
My Inner Ability System

"I'm Electric" - Obed Obed, the main character lost his father in a war with the demons. He founds this book in his school library which gives him an electric ability. Obed then attends a magic school where they have to save humanity from alien invasion/demons and others. Join Obed on this phenomenal adventure and make it your inner ability system Gained electric ability. Save humanity.

LegalWolf · 奇幻
100 Chs

Chapter 72: Time For Questions, Now I Need Answers.

Obed was still in shock when he saw his brother vanish with water ability. "Obed, are you okay," said Diana. Obed didn't say a word as he deactivated his ability. "Obed", said Diana. "Why, why didn't you tell me", asked Obed. "Obed, I..", said Diana but Obed left the scene. "I should have told him earlier", thought Diana. Obed then came down back to the auditorium. "Obed how was it", asked Angel. But Obed didn't answer anyone's question. Obed was in shock and also angry with Diana. "My brother is now my enemy", thought Obed. "Obed what's going on", asked Michael as he touched Obed by the shoulder. Obed then punched Michael on the stomach as Michael went backward. "I've seen this expression before", said Michael. As soon as Michael said that, Obed left the auditorium. Michael and the others then turned to look at Diana. "We need to discuss this, NOW", said Michael. After saying that, Michael, Chris, Florence, Linda, and Angel as well as Diana left the auditorium to the cafeteria to discuss what was/is bothering Obed.

Obed then arrived in his room and the door shut. Obed began to scatter everything in the room because he was angry that Diana never told him about this. "What's all the commotion Master", said Wood. Where have you been", asked Obed? "It's been two weeks since you left here", Obed continued. "I was on a vacation master", said Wood as he smiled. "But master, you haven't yet answered my question", asked Wood.

Meanwhile, Obed's crew were at the cafeteria about to discuss why Obed had that expression. "So, Diana, can you explain why Obed has that expression on his face", asked Michael. "You guys remember the figure I was talking about right", asked Diana. Everyone nodded their heads in response. "That figure is Obed's brother", said Diana. Everyone was shocked by Diana's response. "But I didn't tell him that he had a brother", she continued. "That's why he has that expression on his face", said Angel. Florence then headed straight to Diana and smacked her on the cheek. "Why didn't you tell him", asked Florence. "Because I didn't want him to know that his brother was his enemy", said Diana. "So only you knew about this", asked Chris. "No, his mother also knows about this", said Diana. "Diana, I think you must go and apologize to him right away", asked Angel. Diana then got up as well as the others as they began to head towards Obed's room. Meanwhile, Obed was been questioned by Wood why he had that expression on his face when he arrived. "My cousin Diana knew I had a brother but she never told me about it until he finally showed up", Obed replied. "Oh, you mean Bright", asked Wood. "You also know about my brother", asked Obed. "Of course, everyone here knows about your brother but they don't know that his surname is Gore and is from the Gore family", replied Wood. "He seems to possess the ability of water, not only water but the entire ocean", Wood continued. "What do you mean", asked Obed. "What I mean is, your brother is the next god of the sea after Poseidon", Wood replied.

"So can I stop him", asked Obed. "To be frank, I can't tell", Wood replied. "Besides, you are an electric user, your brother is a water user. Electricity and water sometimes don't go together", said Wood. "So there will be bloodshed during your battle", Wood continued.

"You must get answers", said Wood.

"But from who", asked Obed.

Wood then used his wings to form a magic circle around Obed. "Where are you taken me", asked Obed. "To your mother, that's where you'll get all your answers", said Wood. "The portal will only last for 30 minutes. Make good use of the time", Wood continued. Obed then thanked Zeus and then the magic portal disappeared. As soon as the magic portal disappeared, the rest of Obed's mates arrived in his room and found Wood. "Where's Obed", asked Diana. "He's off to get answers", replied Wood. "Oh no, I must follow him", said Diana. "Don't", said Wood. "It concerns only him not you", said Wood. "But...", said Diana then Linda held her hand. "Have faith in your cousin ok", said Linda. Linda then rose her head up in the clouds and began to sob.

Meanwhile, Obed was on his way to his mother's place, where we had to fight his cousin to become a demigod. Finally, Obed arrived at his destination and was on the ground in the castle. Obed then got up and saw the elders as well as his mother sitting around the table. "I believe you are here for answers aren't you," asked Dora. "So you knew my brother was our enemy and you didn't tell me, why", asked Obed. "Because we knew you'll get angry and wouldn't be on side with us", replied Dora. "And now that you have told me, if I say I wouldn't be on side with you, what'll you do", asked Obed. "Nothing, absolutely nothing", said Dora. "In that case, I've heard about the god Poseidon, who's he", asked Obed.

