

I sat in sweat as I slowly got dressed. The test went well apparently, however half way through apparently the power was slowly being drained. Go figures, apparently I can absorb electricity. The process made me taste static and my whole body felt tingly.

I did feel sore all over though. My muscles felt tense and I I felt exhausted. Yet I was full of energy and wasn't tired at all. It was a terrible feeling, I was following the nurse wherever. 

We entered a room with a few chairs and the main doctor behind the test. "How are you feeling?"

I frowned, "Awful."

He laughed, and pointed to the seat next to Rumi who was relaxed. "Makes sense, everyone who has used the machine has described the same feeling afterwards. Which is good, it means despite the power being drained nothing went wrong."

Rumi interrupted, "The results? I honestly like an explanation to his quirk."

The doctor nodded, "Right, you said you were training him to be a hero. We have all the notes you took…"

Rumi took notes on my training? The doctor passed papers over to us. "To begin, we dubbed the quirk Evolution. From your medical files we concluded it was weaker in the past. This was not due to any problems or anything that could be controlled mind you. The reason it was weaker was due to how it activates."

I nodded, "It activates in my sleep."

The doctor nodded, "That's a part of it. However, energy production was another. You see, you store energy and turn it into…Hmmm." He thought for a second, "Let's call them sub-quirks. This would include things like a sub-quirk called, I don't know, Larger Lung capacity. Now the problem is, that it would never create that sub-quirk because it wasn't efficient. You had no stimuli that required you to need larger lungs. So in the past, the energy built up and it was only until recently a more efficient sub-quirk was needed."

I process that information. The doctor had a hard time trying to give an idea to it. However Rumi beat me to the conclusion. "So his quirk never improved since the quirk itself never knew if it needed the energy to save his life."

The doctor pushed up his glasses. "Basically yes, as the quirks main purpose is to protect his life. However, he now absorbs light and other spectrums. His quirk has a lot more energy to work with. This means it is now evolving faster. This is the reason for the extensive abilities. Which brings us to said abilities."

Rumi responded, "The sub-quirks?"

The doctor nodded and pointed to the papers. "The parental Quirk is Evolution obviously. The sub-quirks that we could identify start with Energy Absorption. Said absorption includes, light heat, electricity and possibly radiation. Which leads into Energy expulsion, the exact opposite of energy absorption."

Rumi rolled her eyes, "Those are obvious! What about the others?"

The doctor sighed, "Alright, well he has ageless genetics, his blood is based and has the pH of bleach, a sleep based sub-quirk. Those are the odd ones. The physical ones are a regeneration, a physical enhancement, Pain suppression, and a sub-quirk that seemingly mimics the senses of animals."

I asked with some sarcasm. "Animals? What? Like Rabbits?"

The doctor looked at Rumi and looked back at me, "To be blunt, yes. Though that's not all, it was harder to detect and honestly we can't say for certain. However, it seems you have at least 2 mental enhancement sub-quirks. What they do we can only speculate. This is because the parent quirk activated during the process and somehow started hiding sub-quirks."

Both me and Rumi were shaken from that one. I asked, "My quirk hides sub-quirks?" I pushed, "Wait! Don't tell me I have to do more tests."

The doctor shook his head with a smile. "No, we have the data needed. We will send it to UA and you will be free to become a hero."

I breathed a sigh of relief and Rumi nodded. "That's good, but can you think of a method to train his quirk? Or I guess his sub-quirks?"

The doctor nodded, and pointed to the papers again. "We made copies of those just read through it. It might give you some ideas."

I flipped through them and they really did include possible quirk training methods. The doctor then waved us out of the office, "Now have a nice day. If you have questions or want more tests. Just call my extension. It is included in the documents there."

Rumi patted my back, "Let's go home kid. You got a few more days, let's see what training we can get done."

I sighed, Rumi was a monster.

Oops, its missing

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts