
Envy Versus Wrath...

Chapter 14 - Envy Versus Wrath...

- Wisdom and Strength don't just come from nowhere, they are cultivated and strengthened through various battles, numerous struggles and experiences, only once they have been strengthened and cultivated, can humans learn to overcome their past sins and evolve into a newer form of evolution, Starting their renaissance -

"Okay, sonny, it seems like everything is fine with you. I see zero injuries!" Recovery Girl stated as she checked Izuku's vitals for the third time. She made sure that Izuku's heartbeat and breathing were normal, and everything seemed to be perfectly normal. She did not need to use her Quirk since Izuku sustained no injuries in his fight against Shinso.

"Are you sure, Recovery Girl? He looked like he outputted a lot of energy when he broke out of Young Shinso's Quirk." Toshinori said worriedly as he has never seen Izuku showcase that kind of power before.

"Toshinori, please, I've checked the boy thoroughly three times already! He's fine. You're lucky he didn't break any bones this time or I would have given you both a harsh scolding!"

"Thanks, Recovery Girl. In the match against Shinso, I let my emotions get the best of me. It almost cost me the victory. And his words hit me pretty hard. I almost had a total mental breakdown… but I'm glad it all worked out in the end!" Izuku said with a depressed tone as he still remembered when Shinso called him "lucky" and "blessed."

"Well, his cried hit close to home for you, huh kid?"

"Yeah, but that did not mean I could lose either! I made a vow to win. That's what it means to aim for Number One, right?" Izuku exclaimed as he gave Toshinori a sheepish smile.

Recover Girl sighed, "Poor thing. You put some weird pressure on him again, didn't you?" Recovery Girl backhanded Toshinori to the side of his ribs.

"It was necessary! Ouch!" Toshinori yelped in pain as he rubbed his side.

"Oh yeah, All Might. I had a vision… "

"Hmmm? What kind of vision?" Toshinori asked as he recovered from the pain in his side.

"There were eight people. They looked like they were spirits of some kind. When it felt like my mind was filled with fog from the brainwashing, the vision appeared as if to drive away the fog. It was like time stopped for just a moment… which gave me the opportunity to break out it with my willpower alone. And if I remember correctly, there was someone who looked exactly like you, too, All Might. Was it… the people who had inherited One For All who did it?"

"What?! I'm a ghost?! SCARY!" Toshinori said in fright.

"What? I thought you would know about it!" Izuku yelled as he too was freaked out.

"No, I also saw it before, in my younger days," Toshinori replied as he crossed his arms in a serious manner.


"Yes. It is a clear sign that you have got a better grasp on One For All."

"What does that mean?" Izuku asked as he was now really curious.

"I think it's like a trace of something they left behind in One For All. Vestiges of their souls, if you will. You said you have unlocked 25%, right? I think that's why you're starting to get these visions. It is not something with the intent that can interfere with you, and you can't interfere with them. In other words, that vision is not what got rid of the brainwashing. It was that when you saw the vision, your strong emotions, drive, willpower, and determination to win allowed you to overcome Young Shinso's Brainwashing just long enough where you were able to generate a huge outburst of energy to snap you out of it. At least, that's what I think." Toshinori finished his explanation.

Izuku began scratching his head, "That explanation seems to be fair, but I still feel like there's more to it than that… "

"Don't get too hung up about it! You won the match and that's all that matters! More importantly, don't you need to go see who you'll be fighting in the quarterfinals?" Toshinori asked.

Izuku's eyes widened. He forgot that he will be facing the winner of the second match in the next round!

"Oh snap, you're right! Well, I will be heading off to the bleachers now! Thank you both very much!" Izuku said quickly as he ran out of Recovery Girls office in a blink of an eye.

"You… were too, too, he said." Recovery Girl said with barely above a whisper.

Toshinori closed his eyes as he sighed, knowing what the Heroine was implying.

"That's a good thing."

Recovery Girl stared at him sternly.

"Toshinori…. You're running out of time… aren't you?"

He looked down to the floor as he knew he couldn't lie to her.

She took his silence as confirmation to her suspicions.

"Well, then… It's a good thing he has already unlocked a quarter of One For All in so little time. He is a fast learner, isn't he?"

"Yes. Ever since I have met him, he has made me feel nothing but proud. I have no regrets in choosing him as my Successor. He has definitely earned that right. To be honest, I think he's stronger than me when I was his age. I have no doubt that he will surpass me one day… "

Izuku had made his way up to the bleachers until he heard a high pitched voice call out,

"Oh, Deku-kun!"

