
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · 武侠
32 Chs

Tired Souls

In between Osetrun Village and Remus City is a small village called Mayne Village. It used to be a small farming village. Riding on the horse it took a day and a half to reach. Many of the boys during training were from here. As I approached it, I could smell smoke.

"It's been destroyed..." I whispered to myself.

I reached the village and saw broken houses and burnt farmlands. I tied my horse to a nearby pole and wandered around the poor village. I became more frustrated when I saw corpses of small children and women littered around the streets. Suddenly, a feeling of dread and depression seeped into my stomach and chest. I sat in front of an old wooden shop with a dead elderly woman next to me. The darkness in my heart grew stronger. The anger and sadness burned on my soul. A pain like this was not bearable. I began to cry in anger. In frustration. My body felt hot, and my fingertips became numb.

Noises of multiple footsteps were getting louder. I quickly stood up and drew my sword. Only to find a small group of citizens with a large range of ages.

"Fear not, child. We are not here to harm you." the elderly man said.

"Are there any more of them?" I asked

"No, they left and went north. Claiming a boy in black... armor..." the elderly man paused, "Killed a whole faction in their clan. Along with two War Lords."

"Yeah, I did." I said

"Are you tired? Hungry? We set up camp not too far from here. We have some food to spare for you and some hay beds." he said

"Yes. I would greatly appreciate that." I said

"Your name?" he asked

"Rowan Niron. Yours?" I asked

"Joseph Keal." Joseph said

Joseph seemed a little shorter than most of the rest. He had gray eyes and white hair. He wore a white long sleeve shirt and dark brown trousers. The others offered their names and the ones I remembered were Carter, Michael, Edward, and George. Some of them had injuries, others had weapons but no armor. The children clutched onto the women.

"Tell me, why are you so concerned with those heathens?" Joseph asked

"An eye for an eye." I said

"History is made of great deeds and terrible misdeeds." Joseph said.

There was a pause. I didn't answer, I knew exactly what he meant. I just stared blankly at the grass and rocks.

"Did you lose anyone, if you don't mind me asking." he asked

"A friend, my mother and sister. My brother was in Heart Stone, so I don't know if he is alive. My father is in the capital, so he must be safe." I said

"I'm sorry... I lost my only daughter and her son." he said

"I'm sorry..." I said

"Life gives and life takes. There's not much we can do, except pray to the Gods and hope." he said

"My family was never the religious type. My father never believed so he never taught us about it." I said

"I can't tell if that's a blessing or a curse." he said

"Perhaps both." I said

"Perhaps..." he said

We reached their camp in a few hours. There were some tents and campfires. Children gathered around the fire and were roasting small birds and frogs. Some were eating roaches and other insects and worms. In total there were around ten kids, fifteen young men and women and seven elderly. A tear fell from my eye at the sight of this awful situation.

I walked to an open spot in the middle of the camp, sat down, and took out half a loaf of bread. I noticed a child staring at it. I walked over to her and split the bread in two. She ran over, to what I assumed was her younger brother, and gave him the bread. I then gave her the rest of it.

"What has Remus become?" Joseph sadly asked

"Why didn't you go to Remus City?" I asked

"That's where they were headed. Or at least north." he said

"I see." I said

"Safer out here than up there." he said

"I guess that's true, but still... all of you are starving. Bring me to the injured." I said

"Follow me." he said

He led me to a small makeshift wooden shelter. Inside there were five beds with some injured villagers on it. There was an old lady tending to the injuries. I looked upon them with sorrow. A child's arm and leg were broken. A man lost an arm and eye. A woman had been sexually assaulted. Another man was bleeding out after getting stabbed in the chest.

"Let me help, ma'am." I said

"Thank you, sir." she said in a soft voice.

There weren't many medicines available for these injuries, so I did the best I could with small amounts of herbs and spices I found around the village. I splinted the child's arm and casted a fiber with wood, then wrapped it. After that I wrapped the child's leg with a clean fabric. I heavily wrapped the man's chest with clean cloth. I made a sleeping aid for the woman out of herbs and flowers I found blooming around their camp. The old lady thanked me and praised me.

After tending to the injured, I looked for Joseph.

"Joseph." I said

"Yes?" he said

"I'm going hunting. I'll bring back a deer or turkey." I said

"Let me come with you!" Edward said

Edward was a tall bald dark-skinned man with brown eyes. He carried a short sword.

"I would appreciate it." I said

We left right away. We wandered into the forest with bows and arrows. After a while, we finally found a buck. I signaled Edward to go around. We both drew and shot at the same time. My arrow hit its head and his arrow hit its neck. We heard a loud thump as it hit the ground.

Edward took my knife and began skinning the animal. We then tossed it on a burlap sack and slung it over his shoulders. We were satisfied with our results, but a bit disappointed when we couldn't get anything else. Eventually we came back and the meat and fur were divided up by everyone. The women cooked it and served all the children first. Seeing all their bright smiles made me extremely happy.

"Thank you, Rowan." Joseph said

"Of course." I said

"Are you leaving?" he asked

"I have to." I said

"Don't tell anyone about us. We don't want unwanted trouble." he said

"I understand." I said

"Where exactly are you going?" he asked

"North, past Remus City." I said

"Stop by Red Meadow Village. It's between us and Remus City. I advise you not to enter the city, because of the mercenaries." he said

"Yeah... Red Meadow Village?" I repeated

"A small town, but perhaps there's people who need help. Or people who need to pay." he said

"You said you believed in Gods, right?" I asked

"Yes." he said

"Which God is the God of peace?" I asked

"Ruler of Heaven, He who created our world, Otonato." he said

"Who is the God of war?" I asked

"Aesoter, God of wrath." he said

"I'll be praying to Otonato." I said

"As will we. Be safe." he said

"You too." I said, mounting my horse.

I reached the northern gate entrance of Red Meadow Village. No Vikings, but they were here. My rage grew and hatred burned my soul. I tied my horse to another pole and found some hay and laid it out in front of him. I walked around and entered some destroyed buildings to see if I could find anyone who was still alive.

The village had five inns, multiple markets and shops, and three brothels. Hundreds of the men were killed. Died fighting and protecting. Women, men, old and young people, and children. Massacred, starved. I entered the brothels. Then the market places. Then the shops. I walked into the first brothel and began looking. Searching. Hoping that I would find one person alive. As I walked down an alleyway I saw a man with a sword lodged in his lower abdomen.

"Please... kill... me..." he whispered

I looked down at him full of pity. I quickly pulled out my knife and stabbed him in the heart.

"Rest now." I said, bowing my head.

Suddenly I heard a shriek from a brothel. I quickly dashed and upholstered my sword. I looked through the windows and found a small girl in the corner. Suddenly, an arrow flew out. Before I could react, it hit me square in the shoulder. I pulled out the arrow. There were three of them. Two wielding axes and one had a longbow. The little girl hid underneath a blanket of some sort. They exited the building.

I turned around and saw a buff man wielding a giant iron hammer.

"Fresh meat!" the one with a bow said.

"This one is mine. He is the notorious Black Knight. I am Thaddeus Thor, a War Lord of Rune Blade. Son of Torius Thor. Flattener of Mountains! Speak your name!" Thaddeus said

"Rowan Niron." I said

"Rowan... fight me with all of your might!" he said

I said nothing as I unsheathed my sword and stood in a defensive position. Thaddeus smiled widely before running at me.