

I fell out of Rumi's bed. She had gone off to work and well, I didn't have school. After yesterday I don't think I'll have scheduled exercises for a bit either. Thinking about things, I guess I'll visit Jess.

Once I was outside I began taking in the sunlight. It felt good, and it wasn't long till i reached the convenience store. "Yo, Jess!"

However as i entered i was surprised it wasn't Jess behind the counter. It was just her manager, "Hey, Krinch, where's Jess?"

He shook himself free from his working daze. "Oh Tota, how are you? Uh, Jess quit I guess. She hasn't shown up since like three days ago."

I raised an eyebrow, that was weird. I mean I am pretty sure she would have to quit anyway if she goes to UA. However it is truly unexpected that she does not show. She's not that type of person. I guess I'll visit her home.

I bought a bag of chips and a soda before I left and ate it on the way to Jess's house. It wasn't a long walk. Since Jess made the walk almost everyday. I knocked on the door and I got no answer. Her house didn't have a front gate. So I had to knock on the door.

Sadly I got no answer, I debated slightly. I grabbed a flower pot on the side and pulled a key out of it. Putting it back I used the spare key to enter her home. Jess should be the only one at her home. This was the time her mom was usually at work.

I walked up the stairs, I stopped though when I heard crying. It was definitely Jess crying. Why was she crying? I heard a woman's voice too… 

The door to Jess's room opened and a metal haired woman walked out. She jumped, "Who are you? Why are you in my house!"

My eyes focused past the woman. Jess was on the ground, she was barely dressed. The skin around her stomach was warped. I had always wondered about Jess's quirk. It seemed she could still very much become bruised.

"What did you do to Jess."

The woman, who by this point is one hundred percent Jess's mother. Just kept screaming, however she swung at me with what looked to be a cooking utensil. I blocked it and the thing broke. I looked at the woman and slapped her to the ground.

The woman sat still in shock. I pulled out my phone as I walked over to Jess. I looked over at her as the phone for emergency services rang.

The phone answered, "Hello this is emergency services, what is your emergency."

I responded in a cold tone. "I was visiting a friend and I came across her mother attacking her. She is currently crying and is hurt, obviously. The mother also swung at me with what I believe is a ladle."

The emergency service operator paused for a second. "Okay may I know the location? We will send people to help immediately."

Jess whimpered, "Tota?" I petted her hair, and put a finger to my lips. "Yes the location is Fukuoka 170-2799 Mylic Street."

The operator responded, "Thank you, responders will be on the way." The operator paused, "For future reference you should learn how addresses are presented."

Really? They were gonna lecture me? Whatever they were right I had no idea how to actually tell someone where I live. I hung up the phone and tried to cover Jess up.

Her mother however had left though, likely to call the police herself and make up a story. That was my best guess. She hadn't made a noise when I was on the phone or even after I slapped her. It was in a way impressive, only because it seemed she had enough self control to know trouble. 

Jess stopped crying and looked embarrassed. I rubbed her head, "Are you okay? Obviously not, but I'm sure you know what I am asking."

She sniffled and nodded. "Were you getting dressed? Do you need clothes to change into?"

Jess stuttered, "Y-Yeah."

I got up and looked into Jess's closet and found a shirt she wore normally. "Here, you uh. You're kind of runny, is that fine."

Her quirk quicksilver made her body into a metallic substance and the substance was very much a liquid. It made her incredibly soft, you could move your body around into weird shapes. Though she explained it tickled. The bruises on her skin though made me concerned.

Jess had to have been hit hard for those to form. Jess had put on the shirt and pants I gave her. "I-I'll be f-fine. I'th got worse."

The very slight lisp made me unsure of that, and the statement overall made me more concerned. Jess whimpered. "Where's Mom?"

I looked at Jess, "Likely calling the police herself to spin a fake story."

She rubbed her arms, "I'm sorry."

I really wanted to ask why she never said anything. I was also pissed that I never realized. No wonder she never let me in her house when her family was around. I worried if her Sister or her father was the same as her mother.

The police would arrive shortly, talking to them would be annoying to say the least. I paused, actually they were here. I grabbed Jess's hand. "Let's go Jess, just trust me."

So she held my hand as we left her house. An ambulance and 3 police officers showed up. The police were talking to Jess's mother. I could hear her literally lying her ass off. I walked Jess over to the ambulance. "Hello? This is my friend who is injured. It's beneath her close."

The emergency responder jumped up, "Where are her injuries?"

Jess was not gonna answer so I responded. "Under her clothes mostly. Her quirk can make it hard to tell, however…" I lifted Jess's shirt up and I could feel her become more viscous in embarrassment. "This is what they look like."

The responder gasped, and she helped Jess into the ambulance. "You are one strong girl. Especially to have such a good boyfriend with you."

I wasn't her boyfriend, but I wasn't gonna correct it either. They no doubt got that idea from the way I wasn't shy lifting her shirt up and holding her. The responder then turned to me, "Her injuries are incredibly difficult to make. I've only seen someone like this get injured recently. Her quirk is nowhere near that man's quirk. However, hitting her is basically like hitting quicksand. It will hurt her, but it would rarely leave a mark. For her injuries to happen one had to hit her very hard."

I nodded, I knew all that. "And?"

The responder fiddled their hands a little. "I believe she will need extensive help. I think this will require a restrictive order against her family. That's who hurt her right?"

I nodded and the responder spoke again. "Okay, I can't give much advice on the matter. So I hope you can figure it out, calls like these always make everyone feel the same."

I nodded once more as the responder got into the ambulance and started taking care of Jess. With her quirk she would have to go to the hospital to check if she has any internal injuries. I looked over to the police who were already finished with Jess's Mom. She was looking smug, but the police looked bored.

When one of them noticed I was done with talking to the responder they came over. "Hello Sir, we got multiple calls from this residence. One was about a case of domestic abuse and the other was a break in. Now…"

They paused and sighed. "It is obvious to us what is a lie. So we will just need your statement, phone number and likely for you to come into the station later. "

I nodded, "I can do that."

This whole thing would eventually turn out to be a headache and worry for Jess. I'll likely tell Rumi about this too. Would be for the best to have a 2nd opinion. UA had dorms, if jess can get into those. This would be a lot of work...

First step in being a hero I guess.

-----Changes... No arrow this time there was a lot of changes. The Author's Note about the quirk is changed too its down there vvvv------

Jess's quirk is called Quicksilver. It is a mutation quirk that effects the whole body. Jess's body is made of a substance similar to quicksilver and is essentially a slick moldable liquid. She is essentially a metal slime girl! The only part of her body that is uneffected by her quirk is her skeleton, nervous system and heart. Her heart doesn't look like a normal one though and is more a solid rock that vibrate in her body to control the flow of cells in her body. It also helps in digestion.

Jess is a shy and timid person who doesn't want to disturb the status quo. However she is very smart and one the brighest of her peers. With a talent for numbers she aims for a buisness dgree in heroics.

She has silver hair and pale white skin. her eyes are grey and despite her more unique appearnace due to her quirk. She blends in easily since she is fairly small. (not a loli, just shorter than average.)

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts