
My Idle Cultivating System

Hiro died and reincarnated in future.He got a system which was pretty similar to the game which he used to play.Follow the journey of Hiro in Intergalactic war and race to top of world.

Book_Monster · 都市
15 Chs

Hardcore Training.

Inside Cultivation Room Hiro who has been cultivating had breakthrough one after another until stopping at fifth layer of Qi gathering stage.Feeling tremendous power inside his body ,Hiro didn't have words to describe it.Shortly after he was teleport back in his room.

'I have reached 5th layer of Qi gathering , if i had more time i would have broke through 6th layer.'

Hiro scanned his own cultivation base he was half way to 6th layer.

'I don't have to be greedy i can cultivate anytime.Is my speed considered fast or slow.'

Did little Hiro know his cultivation speed was fast ,to fast even genius were not this fast as Hiro.They have to gather chi in their body and purify it ,if they want to breakthrough another layer.Cultivation Room had pure Qi and it was at-least 50% denser than where he was living.

Sitting down Hiro planned to cultivate whole night as he found cultivation fun.Time passed by morning came.Hiro who has been cultivating whole night felt little sad .He had gather Qi whole night but he base wasn't full to breakthrough next layer.

Opening eyes Hiro sighed.Why was it so slow.'I miss Cultivation Room'. While Hiro was depressed ,Ina knocked on his bedroom door.

"Young Master breakfast is going to ready soon.You should clean yourself fast."

"OK i will be out in a moment."

Standing up he almost fell down from bed as he hadn't adopted to his new power.Tiny drop of tears dropped from his eyes.Half an hour later getting used to his power he went to dinner table.

Seeing everyone was present there Hiro was planning to give surprise but Old man Lance spoke first.

"Boy you reached 5th layer." Surprise and excitement could be seen in his eyes.Hearing what Old man Lance said everybody look at Hiro as if he was some kind of monster.

'What a genius.What a monster ,how many days it took me to reach 5th layer of Qi gathering.'

Everybody's thoughts were like this.But Angela look at Hiro differently.She stood up went where Hiro was standing grabbed his hand and sent her own Chi to check Hiro's condition.There were some people who wanted to breakthrough fast so they didn't purify Qi/Chi only gathering enough to breakthrough. This dropped their potential on cultivation road and gather more impurities and making another breakthrough harder and harder.

Feeling Hiro's Base was pure and Impurities free Angela sighed.But crazy expression was build up in her face .Hiro's Base was larger than four times larger than normal cultivators from same level base.This was monstrous ,Hiro had to gather four times their energy and had four times their strength.

"Did you not purify your base.And promoted after filling up your base."

As Angela knew how much Hiro wanted to cultivate since young but she had stopped him from doing it saying " It's for your better foundation." She also wanted Hiro to cultivate ,it also pained her seeing Hiro's sad face every time he asked her to teach him.

Hiro knew what his mother was thinking ,Hiro grabbed Angela's hand and said softly "Mom i did not rushed .No matter how frustrated i am ,i will not rush."

Seeing that Hiro was determined not to rush and flaws his cultivation Angela felt tingling in her heart.What a great son he had unlikely over-boosting father of hers.

After having breakfast .Hiro who was planning to cultivate and walking toward his room , Heard Angela saying "Hiro after an hour come to underground court.".not knowing the circumstances Hiro could only agree.

Arriving in-front of underground court Hiro saw Angela and Old man Lance was talking about something.Seeing Hiro has arrived Angela and Old man Lance stopped their talk and went to Hiro's side.

"Since you have reached Qi Gathering stage early than we thought.From today we will train you to control your strength ,Qi\Chi and some battle training."

Hearing what Angela said Hiro's adrenaline pumped up to move his body.Seeing Hiro's body pumped up ready to take anything Angela said "First you will be doing some basic training for your body."

"You will do 100 push up ,10 km Run ,100 squads and 100 sit-ups."

Listening to what Angela said.'Isnt that the cancers guys training schedule.Do i also get bald after training'Shaking his head he cleared out all the thoughts and stared to do push up where he was standing.(sorry to whom saitama is their favorite character.But i after seeing a meme i cant stop thinking saitama as cancer patient.)

