

It was relatively calm again, It had been two days since the festival. Relatively the two days were easy and mostly just focused on the normal non-hero curriculum. I didn't really take public transport so I hadn't been recognized, however apparently Deku and Eijiro were being called out. I'm sure Kacchan likely was too, but just no one dared to talk to him.

Ida seemed to be going through the motions. Deku kept asking about him, but his face was flat. Mr. Aizawa walked into the class without bandages and his arm sling.

"Alright settle down, today we have a big class on Hero Informatics." I didn't think there was anything planned so this was either a pop quiz thing, or one of Mr. Aizawa's tricks. Which meant we were getting back into our normal hero courses. Mr. Aizawa continued and it was one of his tricks to make people sweat.

"You need Codenames. It's time to pick your hero identities." Mr.Aizawa glared the class down before anyone could even come close to being excited for this. "Continuing, this is related to the draft picks I told you about previously. Normally, first years don't have to worry about the draft yet. You class is different however, well her course classes in general really. Though by extending offers to first years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers can also be taken back if their interest in you dies down before graduation, though."

Toru spoke out first, "So we still need to prove ourselves after we have been recruited?"

Mr.Aizawa nodded and took out a remote control. "You are correct, but here's the totals for those of you who got offers."

Looking at the offers Todoroki and Kacchan had the most. followed along by our other class mates. Honestly it was some... I looked at my name and stared. "How the fuck did I get only one offer? I PLACED FIRST! I SHOWED LIKE 19 DIFFERENT ABILITIES!"

"At least you still have an offer Deku had none!" I looked at Erin, "I'll shut up now."


Mr.Aizawa tapped my desk, "No need for bad language, but even those without offers will be provided a hero to intern under. I actually know the guy who sent you the offer Destiny. So don't worry about the lack of offers the offer you did get is fine enough."

That didn't make me feel better, but Mr.Aizawa knew the guy who sent me an offer? Mr.Aizawa addressed everyone else. "So yes you will all be still interning. You got to experience combat during the USJ incident, but it still helpful to see a pro at work. Up close and in the field."

"Hence you need Codenames!" Midnight had busted through the side door with a slow strut. I had to wonder if she actually wanted to seduce her students. Also how many suits did she have? Surely if she rips it to use her quirk like she did in the Festival she would have a ton of them right?

I shook from my thoughts as Mr.Aizawa continued. "Midnight will have final say over your codenames as this is not my forte." He pulled out a sleeping bag from his desk. "Midnight the rest is up to you."

"Haghh, your still the same lazy bones I see. Anyway like what was being said you will need your heroes names. These are more or less temporary for now. However in the future they will become permanent and you don't want to be stuck with something you don't like. Some names have meaning while others are more symbolic features like All Might!"

----When referring to his name I will type it completely out as All might, but if its the person it will be Almight. This is for translation and easy of typing by the way.-----

That made sense, I had a few ideas for my name, but honestly I wasn't too sure. I had already created a vigilante identity, but that name was... Not my choice. Now however I was stuck with a little more complicated matter. I passed back the paper handed to me.

I leaned back thinking though, I could go with something like providence? It would be a pun upon my real name. Taking a bit of Destiny and leveling the meaning of it like Almight's name. Midnight spoke again.

"Remember you will be presenting these whoever is done first and wishes to present you can do so now." I hadn't written anything down, and some seemed reluctant to present. Erin though bounced out of her seat nearly toppling it over.

"Oops! Well anyway this is my hero name! QUIRKLESS! The everybody hero! I chose this because Obviously I don't technically have a quirk! Well I do, but it doesn't technically function. So I am essentially quirkless. Which makes sense because my quirk's name is also called quirkless! So I called my self QUIRKLESS! The Everybody Hero, because it can mean many things. It literally describes who I am, It is inspiring because obviously the meaning is that anyone can be a hero if they try. And finally because it just sounds so Coooooool!"

Midnight nodded, "That's not bad, good thinking and very meaningful. I'm an surprised Miss Conners. You may sit down now."

Erin sat back down looking at me with a thumbs up. Mina walked up next with the name Alien Queen. Except Midnight rejected it... I thought that name was rad as hell. I scratched the back of my head, As others presented. Something meaningful or inspiring, Erin might not be the objective idea, but...

Everyone's name was very good or spot on. Midnight spoke, "We only have a few left, picking names is going faster than I thought. We only have Ida, Bakugo who needs to rethink his. Midoriya and Amishido, oh wait you like to be called Destiny don't you."

I nodded, and then it kind of clicked. I got up and walked to the front. "I think I actually have my codename. Darwin's Finch or Just Finch for short."

Midnight lit up, "Ooooh! Like Charles Darwin very clever, but why not just go with Darwin?"

"Well my quirk is evolution, Darwin is the man who first who more or less discovered or coined the idea of evolution. It was the Finches he observed and study that were the true bases of his discovery though. they were the evolution, he was simply the man who put it together....Also I feel weird using a person's name as my hero name."

Midnight nodded, "I like it, and it is common for heroes with very normal names to not be noticed. Also I think Finch is a good idea. Your quirk as many branches to it, and having a name that doesn't completely add up can be useful in that aspect. Good Job Destiny, Now Ida, Midoriya do either of you have your names yet?"

I sat back down, as Ida stood up. He used just his name, instead of his brothers. it was disappointing to see, but I couldn't blame him. Next was Deku who actually went with Deku. Man, Midoriya had terrible hand writing.

"LORD EXPLOSION MURDER!" Kacchan was still trying, feels bad.

It wasn't long until we were left to decided out internships. I still had only one, so I guess that was my choice. I looked at the name again. Technobabble, he was listed as the 11th pro hero. Except I hadn't ever heard of him. It seemed this was the hero I would intern under.