
Ghost Stories Reviewer - Chen Ge (2 in 1)

編輯: Millman97

"Did you hear? There are rumors that a ghost visited the male dormitory last night! There was a student who always bullied his roommate found dazed in his bed. Both pee and poop were found staining his shorts!"

"How come I heard it was the female dormitory that had a problem last night? The surveillance camera was covered by a black shadow, but the manager said she saw many different human faces flutter into the dormitory through the blurry camera! There was a female student who was found in the corridor. She was incognizant. People said she was sleep walking!"

"Yes, yes. This morning, I saw someone was sent to the hospital. The ambulance stopped for a while before the female dormitory. Now, everyone is talking about how the students who often bully their classmates are being cursed! This is karma rearing her ugly head!"