While doing push ups Hiro did not feel tired or out of ordinary but after doing for 70 times he felt his Chi circulating on his body.Chi which was circulating inside his body stared to rush toward his skin,muscle and tendons making it hard to do push ups.Feeling Hiro's Chi circulating and refining his body Angela and Old man Lance felt little puzzled.'Was not this truly fast.'

This technique was developed after calculating for long time.For does who first started to cultivate this technique was perfect to raise their body foundation and train at the same time.But it took multiple time to feel this change.

As Hiro pushed his body to his limit doing push-ups , he felt more Chi was circulating inside his body.Not giving up he push-up'ed more thinking 'I can do it.I can do it one more time'

After finishing 100 push-ups Hiro laid on the floor of Training ground.Heaving heavily Hiro checked his body condition.His skin ,muscle and tendons were stronger and more flexible. Recovering his Chi and stamina Hiro completed his rest of training except 10 km run.Not knowing where to run Hiro turned his head to Old man Lance.Feeling gaze of Hiro was looking at him,he said "Run circle around the mansion after finishing come back here and we will do soft battle training."

Running around mansion for sometime Hiro felt his whole body was aching and filled with energy.After finishing his sun Hiro sat near the door of mansion.Suddenly a white towel appeared before him.Turing his head to see the face who was giving him towel .Standing next to him was Ina holding water bottle in one hand and towel in other.

Taking the towel and bottle from Ina's hand ,Hiro thanked Ina.After resting for a while Hiro returned to underground court.

"Are you ready for some more body movement.It will be intense."

"I am ready"

Then Angela's long, sturdy legs turned into a flurry as she charged towards Hiro. A wave of aromatic wind blew past. Her thin, white palm turned into a dancing butterfly as it pressed towards Hiro's chest.

Hiro's eyes narrowed. So fast!

Angela hasn't use her chi or strength, but there was strong force. . Hiro found out that he couldn't dodge her palm at all.

He tensed his body and a light flashed across his white skin. His arms crossed in front of his chest as he defended with full power.

The butterfly flew past and lightly stopped at his crossed arms.

The seemingly light palm contained a mountain breaking power that was vented from those small, white hands. It passed through Hiro's arms and struck fiercely against his chest.

Hiro's heart felt heavy. He retreated step by step for 14 steps before standing still again.

Although he was struck and sent flying away, Hiro showed a smile. He defended against it!

After going through a level of refinement, his defense greatly increased. If this was yesterday, Hiro would have probably fallen over facing that palm, but now, it only made his hands a bit numb and his chest a little heavy.

Seeing that her palm only pushed Lu Ze back 14 steps, Angela smiled. She opened her mouth and blinked her eyes as she looked atHirofor a moment before saying, "You are doing great for first battle."

Hiro flung his numb hand and cracked a smile.

Angela smiled gently, "In that case, lets increase some intensity."

Then, she dashed up again.

Because Hiro has only learned the basic martial technique, Angela only used the basic movement technique and the basic palm technique. However, Angela's mastery was clearly higher than Hiro's. She moved around easily and rarely stopped.

Seeing Angela charge over ferociously, Hiro's mouth spasmed. She discovered that he could take some hits, so she increased more power and speed.

But looking at Angela's basic movement technique, Hiro didn't think about anything. He knew that he had too many weaknesses. Whether it was his cultivation level or martial technique, they were all garbage. He needed to work more on cultivation in the future.

He looked at Angela's movement technique while dodging her attacks. In the beginning, he got hit from all directions but eventually, he could dodge a few attacks. Gradually, he could dodge more. Out of ten palms, he could barely dodge two or three palms.

After the two sparred for half an hour, Hiro had been smashed by a few hundred palms. His entire body was aching and he could barely stand.Feeling light headed he tried to sit down on floor but before he could,he felt down and lost consciousness.

Seeing Hiro felt on floor Angela dashed and grabbed Hiro's body.Feeling his breath was fine ,Angela sighed a little .They had been fighting for a while who would not get tired.