
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · 武侠
32 Chs


The sky was clear and the sun was bright. The air was warm as we trained. Kyle was easy on us, specifically me. We practiced for a few hours. Then we spared against each other. Time flew by. In the back of my mind I had this... sickness. Something was off, not just my mental state but also my physical state. I felt lighter, stronger and faster. Kyle was the only person who noticed, and he had no explanation for it. After the training, Kyle took us to the cafeteria. We sat and enjoyed each other's company. Kyle took this chance to bring up Kelmarsh again.

"So, what happened?" Kyle asked

I then explained as best as I could, but some parts were blurry. The six of us talked for a while until Tyler and a doctor walked up to us.

"Pardon me, Captain. We will need to examine Rowan." Tyler said

"Sure. How long will you have him?" Kyle asked

"Don't know yet." Tyler said

"You will have him back by nightfall." the doctor said

"Alright, Can I come too?" Kyle asked

"No sorry." Tyler said, gesturing for me to get up.

I waved and they led me to where I first met Athena. We stopped in the middle of the field. Athena came up from behind and rubbed my back as she walked past me and towards Tyler. The doctor started inspecting my body. He took my shirt off and started feeling around.

"Abnormal heart rate. Eyes are bloodshot. Breathing sharply." he said to Tyler.

"What does that mean?" I asked

"You felt it, didn't you? The power. What was it like?" Tyler asked

"What?" I asked

"You tapped into the state of total awareness. Kyle probably said that you went past your limits and your body needs time to recuperate. But he is wrong. I saw you train. I could tell by your face that you felt off. Better? Faster?" he said

"Yeah, I feel stronger and faster." I said

"I can help you build endurance to it. It will be rough at first, but in time you will be just like me." he said

"Why is Athena here?" I asked

"To fight you. With wooden swords of course. You are going to try and re-enter it. Become one with the environment, your sword. Focus on her movements. Read her like a book. Become aware." he said, holding out a wooden sword for me.

"How?" I asked

"Think about the emotions and what you were feeling back then. Recreate it, here and now." he explained

Tyler stepped out of the way and Athena stepped closer. She smiled softly and waited for me to get ready. The doctor and Tyler stood by and watched closely. I raised my sword and charged her.

I slashed down and she dodged. We clashed over and over again. I wasn't able to enter the state. Tyler shook his head.

"Again." he said.

We fought over and over again until the sun was about to set.

I fought with all my strength and still nothing. I tried remembering my emotions. Then it hit me. Anger and hatred. I don't feel any of that towards her. Of course I wouldn't be able to.

"Tyler!" I yelled.

Athena stopped mid swing.

"Yes?" he said

"Anger and hatred. That's what I was feeling when I fought Jack." I said

"That makes sense. But you will need to do it without thinking and emotions. I will teach you. Then, maybe someday you will be better than Athena and Nate." Tyler said while chuckling.

We returned to our barracks and the days went by slowly. I trained every day. Tyler would continue these tests to try and get any type of result. I would be balancing books and swords or I would be sparing with Athena.

"I feel like we are getting nowhere." I said, panting.

"No. You are doing great." he said

"Thanks." I said

"It is going to be difficult for you, since you've only done it once before." he said

"How often do you?" I asked

"Five times a day for at least an hour each. The longest was eight hours. But then I fainted." he said

"What do you think about?" I asked

"My friends and family, I suppose." He said

"You suppose?" I asked

"I can do it so naturally, I don't need to think about anything." he said

"I want to be like that." I said

"You will, with time." he said

I sighed and picked up the wooden sword. Athena came up to me and put her hands on her hips.

"I hope you are ready for this." she said

"I am." I said

"Good. Here I come!" she yelled

She ran at me and I did the same. She was holding back a little, I could tell. I read her movements and tried to counter her. It didn't work. I focused on her and the surroundings. My mind started to slow. I focused even more. Everything around me slowed down. I was able to keep up with her. Then she picked up the pace. We continued for hours. Fight after fight. Loss after loss. I was able to hold my ground, but couldn't get a win. We stopped when the sun began to set.

"How was that?" I asked

"That's my line. What did you feel? You were able to hold up against her quite well." he said

"I felt as if I could perceive her slower." I said

"Finally, progress." he smiled

"Go get some rest, Rowan." Athena said

"Yeah." I said

As I turned around and began to walk, my head felt like it was going to explode. The last thing I heard was Athena shouting my name before rendering unconscious.

I stood up, but I could tell it wasn't real. This was another vision. I looked around and saw corpses. People I recognized were dead on the ground. I heard movement and spun around to face it. My heart pounded rapidly. The face was of the man I killed in Kelmarsh. His flesh, now rotting and bone exposed. I closed my eyes again and could hear him step closer.

"Look at me... look at me... look at me." the man repeated

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I screamed

As I opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful grass field and saw a familiar tree. The wind blew through my hair and I felt free. I woke up, and my body was sore. I looked around the room. I was alone. I slowly got out of bed. My legs wobbled and my body ached. The sun blinded my eyes. I stumbled across the yard; the fort was empty and partly destroyed. When I turned around, there was a man. He looked like a barbarian and he was standing over Kyle's body. I ran over and unsheathed my sword. He turned around and he was-

"Rowan!" Kyle shouted

My eyes slowly opened. Kyle, Athena, and Kent were crowding my bed.

"What did you see?" Kent quickly asked

"Death..." I quietly said, "it's almost here."

"June. Sometime in June." Kent said

"What's happening in June?" Kyle and Athena asked

"Something terrible. We won't be ready. We will lose." Kent said

"Not to spread this fire but, the king of Kralovia, King Alexander Alexius, declared an alliance with Evermoon. It happened yesterday." Athena said

My heart sank.

"What does that mean?" Kent asked

"It means we are no longer safe and could be fighting a long war." Athena said

"No way." Kyle and I said

"It is common knowledge now. So you don't have to keep it a secret, but stay calm." she said

I wanted to be home with Eve and Mom. I missed them so much. I missed everyone. My thoughts kept racing, and I couldn't stop them. Kyle sat at the end of my bed and put his hand on my leg.

"What attacks us?" Athena asked

"Remember we talked about this before. We don't know what exactly. Just barbarians." I said

"Right. Well, I'll go tell Tyler that you are awake and of this new threat that may happen this month." she said

"Wait, it's June?" I asked