
Chapter 292: Sparks-II

Jin Nu Yuan blinked once before twice, catching the sight of Li Lian, her hand clenched tighter. She had only meant the words she said so she would have her picture taken too at the family, a new one where she would be there as every time she entered the house, she saw the picture with regret that she wasn't born earlier.

Mrs. Jin hold her daughter's hand to stop her from ruining any atmosphere and spoke, "Of course Nu Yuan have her own picture in the house, she just wish to have her picture taken in the family painting, as you know that painting is for the closest family. She had kept quiet the entire time, but she wished to be there too."

Li Jun Wei gave his aunt a nod, "Aunt Jin doted on Nu Yuan a lot. I could see your reason for moving the portrait even when I told you not to."