
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · 武侠
32 Chs


My body ached and shook as I walked towards the cages. I broke the chains and let the poor people out. Many cried and thanked me. They began calling me the Saviour of Remus. Most of the men were killed, but the ones who weren't helped clearing the bodies and helping the injured. It took many of us to carry Dameon and put him in the pit to burn his body and the bodies of the deceased. We found food and distributed it to the people. We put out fires that were consuming houses and farms. A man pulled me aside to thank me personally.

"If you didn't save us, they would have taken us away. You saved my wife and my daughter. I have some gold if you want it." he said

"No, no. I don't want your money. I was doing the right thing." I said

"We have enough supplies and medicine for you and anyone who is injured." he said

"You might want to keep some for others that need it. Others were hit harder than this town." I said

"Valkyrie! What's your name?" the man asked

"Rowan Niron." I said

"Rowan Niron! The Saviour of Remus!" many of them cheered.

"You shall be remembered forever." the man said

"Thank you, sir." I said

"Please rest here. They didn't destroy all of the buildings." the man said

"What is your name?" I asked

"George Callaghan." he said

"George. I am fine." I said

"At least help yourself to the water or the food." George said

"All of this stuff should go to the hungry. Thanks, again." I said

He nodded and went back to his wife and daughter. I slowly walked to my horse and gave it some water. She didn't seem happy I was covered in blood and dirt, but she didn't mind too much. Somehow my body recovered its strength, and I wasn't tired or in pain. I found a shattered mirror and gazed into its fragmented surface.

My eyes were slightly bright red and there were blood veins spreading across my face. The irises were a light blue. Unmistakable that my eyes will stay red for a while, thanks to becoming fully aware. But how long will it last? My mind and my body pushed far beyond their physical limits, and I fear what else could happen if I push forward.

"Please rest." George said, returning.

"Fine, fine. You're probably right." I said

"I'll show you to a ro-" I cut him off.

"No, no. Give the usable beds to the wounded. I'll sleep on the ground." I said

"You are a wounded." he said

"No, I'm fine. Wake me up in a few hours." I said

"I think you should sleep through the night. Like us, we all need a good rest." he said

"Yeah..." I said

I nodded and laid on the cold ground. Exhaustion hit me immediately.

I walked down the dirt paths. I searched and searched, but couldn't find - wait, what was I looking for? The earth began to shake, and the fort crumbled. Fire and smoke rose, and people cried out. Among those voices were my family. I could distinctively pick out their voices. I ran in the direction of the sounds. I saw my father holding the bodies of my mother and Eve. Jack was nowhere to be seen. I rushed over to him and knelt beside their cold bodies. I stayed there for what felt like hours, not moving. I started breathing heavily and gripped my dagger, with a good grip in my hands. I yelled and thrusted it into my own chest.

I woke up in a panic just before the sunrise. I took a deep breath in and exhaled. I stumbled while getting up and shakingly walked over to the barn. The horse seemed upset. Poor animal doesn't know where or why it's being moved around so much. I sat next to her and stroked her fur. People around me glanced over and looked worried. I felt their pain and my heart ached for them. All sobbing and grieving over a lost loved one, hoping they are not hurt. I saddled up and began to ride out of Northridge Village. A small child approached me.

"Thank you, Saviour of Remus." she said

"Of course." I said

"Before you go, can you tell me if my mother made it to the Heavens?" she said, crying.

"She did. And she said to live and be brave." I said, with a tear falling down my face.

"Thank you, Saviour." she said, falling to her knees and balling.

I rode on towards Mount Ginnahin to finish this once and for all. It was a bit out there. On my way I stopped at a temple. I tied up my horse and entered the ruined temple. On the front it said: Temple of Otonato. The giant wooden doors creaked as they slowly opened. There was a single man kneeling in front of the giant stone statue and altar. The statue looked very peaceful and welcoming. The altar had blood stains and animal parts on it. Strange statues of cowering monsters and demons lined the walls. The man stood up and turned to face me. He was tall and skinny but looked strong.

"Are you a demon sent to kill me or are you an angel sent to save me?" he asked

"That would depend on what side you are on." I said

"I'm on the suffering one." he said

"Then I won't be killing you." I said

"Who do you kill, demon?" he asked

"Vikings." I said

"Oh... in that case... this shall be my grave." he said

"You don't look like a Viking." I said

"Oh, but I am. I took part in the raid on the beach." he said

"On the beach?" I repeated

"When we first arrived. We landed on the Southeast side." he said

"Heart Stone." I replied

"Ah, so that was the name of it. It was a beautiful place. You look like someone I saw there. He may have been a little older. I didn't kill him. We both looked at each other and saw each other." he said

"Saw?" I asked

"The rest of them look but they don't see. They kill what moves but don't consider what is moving. That is the Viking way, I suppose. Kill or be killed. It is constant war across the sea to the Frozen Lands." he said

"The man you didn't fight, what happened to him?" I asked

"He grabbed, what I'll assume was his wife and rode East. I watched as he got away. the rest were too distracted to realize what just happened." he said

"What happened?" I asked

"He came back with an army and forced us to scatter. We are one clan, but the War Lords have their own divisions. They took back the city. Chief Salazar said it was according to plan. But I believe he bit off more than he can chew." he said

"Your name, sir?" I asked

"Renley Green." he said

"Why are you doing this, Renley? Why kill and rape and destroy people's homes." I said

"It's my culture. Involuntary in my opinion, however. Because of men like him. I would have never raided your land. I would have never done what Chief Salazar is making me do. I fight out of obligation. Salazar controls this clan and they, no we, follow his orders without question." he said

"Why didn't you?" I asked

"I don't know. I couldn't kill him... what is your name?" he asked

"Rowan Niron." I said

"Ah, the Black Knight. You are heading towards Salazar now, aren't you?" he asked

"I am. Are you going to stop me?" I asked

"I have to, or the Gods will spite me." he said

"Even if it means you'll die?" I asked

"It is an honor dying for your Chieftain." he said

"Is that so?" I asked

"Yeah..." he said, unsheathing his sword.

"Thank you for not killing my brother." I said, unsheathing my sword.

"Make my death a swift one, Black Knight." he said.

"Of course." I said

His face visibly changed to pure concentration and determination. Just like his words, he stared at me and saw every part of me. With his sword pointed at me, he knew every aspect of his weapon, from the length to the weight. He stood tall and his back, straight. There would be no easy route to defeat him. I kept my distance but that would only work for a limited amount of time. This man was aware of every movement. He attacked first with a series of swipes and slashes. He was insanely strong.