
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · 武侠
32 Chs

Bonds Most Strong

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of knocking. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked around the room. I checked the clock. It was 8:30. I overslept. I jumped out of bed and ran over to the window. I pushed open the curtain and saw that the sun had risen. There was another knock on the front door.

"Coming!" I shouted as I threw on a shirt and pants.

I opened the door and saw Captain Steve Haizer.

"Sir!" I said in surprise.

"Niron, do you know what time it is?" he asked

"No?" I said

"It is 8:30. You are an hour and thirty minutes late. Lucky for you, Paul is out of town today. So, I am willing to forgive you this time. And there won't be a next one, understand me?" he said

"Yes, sir!" I said

"When will I see you tomorrow?" he asked

"7 sharp, sir!" I said

"Good. Now grab your sword and follow me." he said

He led me to the barracks, where Kyle and the others were sparing. They were using wooden swords.

"What took you so long?" Kyle asked, noticing my tardiness.

"Sorry." I said

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you made it." Kyle said

"Let's get going." Captain Haizer said

One hour of sparring. Half an hour of running. Another hour exercising. Lastly, three-on-three matches. Kyle, Hunter, and I versus Joseph, Kevin, and Thomas. Kyle was, by far, the best swordsman in our legion. He was incredibly fast and also very strong. The rest of us weren't bad either. But we couldn't beat him. After each match, we rested and repeated the process until Captain Haizer told us to stop. By the end of the day, we were exhausted.

"That was good work today. I'll see you on Monday. Have a nice weekend," Captain Haizer said

"Thank you, sir!" I said

We bowed and left the barracks. It was early evening when we were excused. Kevin wanted to go to the noodle shop at the edge of town to start off the weekend. Once Kyle said sure, everyone else was on board. Kyle and I live next to each other so we walked home together to get changed.

"Wait for me before you go!" Kyle said

"Of course, but be quick!" I said

I ran into my house and hurried to my room. I washed my face and quickly washed my hair. I quickly threw off my training clothes and put on clean clothes. I ran outside and saw Kyle sitting on my porch steps.

"Took you long enough." Kyle said jokingly

"I'm sorry. I got caught up." I said

"Nah, don't sweat it." he said

"Let's go. We don't want to keep them waiting." I said

"Yeah." Kyle said

The sun was low and the wind was cool. I walked behind Kyle as we walked towards the noodle shop. We entered the restaurant and met with the others. The table was round with six seats. The order of us went, Kyle then myself then Thomas then Kevin then Joseph then Hunter. The night went by so fast as we ate and talked. The noodle shop is small but always full on a Friday night. The food was delicious too. By the time we left, the sky was dark and the stars were out.

"I'm stuffed!" Kevin shouted

"Same." Joseph said

"It's late. My parents are probably wondering where I am." Thomas said

"Wait before you go. I have something to say." Kyle said

"Yeah?" Thomas said

"I want to make a pact with all of you." Kyle said

"I was thinking that too!" Kevin said

"Let's make a promise to each other. That no matter where we are or end up we will always help each other. If one of us falls we pick them up and carry them with us. Until the end." Kyle said

"I love it!" Kevin said

"We will always be here for each other." Joseph said

"I hope after these two years, either we will be stationed together or we will be close enough to visit." Kyle said

We huddled close before departing. The only ones left were Kyle and I. He sat down on the gravel path next to the noodle shop. I sat down next to him.

"Two years, huh." he said, leaning against me.

"Yeah." I said

"Most likely all of us will graduate and become knights. But I fear we will be separated and have miles upon miles between us." Kyle said

"You're so warm." I said

"Are you listening?" Kyle said

"No, sir." I said.

Kyle chuckled.

"Tired?" he asked

"A little." I answered

"Want to go to the tree?" he asked

"Yeah, sure." I said

He stood up and pulled me up with him. He grabbed my wrist and jogged towards the grass plains, where the old oak tree stood tall. The stars were beautiful and the wind was mild.

"It's such a beautiful sight at night." Kyle said

"Yeah, it really is." I said

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Kyle asked, staring at the night sky.

"Very much so." I said, looking at him.

"My dad has been telling me about it. He studies the moon and the stars. Once he retired from fighting, he became in love with cosmology." Kyle said, laying down in the grass.

"My dad is in Remus City." I said, laying next to him.

"Do you see him often?" Kyle asked

"Once a month." I said

"I'm sorry." he said

"No, it's alright. I have my mother and Eve." I said

"It is nearly the end of April." Kyle said

"Then summer." I said

"Well, after May." Kyle said

"Close enough." I said

Kyle rolled over and looked at me. I looked at him. My heart began pounding a thousand times per second.

