
Chapter 303: Talk to Linyue-III

Li Lian watched the gloom that came from Linyue as she spoke about it. Her hand moved to the next teacup, stirring with three sugar cubes and held the cup with her other hand holding the saucer.

"The memories are what drives a person to remember. It is often say how memories stay prettier with time passing," replied Li Lian to brightened Linyue's mood as the woman seemed to be sad now.

"Hm," Linyue brought her head up and down, accepting the words to look at Li Lian and asked, "How is everything going between you and Jun Wei? You seemed like a couple that wouldn't fight." 

Li Lian agreed with it by time most people would fight but Li Jun Wei and Li Lian rarely fight almost never. It could be because their personality complement each other to fit like puzzle most people with contradicting characters would often disagree.