"Poseidon was the god of the sea, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and horses. He is the older brother of Zeus", said Dora. "You mean, Poseidon is Zeus' brother", asked Obed. Dora then nodded her head. "Also, Poseidon was one of the three most powerful Greek gods, alongside his brothers, Zeus and Hades", Dora continued. "Hades", said Obed. "Yes, Hades", replied Dora. For his powers;

Atmokinesis is one of them. As the God of the sea, Poseidon possesses the power to manipulate water, storms, and lightning, able to create strong waves and violent storms to bring the rage of the ocean upon those who anger him. Atmokinesis breaks down into several abilities. "Just like me he can control the atmosphere", thought Obed, Damn.

Another is Cryokinesis. Poseidon can manipulate and control ice. "What the hell", said Obed.

Hydrokinesis is another. Poseidon can manipulate and control water, ranging from tidal waves and whirlpools to a watery construct in his image. Since water does not retain a shape, it is clear that Poseidon's control over water is not only immense but precise, in retaining the size and shape of his Titan form.

Eco-Hydrokinesis: Poseidon has complete control over the element of water. He can control all the water in the world.

Water Breathing: Poseidon can breathe underwater.

Electrokinesis: Poseidon can generate and manipulate electricity. He used this power to help Hades in defeating Atlas.

Hydro-Electrokinesis: Due to his control over the seas and its storms, this accounts for Poseidon's electricity-based abilities.

Immortality: As a god, he is immortal and can live forever. Like his brothers and the other Olympians, Poseidon doesn't age and is not affected by time, only divine weapons, other gods, and Titans can kill him.

Flight: Poseidon was able to propel or accelerate himself through the air with great speed and force.

Power Granting: Poseidon can grant powers to his followers, as shown when he gave Kratos the power of Poseidon's Rage. He also gave the Redeemed Warrior great resilience, allowing them to sustain massive amounts of damage before death as well as the power to use the waters of the deep to aid them in battle by creating Walls of Water and even creating Sea Storms right amid battle without being near a source of water, with these waters they can heal themselves and allies. Poseidon also grants his followers the use of Cryokinesis, allowing them to create large spires of ice and even freezing opponents to crush them.

Shapeshifting: He could reform himself into a massive, elemental form resembling a Titan. This form, in his image, was entirely water-based, with rocks forming details on his chest and head. In this form, he is at his most powerful, with all of his powers and strength greatly augmented. However, his measure still pales in comparison with the Titans.

Regeneration: He can regenerate himself

Teleportation: As the ruler of Atlantis, Poseidon can teleport anywhere via sea and water.

Plague Creation: Poseidon was able to create a plague to infect the village of Thera to encourage Herodias to search for Ambrosia.

Superhuman Strength: His Titanic form also primed his already great strength.

Superhuman Durability: Poseidon can withstand great attacks before submitting to defeat, and due to his Warriors possessing great durability as well, he should be far more durable than Ares. His durability was likely only matched (or surpassed) by his brothers Hades and Zeus.

Superhuman Stamina: Poseidon's energy and vigor in combat are far greater than that of mortal men, enough to fight the Titans, though he can be defeated.

Superhuman Agility: Poseidon has a higher jumping capacity than mortals. It is unknown if his agility was on par with that of Hermes.

Invincibility: When in the waters of the deep, Poseidon is invincible and all of his attributes are multiplied greatly. However the farther away he is from the sea, the less of his "true" power he can exhibit.

Hippocampi Control: In elemental form, below his waist, a large jet of water coming from a rock formation was maintained. He could also control them even without his elemental form, but the creatures themselves are smaller, one even managing to wrap around his forearm; this is seen when the gods looked down from Mount Olympus to the climbing Titans below. It was left with Obed's 10 minutes before he would be warped back to Earth. "What about his weakness and how can I defeat him", asked Obed. "Well, as a matter of fact, his weakness is just one", said Dora. "Then what is it", asked Obed. "His only real weaknesses lie in being tricked or deceived, and woe to the trickster if Poseidon ever learns that he's been duped", said Dora. And the only person who can defeat him is Zeus and now that you have the power of Zeus you can defeat Poseidon as well as your brother. As soon as Dora finished saying that, the magic portal started to appear. "Thank you for your answers everyone", said Obed. "Don't forget what God asked you to do, visit Azreal and collect it", said Dora. I'll mother, said Obed then he disappeared.

Soon a magic portal arrived in Obed's room and Obed was brought back to his room. Obed then thanked Wood saw his friends as well as Diana. Diana apologized to Obed and Obed did as well. Obed also apologized to Michael for punching him in the stomach. Soon everything was back to normal but only for a matter of time.