"Should we head ba-" Kyle started to say.

"No." I said, cutting him off.

"Alright. I'll stay as long as you want." he said, going back on his back.

We laid there for the rest of the night. We talked and he told me about some of the constellations. I remember waking up and we were hugging. He was sound asleep, and I was half asleep. I could feel his heartbeat and breathing through his chest. It was so peaceful. I held his shirt tightly and stayed there until he woke up.

"Oh, crap." he said, waking up.

"Oh, wow." I said, pretending to wake up.

"I can't believe we fell asleep here." Kyle said

"Yeah." I said

"I am starving." he said

"Want to come over? My mom makes the best pancakes." I offered

"Yeah, thanks. I'd love to." Kyle said

We took off our shoes before entering the house. Mom greeted Kyle warmly and began cooking breakfast. She asked him a lot of questions, but he answered wholly. We scarfed down the pancakes and he thanked her.

"You are welcome." she said, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"I should be getting home." Kyle said

"I'll walk you out." I said

"Thanks." Kyle said

I walked him to the door and he put on his shoes. I hugged him before he left through the front door. I waved as he walked home.

Wednesday was a strange morning. Sergeant Paul Rasrun was still out of town and Captain Steve Haizer didn't tell us anything. We were getting worried. It seemed like James Drowe knew something, but we were afraid to ask. Not of him, but of his answer he might have given. After training we went to the bakery for lunch. Kevin had an errand to run, so he excused himself and left early. Joseph and I sat down and ordered food.

"Training was light today." Joseph said

"Yeah. Let's hurry so we can bring the food back to the barracks." I said

"Let me ask you something," Joseph said, "What do you think happened with the sergeant?"

"I don't know." I said, "Maybe he got stationed somewhere else."

"Maybe." Joseph said

We grabbed the food and hurried back to the others. Kyle and them were sitting at our table. When all of the kids began eating their lunch, Captain Haizer made an announcement.

"I know that some of you are worried about Sergeant Rasrun. I was ordered not to tell you anything, but I am going to anyway. Evermoon's King, King Christopher Bonifre, declared war on Qarif. Qarif's king, King Alkazarian Damino, has asked for assistance and offered for an alliance. Remus and Kralovia acknowledged this, but only Remus has joined so far. Sergeant Rasrun was sent to Remus City to help plan," Steve explained, "He is safe."

"That's good to hear." Thomas said

"You don't understand." Kyle said

"What?" Thomas asked

"He is going to lead a legion in this war if it is not settled soon." Kyle said

"Quiet please." Steve said

It took a second for all of us to be silent.

"Please keep the people of Qarif in your prayers, and anyone else involved." Steve said

"Yes, sir." we said

"No training for the rest of the week, but I advise you to do personal training." Steve said

A war was right on our doorstep. The first time since the revolution twelve years ago. The other countries, after expanding, have been quite peaceful. But humans are humans, greedy and selfish. No matter how much they grow, there will always be someone who wants more.

As the days passed, things changed quickly. We were called into the captain's office and informed that Sergeant Paul Rasrun would be returning soon. Sergeant Haizer was pleased with the way we trained, and I was happy to hear it. So was everyone else.

The day of Sergeant Paul Rasrun's return came quicker than expected. When he arrived he gave a speech to us.

"Thank you for answering my call. I am proud of each and every one of you. You are a fine group of young men. I am glad you chose to serve the Nation of Remus. I was given a task by the king, and I intend to see it done. I have been ordered to lead a legion across the sea and sail into the harbor of Qarif, to bring men and resources. Sadly Evermoon has invaded Qarif at full strength. If you know any geography, then you know Qarif is rather small compared to Evermoon. I will not return for a while, so Captain Haizer will be constructing all of you until I return, or if a new Sergeant arrives. Thank you all for giving this your all, I am truly grateful to have taught you. Even if it was less than a year for some of you. I would like to speak to Rowan Niron privately." Paul said

Everyone wished him safe travel and thanked him. Kyle stayed behind, but waited at the barracks for me.

"Sir?" I asked

"Your father, Commander Derrick Niron, is not going with us. He will stay in Remus City with the king." Paul said

"Commander?" I asked

"Yes, he was promoted." Paul said

"Wow, that's great." I said

"The problem is, he won't be home for a while." Paul said

"Oh, I see." I said

"Please tell your mother for me." he said

"Sure." I said

"Goodbye, Rowan Niron. Take care of your friends and your mother." Paul said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Goodbye Sergeant Paul Rasrun. I wish you the best of luck on the seas and in the foreign country." I said

"Thank you," he said, "You are excused."

"Sir." I said, nodding my head.

