
Chapter 456: Sitting Beside You-III

Reasons for people to cry are different to each of them individually and those reasons often appear every once a year. It was Li Lian's very first time hear someone had not cried for years, and it surprised her. She recalled her earlier image of the man which she illustrates in her mind and somewhere she had thought of him to appear as a person who attracts people but doesn't get acquainted with them and for once, she wondered if her guess might have been right on the mark. 

"Honestly yes," Li Lian answered his question.

"What about you?" The man then asked as if he knew she still hadn't been able to find her reply to his earlier remark. "Do you often feel lonely?"

"No... I was locked here," she explained.

"I know, but also at the same time, I feel like you don't seem to mind the darkness. I thought maybe you also find the company of being alone as enjoyable?"