
17 v/s 6

17 and 6 went to one of the chambers in the training ground and stood in front of a screen. A while later, the screen turned on and Reo's figure was shown in it with him holding a bowl in his hands with a few pieces of paper inside it. He then took out a piece and then said, "Unarmed combat" and then showed the paper to the both of them.


Both 17 and 6 clocked their tongues on seeing the paper and then looked at each other for a while

6 then gave a tired sigh and said, "Whatever, this is disadvantages for the both of us."

17 nodded and then said, "Yeah, but more disadvantageous for you."

6 looked at 17 and with a small smirk on her face said, "But I can still kick your butt without much of a problem."

Hearing that 17 snorted and both of them came to the centre of the room and stood in front of each other.

Both of them stood still for a while and stared at each other. Soon 6 took out a coin from her pocket and said, "We will start when the coin hits the ground."

17 nodded his head in approval, seeing which 6 tossed the coin high up in the air.

Both 17 and 6 got focused and were waiting for the coin to strike the ground.

Once the coin hit the ground 17 used his quirk to strengthen his body and a faint blue aura surrounded him. As soon as he was powered up he rushed towards 6 who instead of coming at him made some distance between the two of them.

17 who knew what she was doing got careful and focused on any movement that 6 was making and soon enough he saw her finger twitch a bit.

Seeing that 17 immediately changed his direction but just at that instant a cut was made on his t-shirt but still missed to give him any injury.

6 nodded her head at this and said, "As expected, normal tricks won't work that easily on you now, huh."

17 showed a small smirk of his own as well and said, "So weren't you saying that you would kick my butt easily?"

6 nodded her head and said, "Yeah, I did say that and I will do the same as well." and just at that moment 17 received a slash on his hand and his sleeve got cut along with a bit of his skin making him bleed.

17 clutched his hand in reaction on seeing the blood coming out of it. He then glared at 6 and asked, "When did you put one here?"

6 started running around the field while slowly moving her hands and said, "It is for you to figure it out yourself."

17 removed his hand from the top of his wound and then tried to focus on 6's hand movements. He then once again ran towards 6 with his enhanced strength seeing which 6 stopped running around and got into a stance.

17 then tried to punch 6, but the punch was easily dodged by her. 6 then bent a bit and grabbed 17's hand and revolved him around herself while at the same time various cuts appeared all over his body making blood spill out.

17 gritted his teeth and then immediately some sparks came out of his body and passed through 6's body making her frown in displeasure.


Both 6 and 17 groaned in pain and 6 let go of 17's hand making him fly away from her.

6 looked at 17 in annoyance and said, "You shitty kid. You really like to use those type of self damaging kind of attacks." and then gave her body a few shakes to let go the feeling from the shock she received.

17 stopped emitting the electricity that was coming out of his body and soon his faint blue aura appeared again.

'Shit, it stung quite a bit and that too was not too much of electricity.'

He then once again got focused and looked at 6 with a wary expression on his face and thought, 'She must have placed a lot of her slashes here and there, that means that I cannot rush towards her that easily.'

He then moved his hand forward and soon a faint blue orb started to form in his hand seeing which 6 clicked her tongue and said, "Coward" and then once again started running.

17 showed a small smirk and then fired the orb that was formed in his hand towards 6 which was easily dodged by her. But 17 didn't changed his strategy and continued to fire rapid blasts of blue orbs towards 6 which were forming small craters on the ground.

A few of them hit 6 as well making her slow down a bit at many instances but no major damage was done to her.

6 who now started to get irritated of 17's long ranged tricks decided to go back to close quaters and started running towards him.

Noticing that she was coming towards him 17 inhaled a lot of air and then used his quirk to increase the speed of the wind which was blown of his mouth towards 6.

A strong gust of wind attacked 6 making the debris formed because of the 17's blasts earlier to hit her as well.

6 then girded herself from the wind by covering her face with her hands, but in that exact instant 17 rushed towards her while still firing his small energy orbs.

When he came close to 6 he clenched his fists and making his strength go up to the maximum he could, he punched 6 in the gut making her spill out some of her saliva and move her hands away from her.