He saw both Ochaco and Momo waving towards him as they both pointed towards a seat between them.

"We saved a seat for you!"

"Thanks!" Izuku said as he sat down in between them.

He then looked over his shoulder to see Ojiro giving a thumbs up.

"Good work, Midoriya!"

Izuku smirked as he returned the thumbs up.

He then turned his attention towards the fighting stage.

"So it's Iida's turn right?"

"Yeah, he's facing Hatsume," Momo said as they were all now waiting for the match to begin.

'I will be facing the winner of this match in the quarterfinals! I better pay attention so that I could prepare.' Izuku mentally said as he was now in 'Hero Analysis Mode.'

Then, the flames ignited in all four corners of the ring signaling that it was time for the next match to start.

"Thanks for waiting! Next up are these guys! " Present Mic announced as the crowd cheered seeing the next two participants enter the ring.

"It's like he's the epitome of the middle of the pack! From the Hero Course, it's Tenya Iida!"

"Middle of the pack?!" Iida shouted

"Versus- Fully-equipped with support items! From the Support Course, it's Mei Hatsume!"

"He's up against the Support Course, huh?" Jiro said.

"I wonder what kind of fight it will be?" Tsuyu added.

"I mean, what is that?" Sato asked in confusion.

What he was referring to is that Iida had one of Hatsume's gadgets strapped around his back.

"Huh? Iida is also fully-equipped with support items!" Present Mic shouted in shock.

"That is generally against the rules for those in the Hero Course. Those who must use the equipment needed to petition beforehand." Midnight said as she reprimanded Tenya for breaking the rules.

Tenya immediately bowed robotically.

"Oh, I forgot about that! I humbly apologize! However, my heart was moved by my opponent's sportsmanship. Even though she is from the Support Course, she said she wanted an even match since she made it this far. She said she wanted to fight fairly! So, she gave me this equipment! I did not think I could ignore her fighting spirit!" Tenya exclaimed with vigor as he placed his hand on his chest, clearly touched by Mei's 'sportsmanship.'

"OH YOUTH!" Midnight cried out as she was turned on by the honor and pride behind Tenya's reasoning for wearing one of Hatsume's gadgets.

Midnight then recomposed herself as she swung her hip, "I will allow it!"

"So it's fine?" Present Mic asked.

"Well, if they both agree on it, then it's within regulations… I guess?" Aizawa shrugged his shoulders as he guesses that it is in the rules.

"Is Hatsume someone who'd say that?" Izuku muttered out loud as he had a pencil in one hand and one of his Hero Journals in the other.

"EH?! Where did that notebook come from?" Ochaco asked as she nor Momo saw Izuku with his Hero Journal when he came to sit with them.

'Could it be…. ?' Izuku thought as he frowned when he saw Hatsume… smirking?

"Well, since permission has been granted, let's start the second match!" Present Mic announced the official start of the match.

Iida started with running towards Hatsume on a straight path, his eyes focused on his opponent.

"Isn't that acceleration wonderful, Iida?" Mei said as her voice reverberated throughout the stadium.

"A mic?" Iida asked as he was still running towards her.

"Why?" Present Mic asked

"She's wearing speakers?" Aizawa was also confused.

"Don't your legs feel lighter than usual? That's only to be expected! Those leg parts are helping the wearer's movements along!" Hatsume said as Iida was now closing in on her.

"And I… " Before Iida got too close, she jumped up as two longs sprouted from one of her gadgets.

"... can evade easily with my hydraulic attachments!"

She then looked up high into the crowd as she looked for a specific group of people.

'The support companies are sitting… Oh, they're biting! I've got 'em!' Hatsume thought as she observed two men in suits talking and pointing towards her.

Name: Mei Hatsume

Quirk: Zoom- If she gets serious, she can see clearly up to five kilometers away!

Tenya started chasing after her again, but she moved out of the way before he could get her.

"Since I've got sensors in every direction, I can deal with attacks from behind!"

Iida began stumbling as the gadget he was wearing propelled him back towards Hatsume.

"What are you planning?!"

"Iida changed course adeptly! It is thanks to the auto-balancer that I made! The leg parts detect the weare's brainwaves to predict their movements, so there is no need to worry about time lag!"

Present Mic sweatdropped, "What is this?"

"She's very good at hard-selling." Aizawa commented also with a sweatdrop.

Hatsume kept on evading Iida.

