said: "Where have you been Master."

Angel says in amazement "Master!!?"

"me!! ?" I was confounded too.

"You ain't Lucius!" The smallish girl said.

"Wow thanks for shedding light on that, I didn't know" Anon replied sarcastically.

"Laura wants to meet with Master Lucius," she said.

we were still confused at what happened but thank God she knew Laura.

"Didn't you hear Laura, Laura said She wants to meet Master Lucius."

"I don't get what she means (angel raises her two shoulders as a sign that means she doesn't know)."

Angel: "Wait do you know Laura?"

"yes, I am laura"

" oh I get it now, she is speaking in the third person" Angel realized.

"I don't still get"

"don't you know anything? when someone talks about him or herself in the third person, it means the person is referring to him or herself but as if it were another person he or she was talking about. like if I say Angel is hungry instead of I'm hungry."

"enough , thank you I understand ma" Angel laughs.

"ooh so you are saying she is Laura"

" Yeah, that's right, I know to understand what he meant by "let us make the creation and everything shall know Lucius and Laura.""

"Are you not listening to Laura,ahhh!" Laura squeaked out. She was already angry and then she raised a finger that emerged a bright light that blinded us for 3 seconds and when we were able to see again we found ourselves inside a huge orb.

"if you want to get out tell Laura where Lucius is"Laura stated.

"but we don't know where Lucius is" Anon


"Then how did Laura get here," Laura asked.

"It should be Anon, you appeared after he finished reading the writings on the creation grimoire" Angel replied.

"Only Lucius can summon Laura for he wields the word grimoire, "Laura stated

"well not anymore, but cos It chose me, " Anon said.

"Impossible, Laura was made for Master Lucius alone."Laura implied.

"Well clearly, you are wrong," Anon tells her

"Okay, then if Lucius isn't here where is he," Laura asked

"I do not know, nobody has seen or heard from him over millenniums" Angel replied

"WhaaaTtttttt!!what century is this?"

"This is the 20th century"

"So he didn't come back all along*starts sobbing*"

"Come back from where, "Angel asked

"Leave Laura alone" Laura replied sorrowfully

"I swear you will regret this Julius, "she said in pain as she wept and started fleeing from the room.

"Wait you can't leave us here! ("Anon shouted

"Yes Laura can" she responded

"Can you then at least tell us what happened to Lucius "

"No" Laura replied

"Then let us out"Anon demanded

"LAURA SAID NOOOO!!!" Laura shouted

as soon as she finished altering those words the orb started shrinking and getting smaller which was then compressing our bodies and it was very painful.

"Please stop this " I and angel cried.

"Please, PLEASE!!" We cried again

She stopped it from shrinking and said "Next time don't get on Laura's nerves."

She started going out of the room again but this time I stopped her with a proposal.

"Go on Laura wants to hear the proposal, " Laura said

"Okay, why don't I assist you in finding Lucius for getting us out of here."

"hmm it's worthless but an extra 2 hands might work, only if the girl joins Laura will consider"

"yes, I accept" Angel from the pain replied very swiftly.

"Okay it is done, close your eyes or you will get blinded for real this time, " Laura said

she brought out her finger and cast the same spell she did before but this time it undid the done.


"We need a healer, " the woman says

Anon"no, it's okay Serena, I am okay"

Serena " No we need one, we can find them at the school"

Anon" Oh right!! school, we still need a swordsman and archer"

"just seal it, then we can get the healer and the rest of the crew".

"You know I can't control my magic," Serena pronounced.

"don't worry about me just do it."

" Are you sure about this?"She seemed worried.

"yeah, just do it ."

okay she said

she brings out her grimoire as she recites twice

"Close now not healed and remain locked until I need (sealing spell)"


SPELL ATTRIBUTES: Grants The Mage The Ability To Lock A Specific Item Magically And Make It Unable To Be Reached By Any Other

LEVEL:A-class Spell

PERFECTION: Unknown But Certainly Not Perfect

Duration: Till Mage Releases The Seal Or If Weak Till Death Of Mage.

