
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · 武侠
32 Chs

Broken or Mended

He swung it over his head and brought it down. I blocked his attack but failed to see an arrow flying right at my thigh. I backed off from his swing to dodge the arrow.

An axe from the side came in contact with my back. Followed by another from the other side. I leapt away and noticed blood. Blood dripped from both wounds and the ground began to get blurry. My body twitched every time the pain increased. Another arrow dug into my calf; I pushed through the pain. I quickly turned and cut off the head of one of the axe wielding Vikings. I ran towards the archer and swiftly dodged the arrows and cut off both his hands at the wrists when I got close. Thaddeus' face changed and he punched through the other Viking's head.

"Let's have a proper fight." he said

The arrows and axes hit in between the gaps of the armor. The wounds were shallow, and the bleeding stopped shortly after. My clothes were ripped, but still intact and manageable. I stood guard and so did he. I stared at Thaddeus' body, looking for openings and timing the moment to attack. He roared loudly and ran at me with immense speed. I quickly scanned and responded as best as I could. He was stronger than anyone else I've fought. He used his feet to distract me from his mighty hammer. He hit my chest with the full power of the blunt weapon and sent me flying into the wall behind me. I slowly stood up and stretched and noticed nothing was broken. The armor was unscathed.

"Impossible... the hammer... is cracked..." he said

"Let us finish this." I said

"You can't be human..." he said

I ignored his snarls in his last sentences.

The loud thumping of his feet vibrated with every step. He made a huge swing, which left him vulnerable. His giant hammer clashed with the ground making a crater. He didn't move his legs to reinforce the power of his swing. I ran behind him and slashed his neck from left to right. Before it made contact he rolled forward and avoided it.

He screamed loudly as he furiously pounced at me. I slashed my sword across his chest and kicked him away. He panted heavily and slowed down, grasping his injury. We stood still for a moment, looking at each other.

"Your eyes... they have no fear in them. They are red like a demon's. What exactly are you?" he asked, struggling to pick up the hammer.

"A guardian. If I never lived to see the next sunrise then the loss would not affect me. Everyone I know is dying around me." I said

"No matter what, you'll die. One of us will slay you." Thaddeus said

I stood silent.

"Finish me." he said

The sound of footsteps came from behind. A small boy emerged.

"Umm... hello?" the young boy asked

"Hi." I said

"Who are you?" he asked

"I'm Rowan. What's your name?" I asked

"I'm Kyle. I'm kind of scared." he said

"Me too. I don't really want to be a knight, but my father said I have to be one." I said

"Mine said the same thing." Kyle said

"You want to train together?" I asked

"Yeah! We can make our own squad. Let's find other boys to include!" Kyle said smiling.

"I'd love that!" I said, smiling back.

Tears started running down my face. I placed my hand on my cheek and my heart beated faster.

"Oi, stop spacing out!" Thaddeus shouted as he clashed the giant mallet into my chest again.

I heard the sound of something shattering to pieces. After getting back up, I saw him looking down at the fragments of his hammer. Still my armor protected me fully.

"How is this possible?" he asked

"I don't know." I said

"Are you looking for Chief Salazar?" he asked

"Yes." I said

"Go to Northridge Village. Dameon Darco knows where he is. Although, Dameon is the strongest out of us all. Even Chief Salazar." he said, picking up an axe off the ground.

"Thank you, Thaddeus Thor. I'll make your death a swift one." I said

"Ha... no need, Rowan Niron." he said, cutting his own throat. 

I bowed my head and walked back to my horse.

"You want these, Rowan? This sword looks good for you." Kyle said

"Yes, I would love these." I said

"I'm nervous for our first day." he said

"Same. I hope it won't be difficult." I said

"Let's go see our squad." he said, grabbing my hand.

I shook my head and climbed on my horse and rode out of this village. I went Northwest towards Northridge Village. I could barely see Remus City, but I noticed many war tents around the city, and it looked untouched.

Rain clouds began moving in, and rain gently poured down. The village was a couple of hours out. Along the sides of the road were many dead horses, destroyed carts, and dead bodies. I tried not to look. The stench was awful and almost unbearable, and the clouds darkened the path to the village. A small carriage was ahead of me. I saw a man with a dog scavenging the wrecks. I stopped and he looked at me.

"You look tired." he said

"Thanks. What are you doing?" I asked

"Stealing from the dead." he admitted

"Huh..." I said

"Are you going to arrest me?" he asked

"If I did, I would be too. I abandoned my post. I'm looking for Roman Salazar." I said

"Never heard of him. I got a tent set up by a little cave, if you want to rest for a moment." he said

"Are you going to rob me?" I asked

"I only steal from those who won't be needing anything anymore." he said

"I could use some sleep." I said

"And you are bleeding." he pointed out.