"The auto-balancer is equipped with a 32-axis gyro sensor!"

Iida began spinning around uncontrollably like a madman.

"It will be sure to keep the wearer from falling unless the wearer wants to!"

Iida finally got control of himself as he started running towards the pink haired mechanic with an annoyed expression.

"Were you not going to fight fairly?!"

Suddenly, Hatsume jumped over Iida as it looked like she was almost floating in the air.

"What do you think of this lightness?! These electro shoes use electromagnetic induction on both feet to allow for instant evasive action!"

Iida sucked his teeth as he blasted off towards her.

"I will get her when she lands!"

Once she did land, she brought out a gun that shot out a red-colored net that tied Iida up.

"Wh-What is this?!"

"It is a capture gun to use against Villains! The capture nets are in cartridges, and you can fire up to five before reloading! Who developed all of these items? It was me, mei Hatsume! Everyone from the support companies, the choice is clear-Mei Hatsume, Mei Hatsume, Mei Hatsume!" She yelled out as her true motivations were quite evident now.

"What is she, a politician?" One of the men in suits asked as Hatsume's way of getting attention was very peculiar to say the least.

"And now, I will talk about the next support item!"

"HUH?! There's still more?"

Ten Minutes Later…..

Hatsume walked out of the ring as she was sweating in exhaustion.

"I've presented each and every last one of them. I have nothing left to say!"

Midnight shakily raised her hand in confusion, "Uh…. H-Hatsume is out of bounds. Iida advances to the quarterfinals!"

"YOU TRICKED ME!" Iida yelled out in horror.

Hatsume looked away as she started walking towards the tunnel, "I'm sorry. I used you." She said shamelessly.


Izuku chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head, "Man, I should have known that was her plan from the start. She never really wanted to win the Sports Festival. All she wanted was to get the attention of the big support companies and she definitely did just that! Iida is very earnest, so she probably said some things that sounded good to get him on board. Hatsume is not just honest, she will also use any means to reach her goal. Amazing… " Izuku began scribbling in his notebook.

He then perked up, "Oh yeah, so that means next round, me and Iida are going to face each other! Wow, I can't say I'm not excited for that! How about you girls?" Izuku said as he turned his head to his left and right only to see that the seats were empty…

"Huh? Oh, they must have left to prepare for their matches while I was focused on my notebook! If I remember correctly they drew 6 and 8 so their matches are up next! I know that Momo-chan is facing Tokoyami but who is Ochaco-chan facing" Izuku wondered as he had forgotten who drew number five. But he then remembered as his eyes widened.

"Oh shit…. "

He then zoomed towards the Player Waiting rooms…

Player Waiting Room 2

Iida opened the door to the waiting room with a comedic depressed expression as mumbled things such as, "How could I let her manipulate me like that," or "How could I have been so naive!"

"Good work, Iida."

"Oh, Urarak- YOU'RE NOT LIKE YOURSELF AT ALL! YOUR BROW IS ALL WRINKLED!" Tenya yelled out in shock as Ochaco face was indeed not looking like its usual self.

"My brow, oh it is just my nerves… Must've reached my brow." Ochaco said as her voice did not have the usual bubbly tone.

Iida nodded, "I see… You are up against Bakugo, after all… "

Ochaco sighed, "Yeah… I'm really scared. But you know, after seeing a match like yours, Iida… "

"Like mine?"

Before she could replied, the door was opened as a green blur rushed into the room.


Izuku ran into the run as it was clear he had rushed to get there.

"Deku-kun?! Huh? Why are you here? You don't want to watch the others' matches?"

Izuku shook his head, "I know your match is next… and I know exactly who you will be fighting. I know Kacchan is not going to go easy on you, so I came here to try to give you some advice!"

"But, well, I don't think even Bakugo would use a full-strength explosion on a girl… " Iida chimed in.

Izuku narrowed his eyes.

"He would."

Iida gasped.

"Everyone's trying to become Number One to make their dreams come true. Even if it's not Kacchan, no one would think about holding back. You've helped me so much, Ochaco-chan. That's why I thought maybe I could help you a little. A plan to use your Quirk against Kacchan."

Izuku held out his Hero Journal #14.

"It's rough, but I came up with something!"

"Oh, isn't that great, Uraraka?"

