
My Hero Academia: Thunder God

He is the world's most powerful user of thunder and lightning abilities. Having mastered numerous thunder-based techniques such as Raikiri, Thunder Armor, and the Heavenly Cloud Sword, he is revered far and wide as the "Thunder God." His abilities range from basic electrical charges to the legendary "Heaven's Thunder," a power so formidable that it's considered the strongest lightning ability, even immortalized in textbooks. However, he's neither a righteous Hero nor a malevolent Villain. He is simply Kaminari Denki, walking a precarious path, one as narrow as a single-plank bridge. If given the choice, he would move forward without hesitation, as long as there is still someone in this world that he holds dear. And so, everything begins with the song "Only My Railgun"... Super Electromagnetic Gun. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 我的英雄学院之雷神 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

Junkdog · 漫画同人
45 Chs

Chapter 24: The Assessment Begins!

The briefing session was short and straight to the point, giving Kaminari a glimpse of the U.A. High School's efficient, no-nonsense approach.

Afterward, the candidates changed into the casual clothes they had brought and gathered at the playground behind U.A. Dozens of buses were already lined up, waiting to take them to the exam's simulation sites.

Following instructions, each candidate found the bus that corresponded with their designated testing location, as indicated by the number on their admission ticket. They were headed to U.A.'s renowned "simulation city," where the practical part of the entrance exam would take place.

Despite the lack of any supervisors to maintain order, the scene was remarkably calm and disciplined. No one cut in line, and no one made any unnecessary noise. Everyone was focused, silently preparing themselves for what was to come.

The simulation city was said to be the size of about four blocks, and there were seven of these massive areas in total. Clearly, such a large space couldn't be located within Tokyo itself, which explained why U.A. High School was situated out in Shizuoka Prefecture.

It also explained the need for the bus ride. The forty-seat bus took them more than forty minutes from the school to the test sites.

During the ride, Kaminari noticed a shift in the atmosphere. As soon as the bus left U.A.'s campus, the tension in the air lightened, and the candidates started chatting.

They began introducing themselves to each other, talking about their Quirks, sharing their nerves, or excitedly expressing their dreams of becoming pro Heroes.

The once-silent bus was now buzzing with conversation. Even the more introverted candidates seemed to relax, listening curiously to their peers and occasionally joining in.

Kaminari smiled, enjoying the change. He liked this livelier atmosphere much better than the earlier tension.

"Kaminari, are those gloves special or something?" Jiro Kyoka, who had been sitting next to him, asked, noticing the blue-crystal-like feature embedded in the glove on his right hand.

Her question caught the attention of Tetsutetsu, who was sitting in the seat ahead of them. He had noticed Kaminari's gloves earlier when they were changing but had assumed they were just for show, maybe a flashy accessory. After all, why would anyone put a big crystal on their glove? Still, he had to admit, the design looked pretty cool.

"This? Oh, yeah. These gloves are actually really important to me," Kaminari said, holding up his right hand and admiring the glove.

They were custom-made, ordered by his father from the famous tech hub "I-Island." It had taken over three months for them to be completed, and they arrived just in time for the exam literally the night before.

His father had been worried that they wouldn't arrive in time, but thankfully, the delivery came through at the last moment. These gloves represented not only Kaminari's equipment but also his father's high hopes for him.

"Equipment?" Jiro asked, her curiosity piqued, while Tetsutetsu leaned closer to get a better look.

"Yeah," Kaminari nodded. "The gloves are made from a lightweight alloy. They're not super strong, just tough enough to block things like fruit knives but they have great conductivity."

He flexed his hand, demonstrating. "With these gloves, I can save about 20% of the energy I use when I channel electricity through my fists."

Jiro and Tetsutetsu were intrigued, especially by the blue crystal embedded in the glove.

"As for this crystal..." Kaminari said, tapping it lightly, "I'm not exactly sure what it's made from, but I know it's a high-tech battery. It's pre-charged and can store enough power to last me for three years."

He smiled. "Since my Quirk lets me store electricity in my body and discharge it at will, these gloves let me recharge whenever I need to. They're perfect for keeping me powered up during a long fight."

"As for the design, that was my idea. I figured since I'll be wearing them a lot, they might as well look cool, right?"

Hearing that the gloves were ordered from the famous I-Island, the candidates nearby especially Jiro and Tetsutetsu were impressed. I-Island was renowned for its cutting-edge tech, and having custom gear from there was no small thing.

Kaminari's equipment put him a step ahead of the competition, at least in terms of preparation. But he didn't seem to care much about how others viewed him. His mind was already racing ahead, strategizing for the test.

He knew the test would involve battling robots, which made him feel pretty confident. But there was something else about the test that nagged at him, a detail he couldn't shake. Still, he kept it to himself. He didn't want to sound overconfident or arrogant.

After forty minutes, the buses finally began to split off, each heading toward one of the seven simulation zones. Kaminari's bus came to a stop in front of a towering iron gate, more than ten meters tall.

Another bus pulled up right behind them, and soon, the candidates were being instructed to exit in an orderly manner. The exam would start in just ten minutes.

As they stepped off the bus, the atmosphere shifted once again. The nervous tension returned. Everyone dealt with it in different ways. Some took deep breaths. Some stared at the sky in silence. Others, like one overly eager candidate, began doing push-ups on the spot.

Among Kaminari's group, Jiro put her headphones back on, listening to music to calm her nerves. Kaminari noticed, with a small smile, that she was listening to his song, "Only My Railgun."

Tetsutetsu, meanwhile, had his eyes closed, inexplicably stepping in place as if preparing for a sprint, gradually increasing his speed.

As for Kaminari, his preparation was a little more subtle. He quietly ran small currents of electricity through his muscles, using them to stimulate and relax his body from head to toe.

Suddenly, the massive iron gate in front of them began to open silently, without even a creak.

Some of the candidates who had been focused on their own preparations didn't even notice at first. Those who did were momentarily stunned by the door's silent movement.

"The exam begins now!" a voice rang out, breaking the silence.

Kaminari didn't wait. He tapped Tetsutetsu and Jiro on the shoulders, signaling them, before he wrapped himself in crackling electricity and launched forward. He shot through the open gate, his body a blur of golden lightning.

From this moment on, they were no longer just friends. They were competitors. Kaminari knew he had to take care of his own score first, he could worry about helping them later.

When you're struggling, take care of yourself. When you're thriving, you can help others. That had always been Kaminari's philosophy.

Following Kaminari's lead, the rest of the candidates snapped into action, scattering in all directions, each chasing after their own goals.

Not long after Kaminari sped into the simulation city, the first "villain" appeared before him.

It was a humanoid robot, moving swiftly on two wheels. Its steel arms gleamed in the sunlight, and a camera-like device on its head flashed red as it locked onto Kaminari.

"Target acquired. Eliminate."

With a loud mechanical whir, the robot rushed toward him at full speed. But just as it was about to attack, a chaotic golden current surged through its body, paralyzing it instantly. The wheels screeched to a halt.


A moment later, the red light on the robot's head dimmed as its systems powered down. Kaminari, without even glancing back, continued forward, having fully expected this outcome.

"It's just like I thought," Kaminari muttered to himself, a satisfied smirk on his face. "I might be able to help Tetsutetsu and Jiro soon after all..."

(T/N: Can you guess what Kaminari's gloves are modeled after?)

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