"It's fine." I said

We walked over to his tent. It was mostly inside the cave, but he had some equipment outside under a tarp. We sat down by the fire and his dog slept next to him.

"I'm Rowan Niron." I said

"I'm Norman Green." he said

"It's just you?" I asked

"Yep." he said

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said

"Don't be. I was alone before the war." he said

"Oh..." I said

"You can sleep, I'll keep watch." he said

"Thanks." I said

I curled up next to the fire and dozed off. I heard the rainfall hitting the tarp and the fire cracking. I spent the next day with him. Norman was young and had short brown hair. He told me about his history and his home in Carthago. Apparently he was captured, enslaved, and raped repeatedly.

"You are far from home." I said

"I ran away and became a wanderer. Luckily slavery is banned here, in Remus. Just not in Valkenna. Actually, all of Sarn." he said

"I've never been out of Remus." I said

"It's much nicer than the ones I've been to. Alabaster Island is terrible. There's so much crime." he said

"I didn't know that." I said

"Where are you headed next?" he asked

"Northridge Village." I said

"What? That place is a Viking hideout now." he said

"I know. That's why I am going." I said

"Oh. Is this Roman guy a Viking?" he asked

"He is the Chieftain." I said

"You must be crazy. Your eyes were red when I met you, but now they are normal." he said

"It happens a lot when I fight." I said

"I see." he said

"How did you know they were Vikings?" I asked

"The capital released a paper. It said all kinds of stuff. Apparently General Macobu captured one and interrogated it." he said

"Oh." I said, knowing that was a lie.

"I don't believe it though. I always feel like they keep stuff from us until they are forced to give the information up." he said

"Thank you, Norman, but I have to get going." I said

"Yeah, yeah. Marching to your death." he said

"It's true that I'm marching to death, but it's not my own." I said.

He nodded his head as I rode off. The sky darkened as day turned to night and cold clouds moved in. Stars shined brighter the later it got. Wind rattled the tree branches and the dead leaves fell to the ground. The sound of the horse's hooves was constant as we galloped further. As I continued, it began to rain. I sought shelter under some rocks and tied the horse up. Soon after thunder roared. I took off my armor and laid down on the cold stone. I closed my eyes and swiftly fell asleep.

I stood in front of the tree. Kyle sat down next to it and waited for me to join him.

"Training isn't too bad." he said

"No, not really." I said, sitting down.

"Look! The stars are so pretty." he said pointing up to the sky.

"They truly are..." I said, looking at him.

I leaned against him.

I was woken by the sun piercing into the cave. I slowly got up and walked over the small river then ran across the valley. I drank and washed my face. I climbed back to my horse after packing and suiting up.

"Let's go." I said out loud.

I glanced at the mountains in the distance. Rocks peppered the earth. Pine trees were scattered around this area. Strangely beautiful. So far out into the wilderness was Northridge village. I could smell the fires miles away from the town. A river ran to the village, then out to a lake. As I neared the town there were several large houses. There were many Remians tied up and stripped. Vikings were beating some and raping others. Then I saw him. The man Athena and Colonel Pole were fighting. Dameon Darco. I tied my horse up a while back and I hide behind some brush and trees.

I saw many cages that were filled with women of all ages and the younger children. Guards were walking around and going in and out of their huts. Some were carrying the bodies of the ones they killed and throwing them into a pit of fire. I got closer and was able to hear a conversation Dameon Darco was having with another.

"They were all killed by a single man. The Black Knight is what they are calling him." the man said

"Those fools couldn't beat one man." Dameon said

"He was young. A fresh knight." he said

Dameon broke into laughter.

"I hope he shows his face. I want to face the ones that killed my brothers and sister." Dameon said

"He may be close." he said

"Prepare for his arrival. I'll be waiting at that temple of a false god." Dameon said, dragging the chained mace behind him.

I watched as he left and walked up the hill. Once he wasn't visible, I stepped out into the open. I quickly killed the ones nearby, but there were so many, and a bell began to ring. They all charged me. One by one they fell. I fought until none were left.

"Well, well, well. The Black Knight with death as his blade. Do you have a name?" Dameon asked

"Rowan Niron. I've come for the location of Roman Salazar." I said

"Roman, you just brutally killed over one hundred men and you aren't tired? So be it. If you can defeat me, I'll tell you where Chief Salazar is." Dameon said

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" I asked

"You know my name already. Or else you wouldn't be standing here." he said

"Dameon Darco." I said

"Yes. That's the one." he said

"You shall pay for everything you have done with your blood." I said

"I'll bring your head to the man who wants you dead after this fight." he said