
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · 奇幻言情
202 Chs

Chapter Thirty Eight. *

It was dark and the villagers with our people's help were still packing.

I stayed with Demelza, Eli and my child. But everyone else was out there helping.

Demelza took charge of cooking. And us sisters took care of Anna and a few local kids who never left us. Their parents felt safe leaving them, and soon they were off playing and enjoying being out at night.

I watched Ilianna playing tag in the dark. The fires around lighted up the entire area well. So I told them to stay together and within earshot.

" Today sure got away from us huh? " - Demelza were talking to Eli, while poring some wine. "Zephyr killing his second divine beast and the way it happened."

" That's two in less than a month. Incredible, what now Sisi? How are handling it? "

I was busy keeping my eyes on the children but, I thought about it. " Well.. tomorrow, I ask him to gather everyone. We need to ask them not to spread it. At least until winter festival. " - Demelza offered a cup to me and I raised it as if to toast.

"He will marry me, before touches another of one those monsters."

Demelza and Eli laughed at my hardened resolve and drink with me.

Eleanor opted for water but, give me a surprised look. " So you don't mind sis? if he ..goes and fight them."

" I have to make my peace with the fact that he is...different. I mean those monsters don't frighten him. " - I looked at the now covered fangs of Tori placed next to the wagon. "He can fight them and win apparently. So after our wedding..I will fully support him doing so."

He is a warrior.

I don't wanna change fundamentals that make him who he is..I will just change the stupid stuff.

" That's more or less everyone thinking Lylly, my Alex gone on that mountain twice..the fear was always crippling. " - she remembered some hard times, I couldn't even imagine. " He is..like all man are, a work in progress. But, I still love him..so I'm go do all I can to support him."

Well said. Work in progress..I liked that.

Soon the man came trickled back to our camp. Manata begged Zephyr to have us sleep in his father house, but I was against it.

It was one thing with Demelza bed but, some guy like him..no I don't wanna have sex in his bed. It was creepy. So we opted for our tent again.

Chatting happily. Zephyr and the guys came and sat down looking tired.

I give him a long kiss. " You worked extra hard my love."

" I just wanted everything ready for tomorrow. I want to head back home and finish our house"

He thought for a second then pulled me close with an unexpected idea. "Then let's head to Malai city. Hmm?? I would love to see it..I'm sure our princess will love it. Hell brother, let's us all go. " - he checked the with others invited them. " We can spend a few days there just with our families..Alex, Lucian?.. What you think?"

Alexander suddenly perked up. " You know, I'm interested.. last time I enjoyed it for the wrong reasons, and haven't been there to actually have fun with Demelza since Arnold was born. " - he grabbed his wife who was smiling like an maiden in love already. " We could use a some downtime darling, no? "

Demelza hugging her husband with a loud little scream. Lucian looked hopeful towards Eli. She was obviously all smiles, she loved the city, and was a gluttonous person around those food stalls.

She nodded and we were all set.

I looked at the man causing all this commotion. Grabbed a plate handed him some food and knelt back close to him.

" Why the sudden hurry? Not that, I'm against it but we would've gone soon anyway just before our wedding. For winter supplies."

" Well..."

He leaned closer for privacy.

" I want you buy everything needed for our new home. I want it to be perfect. My love.." - he put the food down and looked at me seriously. " I'm gonna stay put, build our village, then marry you. Those are my immediate plans. "

I felt very sweet inside.

Our wedding, our house will be perfect. Now the wedding will be much bigger than it was previously planned. He wants to give me everything, I wanted.

I invaded his mouth and let him know how happy he made me, I stole some of Demelza soup as well. We laughed the he whispered close to my ear.

" Plus..I want see you in the panties chosen for my personal enjoyment. "

" By see you mean, rip them off me right? " - I looked at Demelza direction busy with her own husband and felt guilty ruining some of her underwear. " Why waste the money on something you destroy soon after I wore it once ? "

Instead of an answer he just bit my lips and had his lustful gaze on my body.

Looking forward to tonight. I slid my hand slowly up his leg on to crotch and felt how excited he was.

" Hurry and finish your plate..I'm getting hungry myself."

Seeing that face of ecstasy, sucking air through his teeth, biting his lip... I loved how he only showed these sights for me. That it's me who causing this just by a few words and touches.

I took a seat next to him and watched him inhale his food.

We were all so happy about the upcoming trip we talked a little too long.

Once everyone was tucked in and Anna is placed in Eleanor tent.

I ate and licked every inch of him .. his response was loud enough to definitely be heard outside. It was a brand new scenario for us both but, I quickly got into it.

His smell, his taste, the lewd sounds, he looked like he left his body while it happened. Soon I felt him bulging up and his hand pushed my head all the way down on it.

..Hmm, thanks for that.

" Ohh whoa.. I..that was a-amazing. " - I climbed up in him kissing his chest, he was actually shaking like a leaf. He usually leaves me like this.

" Anything else.. I can do ? " - I enjoyed this sight of absolute euphoria his smile showed me.

Instead of answering he turned me around roughly and covered my mouth with his hand to keep me quiet.

If not for his quick thinking everyone would be awake if not already.

For the next hour he took me in every position some even dangerous and we made a bit of..mess in our tent.

Looking around after we finished..

We might need to sleep in the wagon after tonight.


I was awaken by Zephyr feeling very tired still.

He kissed me while I'm still half asleep and my eyes closed.

" Morning my love. Last night amazing and was...memorable..and..." - he kept kissing my stomach slowly awakening me with each word .

He came up to neck and I took over. "..delicious. I agree. Now when we move into our home...what you promised...? "

I could see the colour leaving his face. I reached and grabbed his incredible hard ass.

He jumped and squirmed away. " ..Alright. Just .Okay. I just don't understand why.."

" ..It's called curiosity Zephyr. Something you enjoyed a looot last night. " - I pulled him back and pointed out the facts. " Even talking to you hurts now.."

He gave up with a defeated sigh and climbed off me.

" Promises, Promises.." - he crawled out half naked and I had a crazy good view him doing so.

I stayed and smiled into his pillow...More experiments upcoming.


After making myself halfway decent I went outside as well, it was getting noisy. Did we sleep in ?

Outside was chaos.

People running around, looking for things they were missing, people they're missing, screaming with one another, everyone looked disorganized but very enthusiastic about leaving.

I walked outside saw Zephyr already had a plate of eggs and talking with his men about logistics of our trips back.

My love you need to more self conscious. Some people losing their footing because his was still shirtless.

" We might not, make it back to Lime lake before nightfall and to set up camp. But, we will see. - he looked at the people running around. " Now let's go and help them..look for whatever seems everyone is missing. Let's be on the road as soon as possible. Use your judgement and don't spend hours looking for..a tea kettle. "

Those got up early had finished with breakfast went and helped those frantically looking for displaced things.

He give me a quick kiss and I handed him a shirt a strategic slap that made him narrow his eyes as he followed the others.

I sat next to my sister and my Daughter having breakfast. Ilianna kept looking at me with angry eyes.

" What's wrong sweetheart..are you mad because you had sleep with aunt Eleanor last night? "

" Dad, told me I can't ride with him.."

I saw her anger justified she rode with him here.

" Why? "

" Because she done it twice now..." - Zephyr came carrying some bags and put them near the to Tori wagons. " And since we can't rush. I want my lady to ride with me."

I looked up and saw his mischievous smile.

I looked back at my pouting daughter crossing her arms. But couldn't help be happy.

Riding with a ridiculously handsome man's embrace on horseback is a universal dream of all maidens.