Ochaco stared at the cover of the Hero Journal. Within its pages… lied all of the answers to how she could win. She has experienced Izuku's strategic and analytical planning firsthand, and she knew that his plans were nothing short of a genius. If she accepted his offer, then there was no question that she was more likely to win than if she rejects. All she had to do was open the notebook and let the knowledge overflow her…

"Thanks, Deku-kun… But it's fine."

Izuku raised his eyebrows, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You're amazing, Deku-kun… spectacular even. I keep seeing more and more amazing sides to you. During the Cavalry Battle, I thought it'd be easier to team up with friends, but now that I think about it, I might've been trying to rely on you. That's why, when Iida said he'd challenge you, it actually made me feel a little embarrassed."

"Ochaco-chan… "

Ochaco began walking towards to the door.

"That's why it's fine. Everyone's facing the future and trying their absolute hardest. That means we're all rivals, right? That's why… "

Ochaco faced Izuku as she gave him a thumbs up with a nervous and shaky smile.

"Let's meet in the semi-finals!"

"OKAY! So after that whole marketing scheme fiasco, let's try to get back on track, shall we? We'll start the next match!" Present Mic announced as the jumbotron displayed both Katsuki and Ochaco, thus making the crowd cheer as they anticipated the third match of the first round of the tournament.

"This next one might be the most disturbing match-up." Tsuyu said.

"I almost don't want to watch… "Jiro shuddered as she voiced the majority of Class 1-A's thoughts.

Ochaco and Katsuki both began walking towards the ring. Katsuki looked dead on at Ochaco as his expression remained neutral. Ochaco however did not falter against his intense gaze. She was determined to win.

Izuku looked on as he tightened his fists.

'Ochaco-chan… Do your best!'

"The third match of the first round! These are our participants!" Present Mic shouted. "He was kind of famous in middle school! That isn't the face of a regular person! From the Hero Course, it's Katsuki Bakugo!"

"HEY WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY FACE!" Bakugo yelled out in anger as his face was kind of unsettling due to his mean mug.

"VERSUS- She's the one I'm rooting for! From the Hero Course, it's Ochaco Uraraka!" Present Mic shouted.

"Wow, way to show how biased you are." Aizawa said monotonically.

"You're the one that makes things float, right, Round Face?" Bakugo suddenly said.

"Round… Face?" Ochaco asked as she widened her eyes in shock. How doesn't he know her name by now?

"If you are going to withdraw, do it now. You won't get off with just an 'ouch'." Katsuki said a she continued to stare at her with eyes that shone pure fury.

Ochaco grit her teeth as she stared back with defiance showing that she was not backing down no matter what.

"Midoriya, what was the strategy you were going to tell Uraraka earlier for her to use against Bakugo?" Iida asked.

"Oh, it wasn't much, really." Izuku replied as he held his Hero Journal. "Kacchan's strong. In a real close combat fight, he has almost no openings, and the more he moves, the more he sweats, making is Explosion Quirk stronger. He can use the blasts from his explosions to move around in the air, but if Uraraka touches Kacchan and uses her Quirk to make him float, then she would have the upper hand. It would be pretty much game over from that point. That's why… the first thing Uraraka should do is… "

Ochaco took a deep breath as she put on a face that said, 'I'm ready!'

"Third match, start!" Present Mic announced

"... a swift attack!" Izuku finished.

Ochaco immediately rushed towards Bakugo with her right hand outstretched below her.

"Withdrawing is not a choice!" Ochaco yelled out.

"All right! That's good. Even if it's an accident, as long as she can touch him, she can make him float!" Izuku said as he was glad that Uraraka was attacking Bakugo with the proper mindset.

"Bakugo won't want Uraraka to get close to him!" Iida added.

"That is why Kacchan won't want to evade. He will want to counterattack!" Izuku said as he knew what Bakugo would do against Ochaco in that situation.

Bakugo scoffed, "Then, die!"

"Kacchan. You usually start with a big right swing…."

Ochaco remembered Deku's words when he and Bakugo had fought during the combat training.

Ochaco saw that Bakugo was getting his right hand ready to strike.

'Here… HERE!'

Katsuki raised his arm, preparing for an explosion aimed right for Ochaco.

'If I dodge here… !' Ochaco thought as she got ready for Bakugo's attack.

But she was too late.

When Ochaco was just about to dodge, Katsuki had already fire off an explosion which violently blew the Gravity Girl back.

Izuku frowned, 'She wasn't fast enough.'

"Uraraka!" Iida yelled out in worry.

"He just blasted her like it was nothing!" Mineta cried out.