"you have to rest you know your head was hit, I will drop you off at the school," Serena said


"Who are you? where am I?, OOUCHH! My head"

"NONONO this is what I was avoiding "Serena screamed

"I don't feel so good..." *falls unconscious*

"Anon wake up"

I woke up, and to my surprise that was a dream again but how did I get here?

Angel " Oh you are awake, you fainted after she undid the spell, Laura said, due to her being awake she drained away your strength and she also said it takes a god to be able to control a fraction of her powers, she also said you shouldn't use the word grimoire unless you are strong enough or in danger or you will die, just joking but she said only summon her when she's needed."

"Why did she drain away my strength?".Anon asked

"Don't you know anything Anon, once a grimoire is in use it will continue draining its wielder's strength away until when not in use again"?

"but I didn't use her for anything"

"but you awakened her, that was enough"

"oh okay, I had this weird dream about..."

"you will have to tell me later if we are late for classes, let's go"

"what do you mean, the ceremony ended like 1 hour ago"

"don't be silly*laughs*that was yesterday".

Exactly that defines me perfectly, missing out on important parts of my life, can't even remember how I spent most of my life.

"Okay then let's get moving" I responded. I have to get down fast and ask the principal about these dreams am having.

*15 minutes later*

*school bell rings*

We were already in class, this girl just said we were late and the bell was just ringing.

"Why did you say we were late when we weren't"

" well I consider being just 15 minutes early as being late"

This girl must be a real nerd, I would have had enough time to have met the principal and gotten my answers well what is done is done.

"Good morning class " Miss Stella greeted.

"Good morning ma'am " the class responds,

"I assume you guys had fun yesterday, getting your grimoires and the food, "She said.

" well today we will be learning about our grimoires, kindly put them on the table"

We did as she said, "Okay now those grimoires you have are now connected to you, you are all one and they live within you now, the stronger you get the stronger it gets."

"She, ma'am," Anon said "Excuse me?" Miss Stella said in bafflement.

"My grimoire is a girl," I said

" What are you doing, no one is meant to know about your grimoire, a grimoire can't transform, yours is the first I have seen or heard of". Angel quickly cautioned me on the mistake I was about to make, but why me tho.

"Oh I didn't know."

"Wait, don't take what I said literally, your grimoires living within you doesn't mean they are alive" She replied.

Anon " Oh! my bad"

The whole class started laughing at me like I was sent to amuse them.

"it was just a misunderstanding, stop that".Miss Stella signified.

"no matter the spell written on a grimoire, it's only the wielder who can cast it, a mage has full control over his or her grimoires you just need to show them who the boss is because few grimoires have a mind of their own in which they don't cast spells or remain dormant. All you have to do is to show power, strength, and authority."

"This scenario is not the case for all grimoires"Miss Stella denoted.

Hmmmmm I just have to show Laura who the boss is right? I have learned something useful today.

*class continued for 3 more hours*

"Okay that's all for today, we will learn how to cast spells and how to also activate new spells in our next class, class dismiss" She ended the class for the day.

As soon as the class was dismissed I hurried to the principal's office.


*knock knock*

"come in" The principal gave me approval.

"Oh it's you anon take a sit" he said

"sir I am here because of the dream, I had the same dream today".

"oh really, speak I am listening"

"It's about a lady named Serena (the principal gasps), is anything wrongs sir? ("No continue," he said)okay, she has green eyes and dark blue hair, it was like we were working together but I think she tried to seal something in me but she sealed my memories in the process "

The principal excused himself and told me to wait for him there. He was gone for close to 3 minutes then came back with 3 guards.

"Seize him!! take him to the dungeon, if he tries to escape, cut his, throat" He commanded.

"Don't let anyone see you on the way there"

"Yes sir" they responded

I was in great shock at what was happening, "WHAT?!!!!! are you shitting me right now?"

Somehow I have come to bring myself into another trouble, I may have said something I shouldn't have or rather to someone who I shouldn't have spoken to.