

----Okay so this chapter was completely redone. Like deleted. I figured this would happen eventually when I started rewriting. So yeah, the next few chapters are completely re-arranged. Chapters 034-036 are the ones being moved. I'll make a note of it, it was bound to come.-----

As soon as I got to school and everyone was seated, All Might burst through the door. I didn't even have a second to think before he shouted. "I am Here! It is time for your first lesson in Hero Practice! Now before we head off. You will all get changed into your hero costumes. Now some of you put in costume submission forms. Some of you submitted your already completed costumes. Now I'll be honest, at first we thought of sending them off to a trusted hero custom designer. However we figured it would be better to let the support class get a crack at your designs."

Katsuki interrupted, "Does that mean they fucked up the designs?"

All Might paused, "No, the more complicated pieces of the costumes were sent to the designers to be made. However the parts that could be made by the students were. This is so the differing classes could make friends and connections outside the hero course. After all, being a hero takes more than just fighting crime. It may sound cheesy, but it does require some amount of friendship."

"Now any other questions before you get your hero costumes!" All Might gave a big smile as a bunch of panels slid out of the wall. My eyes went wide, was that always there? What the fuck is the point of that shit? Like for real?

All might spoke, "None, Alright! Get suited up and follow me to the practice area!"

A few of us got up to walk over to the wall thing. Tenya spoke up, "Looks like it's just sorted by seat number. "One person can get them out while another passes them around."

I nodded and held out my hand. Tenya understood me and passed me the costumes as I handed them out. Which left us to get changed. We all headed to the same locker rooms we used the other day when we had the quirk apprehension test.

Most of the boys changed quickly. Minoru changed the fastest, he wanted to try and spy on the girls. I couldn't help, but roll my eyes. He is so gonna get his ass kicked. As everyone got dressed I checked out everyone's costumes. Katsuki's costume was actually sick, but Shoto's costume sucked.

When the girls came out I was impressed. Some of them had strong confidence with the skin tight suits. Momo especially, she was almost naked. Sadly she did have underwear. I would've been impressed if she went commando though.

Toru though was naked. I just couldn't look at her directly, the urge to peep with infrared was too tempting. So I kept my eyes away from her. She was the first out, telling her costume was a pair of gloves and shoes. It made sense.

Izuku finally came out of the locker room. I swear he was gay or something. His relationship with Katsuki was suspicious and he stayed back in the locker room waiting for everyone else. At least that was what it seemed like for now. His costume though, it was basically a green impersonation of All might or a rabbit. Both options were strange to me.

Actually Izuku wasn't last out, it was actually Erin. All Might looked down at a pretend watch. "It seems as if we lost someone. Can one of the girls go check on Ms. Conners?"

Toru raised her hand. "I can do it. That way she won't know I'm there if she is embarrassed."

With that we watched the invisible girl leave. At least I watched her, "Ah, damn. She's hot."

Minoru turned to me. "You can see her?"

I apparently said that aloud. So I put a finger to my mouth. "Shh, don't spoil people's fun."

He looked around and whispered to me. "How hot is she?"

Denki leaned in, "I can only imagine."

I looked at him, and he stared back until he broke the silence. "What?"

—Erin pov—

Dad helped make my costume. I had gotten dressed mostly, but it seems it needed some work. I couldn't get my shirt on alone. Which sucked because I was the slowest at getting changed. Maybe I needed to alter my stuff more.

"Erin? Do you need help?"

I jumped at the disembodied voice. I realized it was Toru though. "Uh, yeah I do."

The invisible girl grabbed the armor for my shirt. "Here you go?"

I nodded as she helped me buckle it into place. I had tried to prepare everything, yet somehow I still failed. Thankfully Toru saved me from that embarrassment.

"Thanks Toru."

Toru responded, "No problem. We were worried, I know you stayed behind."

The way she said it made me happy. So I tried my best to get back into my normal enthusiasm. "Well! Time to Kick some ass! After all, today is the first day we have hero course training!"

Toru pumped her fist. "Yeah!"