"Even though you're fighting a girl, you have no mercy, do you, Bakugo?" Tsuyu said as her and the rest of Class 1-A realized just how ruthless Katsuki Bakugo truly was.

"This is no good. Even if I knew what move he was going to make, I still could not react in time." Ochaco said as she waved the smoke away from her face.

Katsuki got into his stance, "I'll make short work of you."

Katsuki waited for Ochaco to attack him. He couldn't see her due to the smoke so he was on his toes.

He then heard movement behind him.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Bakugo turned around and launched a violent explosion. However he was shocked to see that his hand had only ignited a U.A. Gym shirt.

Ochaco appeared behind Katsuki with her hand stretched out. Her top half of the P.E. uniform now gone as she was now wearing a black tank top.

"OH! She made her jacket float and sent it over there?! She did it in an instant, too!" Present Mic cried out.

'If I make him float now-'

But before she could touch him, Katsuki reacted just in time, and blew Ochaco back again with another explosion. This one with even more force than before.

Ochaco was blown back, but she managed to get back on her feet. That explosion hurt… a lot, but she was still standing.

"He moved after he saw her?" Sero said as he couldn't believe that Bakugo was able to counterattack.

"With that reaction time, it doesn't matter if there's a smokescreen. With Uraraka not being able to activate her Quirk unless she touches him, she's at a disadvantage with Bakugo's reflexes." Kaminari commented as he figured that the matchup was not entirely favorable for Ochaco

Ochaco began running towards Katsuki again attempting to catch him off guard.


Bakugo fired off another explosion right at her face which made the entire crowd cringe as they could feel the heat of that explosion all the way from where they were sitting.

Ochaco then reappeared from the smoke.

"TAKE THIS!" Ochaco yelled out as she aimed to touch him again with her Zero Gravity.

However, Bakugo just hit her with another explosion which blew her back again.

"Ochaco…. " Tsuyu muttered as she was worried for her well being.

"I can't watch!" Jiro said as she covered her face with her hands.

"Bakugo, don't tell me… your tastes runs in that direction…." Mineta said with a pervy tone but Tsuyu slapped him with her tongue to prevent him from saying anything more.

Bakugo kept on firing explosion after explosion, relentlessly with each one hitting Ochaco dead on. It was getting very uncomfortable for the rest to watch.

"Not yet!" Ochaco kept on getting back up after each blow but Bakugo just blew her back down to the floor every time. It was getting to the point where the entire ring was breaking apart due to the force of Katsuki's explosions.

"Uraraka keeps attacking without rest, but... this is…" Present Mic stopped mid sentence as he didn't know what to say. What could he say? He was witnessing a massacre.

Ochaco attempted another attack, but Bakugo lit her up once again.

"Her substitution earlier didn't work, so she's getting desperate." A Pro Hero commented from the crowd.

Monoma looked towards him and sighed in annoyance, "What an idiot."

"Hey, shouldn't you stop this?! Isn't he going a little too far?!" A random member of the crowd yelled at Cementos.

Ochaco ran straight ahead towards Katsuki but the ash blonde just hit her with another explosion.

"I can't watch… "

"Hey! How can you say you want to be a Hero like that?! If there's such a huge difference in your abilities, then hurry up and send her out of bounds! Stop bullying and playing with the poor girl!"

"Yeah! Yeah!"

The crowd then began booing at Bakugo for "bullying" Ochaco.

"There's booing from part of the crowd… But honestly, I also feel the sa-"

Aizawa elbowed Present Mic in the face before he could finish that sentence.

"An elbow?! What're ya doin?!"

"Was that a Pro saying he's playing around? How many years have you been a Pro?" Aizawa asked.


"If you're saying that with a straight face, there's no point in you watching anymore, so go home! Go home and look into changing careers!" Aizawa yelled.

Everybody was now confused by what he was saying.

"Eh? What do you mean Eraser Head?!" Present Mic asked.

"Bakugo is being careful because he's acknowledged the strength of his opponent who has made it this far. It's because he's doing everything he can to win that he can't go easy on her or let his guard down."

The smoke cleared to show Ochaco still standing on her feet… panting… but still on her feet.

'Not yet… She's still… not dead!' Bakugo thought as he acknowledged the fact that Ochaco is a lot tougher than she looks. She commends her for lasting this long.

Izuku nods his head in agreement as he had been silently observing the fight this whole time. He noticed what Aizawa was talking about and even though Bakugo has the usual hatred in his eyes, he can also see something else in his red orbs… it was respect.

