
My Hero Academia: Superman System

System, school fanfic Cover has nothing to do with the story. all credits to the artist. Mha property belongs to hirokoshi. Support me at patre0n.com/madtitan

madtitan · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter 1

In the city of Shinjuku, Japan.

A child of age 4 could be seen in a meditative position in a room with a blindfold on. He wore a regular t-shirt and jeans. He had shiny white hair that attracted a lot of attention wherever he went. Plus, a handsome face and a toned body.

'It seems my hearing has improved again.'

'System open.'

Obeying his words, a screen of sorts appeared in his peripheral.

[Superman system

Name: Bruno Ken


· Superhuman Strength (50% power unlocked)

· Superhuman Speed (50% power unlocked)

· Super-hearing (50% power unlocked)

· Longevity (Max)

Locked Abilities (Will unlock once your body matures):

· Flight

· Invulnerability

· Supervision

· Super Breath (including Freeze Breath)

· Enhanced Lung Capacity


Suddenly, the figure vanished from his spot, leaving a trail of dust and dirt.

'Even my speed has increased. Nice'

The boy thought with a smile on his face.

Bruno had reincarnated as a baby from a world called Earth.

The world he found himself in was my hero academia. It has been 4 years since his reincarnation, and every day, he trains his powers to become stronger.

The world of my hero academia consists of strong heroes and villains. However, the biggest evil organization is the league of villains.

In the future, humanity would be in trouble as the leader of the league of villains would attack the entirety of Japan with his overpowered quirk. Bruno knows this and tries to train hard every day for that day to come.

Fortunately, he got the power of a super-strong hero from his past life, Superman. With this power, Bruno can rival the likes of Allmight, All for one, and powered up Shigaraki.

His family consists of him, his mom, and his dad. Through the years, Bruno grew to love his parents, as naturally, he found closure with them.

'Time to get my quirk tested.'

Today, Bruno is having his quirk tested by a doctor to find out what abilities he has. Though that is mostly due to his mom's pestering, as he already knows all of his abilities.

Bruno has only shown two of his powers, super strength, and super speed, as revealing more can make him a target of all for one and the league for villains.

Bruno walked out of his room and down the stairs.

"Mom is that the doctor who is going to test my abilities?"

Bruno's mom was a hardworking housewife. She has long, silky black hair and a curvy body that many would die for. It could be said, she was responsible for Bruno's handsome looks.

"Yes son, this is doctor Noho. He is responsible for quirk tests in our district," Viola, Bruno's mom said," now do exactly as he said, or else you won't know which quirk you have or how to use it."

"Yes, mom."

"As your mother said, my name is Noho, and I'll be examining your quirk. Could you tell me what happens when you use your power?"

"Sure, when I activate my quirk, my body goes super strong and I become fast."

Bruno said, leaving out any other details about his quirk. He knew the league of villains even had simple doctors under their thumbs as a way to find and steal powerful quirks from children.

Additionally, showing off his powers could attract other factions as well.

"Oh….can you display your powers?"


Bruno said nonchalantly as his body disappeared from his previous spot and he appeared right behind Noho.

"That's superspeed, and…." Bruno lifted his home sofa with one hand, "that's superstrength."

Bruno purposefully held back his speed to not overly shock his mom and the doctor, displaying around 15% of his speed. Having a child that can rival the speeds of Allmight at such a young age would raise some eyes, and Bruno wasn't dumb enough to do that, he only needed to show enough to satisfy the doctor.

"It seems you have quite a common quirk then. Superhuman. The hero, allmight has a similar quirk, though more powerful."

Later, the doctor did additional tests and left.

"Congratulations, Bruno. You have a quirk similar to number 1."

Viola said, pulling Bruno into a hug. It was common to praise Allmight for regular folks, as he had selflessly put his life on the line many times and saved countless lives. People loved him, even Bruno had respect for him. Not many people would go to such extents for others.

"Thank you, mom. Guess, this means I'm going to be the next number 1."

"Yeah, you will definitely."


Next day,

The morning rays of the sun shined on the district of Shinjuku.

"Morning Bruno. Guess what? it's your first day at school,"

Viola said as she barged into Bruno's room to wake him up.

'Oh right. I almost forgot.'

"Okay, mom. I'll be up in a minute."

Bruno got up from his bed and changed into decent clothes and went down for breakfast.

The breakfast was compromised of a glass of milk and some bacon.

He then strode to school.

Bruno lived in Shinjuku prefecture, which was the same hometown of the main character of my hero academia, Deku and Katchan. He was sure he would meet them today.

However, this didn't mean he was all that excited either. Preschool sounded like a pain in the ass as all kids do is learn to communicate and share toys. Plus, having a grown-up mindset would be a further problem when dealing with kids his current age.


"What a bother."


AN: The superman powers aren't as strong as in DCEU. It's a less powerful version of those powers, as superman at 100℅ would completely pverwhelmed characters and that would be no fun to read. so keep that in mind when villains and building don't completely get destroyed.

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