I met up with Kyle who was patiently waiting by the barracks. We walked to his house where he hugged me.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine." Kyle said

"I know." I said

"I wish... I... Nevermind." I said embracing him.

"Don't squeeze too tightly." Kyle said jokingly.

"At sun down, do you want to go to the tree?" I asked

"Just the two of us or everyone?" he asked

"Just you and me." I said

"Sure. I'll be waiting." he said, letting go.

I watched him enter his house and then I returned home. Mom was preparing dinner. I told her everything Sergeant Rasrun said. She said she was happy, but tears fell from her face. I comforted her and helped make dinner.

The sky was a beautiful array of colors when I set out for the tree. The wind was blowing through the trees. I didn't notice until I reached the grass plain. It was going to be a long night, sitting alone under the stars. I walked up to the tree and sat down in front of it as it towered over me. Tears began to form in my eyes. Sorrow filled my heart. My heart skipped a beat when someone hugged me from behind.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late." Kyle whispered

I sat in silence as he hugged me.

"Are you alright?" Kyle asked

"I feel like... everything might change. That it is changing." I said

"War throws the world into a whirlwind, but the dust always settles. All the pieces are never where they were before, but they slowly find their place in the new configuration." Kyle said, holding tighter.

"Kyle... I..." I tried to speak

"Don't worry about what will be or what was. Just worry about the now." he said.

"Thank you." I said

"Of course. In a month will mark our first year anniversary. Then there will only be one year left until we are knighted." Kyle said, obviously changing the subject.

"Wow. It's so close." I said

"Yeah." he said, pulling me to the ground.

"We might fall asleep here again." I said

"That's okay." he said, cuddling with me.

"It's cold." I said

"Kinda." he said

"Let's go back inside." I suggested

"Let's stay." he said

When dawn broke, I noticed Kyle was standing next to the tree with his hand on the mighty trunk. I stood up and walked over to him. The wind was calm and the air was warm. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon.

"No training, it's nice but weird." I said

"Yeah, it feels off." he responded

"Want to go to the noodle shop?" I asked

"Your first thought is always food, huh." he said with a smile

"Is that a yes?" I asked

"Yes." he said, looking at me.

I walked to the barracks, wondering if I would be able to train. I saw James Drowe practicing his form. This was his last month of training before graduating and being stationed. Captain Haizer was watching and correcting his form. Kyle and Kevin were sparring against each other, while Hunter was judging their match.

"Morning, guys." I said

"Good morning, Rowan." Kyle replied

"Where is everyone else?" I asked

"They have gone to the market for food. They will return later today." Hunter said

"Oh." I said

"Want to do a two-on-two?" Kevin asked

"Sure. Rowan and myself versus you and Hunter." Kyle said

"Sounds good to me. Wooden swords, of course." Kevin said

Hunter and I geared up and I stood behind Kyle. Hunter and Kevin stood opposite of us. Kevin rushed in and Hunter followed. Kyle got in a defensive stance and quickly disarmed both of them in a fluid movement. I stood still and watched as their wooden swords flew in the air above their heads.

"What!" Kevin shouted in surprise.

"Wow... Kyle." Hunter said, standing in place.

"That was awesome, Kyle." I said

"Thanks!" he said, smiling.

"Where did you learn that?" Captain Steve said

"My father taught me that style. He called it the Iron Palm." Kyle said

"He must've had some serious skills." Steve said

"Yeah, he was an amazing fighter." Kyle agreed.

"You guys ready?" Kevin asked

Kyle charged and I was close behind him. We engaged in battle. I took on Hunter, while Kyle attacked Kevin. Hunter was a decent fighter, but I was more skilled than him. I quickly knocked him down and looked over at Kyle. Kevin was already on the floor.

"This is unfair!" Kevin said

"Yeah, you guys are too skilled!" Hunter said

"That just means you need more practice," Steve said, "Don't complain about how they are better than you, become better so you can beat them."

"Wiser words haven't been spoken." Kevin said, still laying on the dirt.

"Are you mocking me?" Steve said with a grin.

"Of course not, sir!" Kevin said, jumping to his feet.

"Keep at it. All of you." Steve said

"Yes, sir!" we shouted

"Come at us!" Kevin and Hunter shouted, getting ready.

"Here we go!" Kyle and I said.

Kevin and Hunter laid on the ground breathing and sweating heavily. Kyle and I put the wooden swords on the racks and then helped them to their feet.

"You guys are great. You're all ready to be knights. But we are gonna have to work harder if we want to pass the test." Kevin said

"It's okay, Kevin. You'll get it done." Kyle calmly said

"I know we will." Hunter agreed.