"It's about time… I think… Thanks Bakugo… "

Ochaco brought her hands together.

"...for not letting your guard down!"

"Huh?" Bakugo asked in confusion as he didn't understand what she was referring to.

"It can't be helped from where Bakugo is, but it's for a Pro in the stands to start booing without noticing." Monoma suddenly said as he now had everybody's attention. "She kept her body low as she advanced, concentrating Bakugo's attacks on the ground, storing up weapons. And then, she narrowed his field of vision with relentless attacks to keep him from noticing." Monoma then looked up and everybody saw what he was referring to. Up in the sky were a bunch of rubble and other debris that were created due to Katsuki's explosions. Everyone stared wide eyed as most of them didn't even notice that Ochaco had been using her Quirk all along.

"I'm gonna win!" Ochaco shouted with determination as she released her Quirk. All of the debris began to descend to the ring at very high speeds.


"You should have noticed." Aizawa said.

"She had a desperate plan like that up her sleeve?" Iida yelled out in shock as the majority of Class 1-A didn't even realize that she was planning this from the beginning.

Izuku smirked as he tightened his fists in anticipation, 'YES! You have created an opening! Now's your chance!' He had noticed what she was doing ever since the match started but kept quiet about it since he thought it was better to leave it as a surprise.

Ochaco then began sprinting straight ahead towards Bakugo.

'With this much debris, whether he's evading or counter attacking, there will definitely be an opening! In that moment, I'll get close to him with my secret move!' Ochaco then activated her Quirk as now she was ready to go for the win.

"I will win! I will win… and be just like Deku-kun!'

She outstretched her hand and she was fingertips away from touching Bakugo. She was fingertips away from victory… she was fingertips away from being just like Deku!

But right before she could claim her victory, Katsuki raised his palm up and ignited a huge explosion towards that sky that pushed Ochaco all the way back. The resulting explosion was strong enough to completely destroy all of the debris that was about to fall on him. The explosion was also able to blow many people off of their feet.

"Since you're friends with Deku, I thought you'd be up to something… That nerd is too smart for him to not rub off on you."

The smoke cleared to show Katsuki Bakugo… unscathed.

Ochaco stared wide eyed in horror.

"I-In one shot?!" After all of the planning and work she put into that plan, he just… blew it all away with one attack.

"B-Bakugo delivers a satisfying explosion! He blasts boldly through Uraraka's secret plan!" Present Mic stuttered as he and the rest of the stadium could barely form words at the display of such raw power.

Bakugo took a deep breath.

"That was close."

Ochaco shook as her mind could barely process everything that just happened.

'I-I did as much as I could…! But he was not fazed at all… '

Izuku's breath hitched as he could feel Ochaco's distress.

'Ochaco-chan… don't give up. You can still win this one!'

Izuku's head perked up as he saw Ochaco getting back on her feet.

"Even so... "

Bakugo smirked at this.

"All right, let's get serious then, Uraraka!"

Izuku gasped, 'He… He called her by her name?!'

"If it were Deku-kun... "

Ochaco turned around as she stumbled on her legs.

"... he would never give up!"

Ochaco's body was screaming in pain. She could feel her legs about to give out. Her skin was burned in various places due to Bakugo's explosions. Her body was screaming at her to stop. Stop everything. To just… give up.

But… she refused!

As she was about to fall, one image entered her mind.


The image of Deku turned around and smiled at her, his electric green eyes sparkling with pure energy and power.

The image outstretched his hand.

"You want my power… don't you? Well… here! Take it!"

At that moment, Ochaco felt a strange sensation of pure heat and energy flood her entire being. It felt so warm and empowering…. Like it was giving her life!

It reminded her of… Deku.

Then, out of nowhere, a huge pressure of energy exploded from Uraraka. Sharp winds begin spreading throughout the stadium as everybody was forced to shield their eyes due to how fast the winds were. After a couple of seconds, the wind died down and everybody gasped at what they saw.

Around Ochaco's figure, was a bright pink aura of energy surrounding her. Her eyes were now a pink shade as they gleamed in the sunlight. Around her, everything was floating. Rocks and debris circulated around her as they levitated above the ground. Her hair was also floating a little bit as the pink aura almost made it look like it had changed color. She was also floating in the air as everything around her seemed to have defied the laws of gravity.

"W-What is this?! Uraraka is now all pink! I didn't know she could do that!" Present Mic shouted.

