
Chapter 300: Ocean Pleasure-II

Li Lian's toes curled when his hand brushed slightly on her core to stop at the small tips. It was hard for her to control herself from drowning in the pleasure, her gasp continued to pass by her mouth while she was unable to hold her self and fall slack on his shoulders.

"It's here." Li Jun Wei whispered, his hand knew exactly what to do rubbing the lips of her core that almost made her eyes rolled back from the pleasure. Whatever it was, Li Lian didn't know each of his movement his fingers made was terribly pleasuring. She should have felt satisfied that he had touched the place where it felt but somewhere still felt throbbing and itching.

Li Jun Wei saw her head lifted up looking at him and pressed his lips again, ravaging inside her mouth and intensified the circular rubbing he did on the tips of her core. When she pulled her hips back, Li Jun Wei caught her hips and pulled her closer.