Now, seeing that her defence is broken, 17 started punching and kicking her at full speed to which she replied by blocking the hits bit was still not able to find a gap to attack him.

Gritting her teeth she decided to jump back to the spot she had placed her slashes earlier but just as she was about to jump 17 grabbed her legs and said, "Let me pay you back as well." and then started revolving her while also using his quirk to channel electricity to both of their bodies.

Both of them groaned in pain as they were shocked by electricity and finally not being able to take it anymore 17 stopped channelling electricity and threw 6 away.

The blue aura once again appeared around his body making the effects from the shock disappear slowly from his body.

6 on the other hand was now in a bad condition as both the damage from the attacks earlier and the shock just now was making it difficult for her to move.

Gritting her teeth she looked at 17 who was still recovering from the electric shock and said, "You really got a bit better at unarmed combat."

17 looked at 6 with a small smile on his face and said, "Well, you were still as good as you were earlier."

6 and 17 then once again got up and started to walk towards each other but as soon as 17 took a step a new cut appeared on his skin making him start to bleed once again.

He looked at 6 with a frown on his face and said, "So you even placed your slashes while you were being beaten by me?"

6 snorted on hearing that and said, "Huh, you beating me, like that would ever happen. You just got a bit lucky that's all."

17 smirked and said, "Luck is also a power you know."

6 rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, sure. Let's see if that power of yours could save you from me kicking your butt."

17 then once again started charging his energy at the palm of his hand, making a small blue orb, and then started firing it towards 6.

But this time instead of dodging 6 continued to walk straight towards 17 and used her hand to cut the orb in half, destroying it in the process.

17 widend his eyes in surprise at this scene and asked, "Hey!! How did you do that without a blade or a weapon?!?!"

6 just raised her hand, wiggled her fingers and said, "You know, finger nail can be very sharp as well. And you aren't the only one whose quirk is getting stronger."

She then continued to walk towards 17 who kept on firing the orbs at her only to be slashed apart and destroyed. 17 tried to run away, but whenever he tried to walk out of the spot, a series of slashes intercepted him making various Slash wounds appear on his body.

6 chuckled seeing 17 getting helpless and said, "What happened kid? Gonna cry now?"

17 glared at 6 but then suddenly something came into his mind and with a smirk on his face he said, "Oh, I could really go for a cry right now." and then once again inhaled a lot of air.

6 seeing that sighed and said, "I am not going to fall for the same trick again, you know."

But 17 didn't say anything and continued to inhale air and once he got to his limit he used his quirk once again.

But this time along with a very fast gust of wind a very loud screech came as well taking 6 by surprise and she immediately closed her ears with her hands. But soon the rubble from their fight along with the wind hit her once again, making her shut her eyes as well.

Taking the opportunity of her being distracted 17 rushed towards her with full speed, since she was now too distracted to use her quirk.

He came in front of her and once again blew her away with full speed of the wind by blowing air in front of her.

6 who was once again blown away still had some difficulty in hearing and was more focused on it instead of the fight.

17 smirked at this and once again rushed towards her to deliver the final blow, but 6 being more experienced than him crouched down and sweeped his legs making him fall on the ground.

She then got on top of him and strangled his body to prevent him from moving and placed her hand on his neck.

"Make unnecessary movements and I will slash your neck."

17 stopped struggling but soon his body started to heat up since he used his quirk once again.

6 who was strangling his body suddenly felt the heat and loosened her grip a bit in response. But 17 took the advantake if it and touched 6's butt and used his quirk to send a jolt of electricity through it making her jump in response.

17 not wasting the time made 6 fall on the ground and himself got on top of her and strangled her.

"Move one bit and I will scream near you ear just like I did before."

6 stopped moving making 17 smile and say, "Didn't you say that you would win? What happened to it now?"

6 who was still being strangled used her a bit free hand to raise her middle finger and in the next instant a series of slashes attacked 17 making him widen his eyes in surprise.

6 then freed herself and then by using a hand chop on 17's neck, made him unconscious.