"H-How in the world?!" Even Aizawa was shocked as he was definitely not expecting this. 'That power… She shouldn't be able to do that. Something fishy is going on here.'

"Where did this come from?! Had she been hiding this all along?! Midoriya, do you know anything about this?" Tenya asked as he robotically waved his arms around like crazy.

Izuku remained speechless as he was at a loss for words.

'T-That isn't Ochaco-chan's Quirk! This is… wait don't tell me!'

'This is exactly the same feeling as when Deku-kun shared his energy with me!' Ochaco yelled internally as the intoxicating feeling of power she felt during the Cavalry Battle returned. She felt completely energized and empowered… like she could win!

"What the fuck?! Why the hell are you pink now? Have you been holding back this entire time?! Well if so, then I'm going to get serious as well!" Bakugo shouted as he began running straight towards Ochaco with his hands ready to explode.

Ochaco saw this and immediately responded by swiping her hand and sending many rocks and other debris straight at Bakugo. This forced Bakugo stop and take care of the debris by igniting them with explosions. Bakugo set his sights on Ochaco once again, only to see she had disappeared.

"What the- Where did she go this time?!" Bakugo looked around frantically in all directions except for one…


Katsuki looked up and saw Ochaco floating in the air as she collected a lot more debris and rubble and launched all of it towards him at unexpectedly high speeds. Katsuki grunted as he was forced to put in some effort into evading the debris. He tried to blast them away in one shot just like before, but somehow Ochaco just kept on throwing an unlimited supply at him.

"DAMN IT! I can't attack her if she keeps on distracting me like this!" Katsuki was clearly frustrated as now Ochaco was proving to be a lot more troublesome than before.

'She's keeping him at a long range distance to prevent him from using his explosions on her! That is a very good strategy to use against Kacchan!' Izuku said mentally as the rest of the crowd were in awe at seeing Ochaco actually making Bakugo struggle!

Seeing Bakugo distracted, Ochaco decided to go onto to the offensive. She went down towards Bakugo and was about to deliver a sneak attack.

"Like I told you before, don't underestimate me!"

Bakugo yelled out as he had noticed Ochaco sneaking up on him. With his right hand, he aimed a large explosion towards her with the intent on frying her, just like he had done at the start of their match.

'Okay, I see the explosion coming from a mile away… now DODGE!'

And Ochaco did just that which left Katsuki stunned.

'Sh-She predicted my exact move!?' Bakugo shouted in his mind as the rest of the crowd watching also were not expecting for Ochaco to be able to react in time to Bakugo's explosion.

'Alright, he's wide open! Now, all I have to do is hit him! Just like with Todoroki's ice! I can do this. I have Deku-kun's power. I HAVE DEKU-KUN'S POWER!'

Ochaco gripped her right hand as the pink aura enclosed itself around it, giving it power and life. It concentrated into that point until…

…. BAM!

Ochaco gave Katsuki a nasty sucker punch right to his left cheek. The force of the blow was so great, that it sent Katsuki flying across the ring creating a huge gust of wind that blew away half of the debris and rubble.

"Uraraka lands a devastating blow on Bakugo! WOW! That is the first piece of offense that she has made since the beginning of the match!" Present Mic cried out as now the entire crowd was cheering as the fight was starting to get a lot more entertaining.

Ochaco gazed at her hand in awe. The pink aura swirling around it.

'W-Wow… Deku-kun's power… is amazing! I almost can't believe it. Was that really mean who punched him?! This strength is unreal!'

As Ochaco was gushing over her newfound strength, Katsuki was able to recollect himself as he stood up and rubbed his cheek. There was a pretty nasty bruise on his left cheek, courtesy of Ochaco's super punch.

Bakugo's eyes gained a dangerous red glint as his fury began to manifest itself. He balled his fists as he was shaking violently as the pain in his left cheek lingered and stung. Almost as if it were mocking him due to getting punched in the face by Round Face. He started shaking his head repeatedly telling himself over and over again that this did not mean anything, that there was no chance in HELL that Round Face is actually stronger than him. There is no chance in HELL that she was going to beat him in front of all these people! He could not allow it.. He could not allow it! He could not allow to give Deku the satisfaction of getting beat in the first round by one of his damn girlfriends!

'Deku… I will not lose to your girlfriend! You will not humiliate me like this! I refuse to fucking lose in the first round. I won't fucking lose until I FACE YOUR BITCH ASS!'

Bakugo let out a roar of pure agony and fury as as explosions went off around him signalling that the ticking bomb was about to set off.

