
Chapter 367: Peak of Hatred-III

Mr. Xie walked toward Senior Mrs. Xie, he was happy with how everything smoothly turned out without noticing any expression from the man who he had said would marry his youngest daughter.

"Mother, you should say a few words of blessing too, Hue Lin wish to hear your blessing," he said and Senior Mrs. Xie's eyes moved to her youngest granddaughter.

There was a feeling in Senior Mrs. Xie that despite the love she felt for Xie Hue Lin somewhere along the line, the love faded. Until now she did still think dear of Xie Hue Lin but at the same time, there was a feeling in her that say it was better to keep distance.

Being told to say a few words of blessing for the marriage which will happen soon between He Chang Min and Xie Hue Lin, she didn't feel she would like to say one. Not because she doesn't approve of the marriage but with Li Lian who just left, she didn't think it was appropriate for them to announce marriage suddenly when they had invited Li Lian.