
My Journey to ...

grant with the ability to reincarnate, he traversed worlds, see myrad of seneries and injoyed life tile he was betrayed. one time from his lover, other times from family, and sometimes even from his children. having enough of living such a life. this time he will do things selfishly with out any care of the world. A / N : -English is not my first lunguage -Post any suggestions for the story -All opinions are welcomed

theMob · 奇幻
19 Chs

ch 4

[ Master ~, this world's history is pretty much like some of these worlds. ]

Yes right, chaos give hydromonster or sunmoonstar or pengyu and akacha or any other entity and boom chaos ended and order began, giving life to worlds or planets...

[ Hehehe, it is true master. Than, what do you plan to do now ? ]

hmm.... for the future creating my own world and doing as I like, but for now I am planning on how to strengthen my fandetion, since it will be a great loss in the future for me.

[ How do you want to do it ? ]

If I remember quite well, the heavenly body, the body and soul are connected by one another while the cercuice, be it blood cercuice or mana cercuice, are what give a boon for the future. the better the quality of the cercuices, the easier one's time will be in advancing in strength. So I need first to destroy my body till the last cell and rebuild it to become stronger and with better potential.

[ In this case Master need to be careful, the process of destroying and rebuilding one's body is normally done after one has become a Demi-god, if Master which to do that than you will need to have control of the soul, body and mind wich is the heavenly body at the same time.]

By doing this I can rebuild, raffine and strengthen the connection between them which will let me became stranger.

[ Fufufu~, not only that but master, in the future you will have three cind of divine seed. ]

hhhhhh, now that you point it out Ana, I think that having three cind of seeds isn't something that someone have tried before.

We'll, all those things are good but they need work and a lot of it. Since I can sense the blood and take control over it, I need to control both my mana and my soul. Since I already can sense the mana in the environment. I can try and control it to nourish body. And like this I passed the following hours trying to send my mana in my body and nourishit.

< skill mana control have been obtained >

I then passed the following two weeks nourishing my body with mana till the skill have become S rank, then I tried to use both of my mana control and blood control to slowly nourish my body and halt the speed of my grouth. After all, I want to be born after 9 mouth of pregnancy no sooner than that or I will attract some unwanted attention.

< skill parallel though have been obtained >

Also since I nourishing my body with blood and mana, I'm taking care to give it the best and collecting the impurities and sending them out of the body of the mother which is good for her.

After one month

< skill parallel though E -> C rank >

Now I am able to not only nourish my body with both mana and blood but I can now starting to train my soul sense and soul force, my soul sense can feel the souls and their felling, my soul force can strength my soul and body.

< skill soul sense have been obtained >

<skill soul force have been obtained >

And so while doing this I kept trying sensing and controlling my soul for one month.



Name : Rio Grande

age : 0 ( 4 months )

race : human (fetus)

-Hp : 4.5 /4.5

-Mp : 101 /101

-Sp : 3 / 3

-Karma : 3

-SFp : 90 / 90

- str : 0.45

- sta : 0.3

- agi :0.45

- dex : 0.1

- int : 101

- win : 200

Skills :

*Soul veil EX

*Mana sense A

* Blood sense S

* Blood control A

* Mana control S

* Parallel though C

* Soul sense B

* Soul force B