Ochaco widened her eyes at the sudden outburst, "Oh, what now?!"

"Well, he sure does have some anger issues!" Present Mic said as Aizawa nodded in agreement.

"Tell me about it!" Izuku yelled out comically.

"I am through playing games with you… NOW I'M MAD!" Bakugo shouted with rage as his hands began to light up frantically as the ticking bomb was just moments away from setting off.

'Oh no, it looks like he isn't playing around anymore! Come on Ochaco think, think, think! I have to do something, but I have no idea what!' Ochaco was having an inner turmoil as Bakugo was preparing an all out blast that would finally end this match.

"I hope you still have some strength left because now I'm not holding back!" Time was up. The ticking time bomb was now ready to explode. Bakugo brought his hands forward as the explosions were ready to detonate.

Ochaco gasped as she now had an idea.

Her pink aura expanded as she took a deep breath. She then brought her hands together at her side in a very familiar pose.

Izuku sputtered when he saw what Ochaco was about to do.

'WHAT?! No, no way! She isn't about to do what I think she is about to do, is she? That's impossible!'

Ochaco's purple energy began circulating and concentrating into her hands in one point.

"KA…. "

'Oh God….'

"ME… "

Inside Ochaco's hands, a purple ball of energy was beginning to form as with each passing second, the energy began to get more powerful, more dense, and more potent.

"What's going on with Uraraka!? There is so much pressure being built up within her hands! Is this some sort of ultra super secret move?!" Tenya yelled out as now his arms were waving around like crazy.

"HA….. "

Rocks and rubble surrounding Ochaco began to levitate in the air as her power was increasing. It was almost beginning to be a little too much for her as she was not used to this type of overflooding of energy. But she still pushed on as she was determined to win no matter what.

"ME…. "

'SHIT! She's really about to do it! Her energy is overflowing! Her Power Level is incredible!' Izuku remained speechless as he could do nothing but observe the unbelievable the sight he was about to witness.

'I have to end this in one shot. I don't think I will be able to continue after this.' Ochaco finished charging up her energy as all of her power was now concentrated into one single point. In her hands was a pink orb of energy that was now ready to be used.

"NOW YOU DIE!" Bakugo fired a double explosion using both of his hands that had even more potency than the one he used to destroy all of the fall debris earlier in the match. This explosion was fueled by rage and determination to not lose to one of Deku's 'girlfriends.'

Ochaco arched her back as it was now or never.


Ochaco thrust her hands forward and launched a pink colored Kamehameha Wave as rubble and other debris levitated around it making the overall strength of the blast bigger.

"EVERYBODY TAKE COVER!" Present Mic shouted as nobody wanted any piece of that blast.

The two blasts collided as the recoil was strong enough to push both contestants back by a couple of meters. However they both remained strong as they placed their feet flat on the ground, not willing to give the other any extra leverage. After a couple of seconds, the two attacks colliding created a huge explosion that blew many people off of their feet. There was a bright flash as smoke covered the entire arena.

Present Mic got back on his seat after a few coughing fits.

"Oh my God, your students are amazing Eraser Head! There's gotta be some secret training method that you're teaching them!"

"I'm just as surprised as you are." Aizawa replied as some of his bandages were undone due to him falling on the floor.

When the smoke cleared, the audience could see both Bakugo and Ochaco standing. Bakugo was panting hard as it was clear that he used up all of energy into that last explosion.

Ochaco's pink aura was now completely gone. She attempted to take one step, but she instead ended up completely collapsing onto the ground. Bakugo widened his eyes as he almost collapsed as well due to the exhaustion he was feeling.

"Uraraka's down!" Present Mic announced as now people were beginning to worry about her condition.

'She passed her limit a long time ago…' Izuku said in his head as using a full power Kamehameha Wave without any training beforehand would surely put a toll on the user's body. Ochaco was also running on pure adrenaline.

"My… body… won't do… what I want… " Ochaco tried to crawl as her entire body felt dead. "I-I also… also… can still.. !"

"When I get big, I'll help you and Mommy!"

"I appreciate the thought, Ochaco. But as your dad, I'd be even happier if you could achieve your own dream. When that happens, you can take us to Hawaii!"

"I… I will become…. A Hero… !"

Ochaco's vision began to get blurry as she saw darkness.


Midnight went to go check on Ochaco. She found her unconscious.

"Uraraka is out of commission. Katsuki Bakugo advances to the quarter finals!"