
Harbinger of trouble

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- So, the best performer in this fight was Mizuiro. Who can tell me why? - The Almighty asked the disciples after Iida and I, and the lost of this world, Bakugou, arrived in the chopping room with the others.

- I, Almighty-sensei. - Momo raised her hand. - Mizuiro, had come up with a winning tactic, wearing down his opponents with ranged attacks, taking a good position while protecting the warhead. Also, he got into the role of the villain well. Jiro, followed Mizuiro's plan, but it was too passive. In fact, he did almost all the work for Jiro and protected her from Bakugou's attack. - At those words, Kyouka looked at me, and turned away, slightly embarrassed. - Due to some personal animosity towards Mizuiro, Bakugou was overly aggressive in her actions, not thinking through her actions, and not listening to her partner, and the last large-scale explosion was a very stupid idea. If the missile was real, it could have ruined both heroes and villains. Iida immediately recognised Mizuiro's tactics and tried to convey it to Bakugou, but seeing that she wasn't in her right mind, he didn't try to back down and lost. - Momo explained in detail, making Iida's face look like he understood and realised everything, but Bakugou didn't react in any way. She just kept quiet after losing, not even trying to call me names or anything.

- Ahem, yeah, that's pretty much it. - clearly didn't expect such a detailed answer from the Almighty. - Um...young Mizuiro, do you have a few quirks? - The Almighty asked, and his tone was very strange, as if he was afraid of something. The classmates, hearing the question, also perked up their ears.

- What makes you think that?

- You created swords from the air, and then those blue shields, and during the quirk test, you used other abilities. - The talking gloves and boots...that is, Hagakure Toru, the invisible girl who took the last place in the quirk test.

- No, she didn't. My quirk is originally a manipulation of light, or photons - quanta of light. When I was a kid, the only thing I could do was glow like a light bulb, but with constant training, I learnt to saturate the cells of my body with light, becoming stronger and faster. After studying quantum physics, I came to the conclusion that my strength comes from electromagnetic interaction, the carrier of which is the photon. Besides photons, the carriers are other quanta, such as gravitons - gravitational quanta, or gluons, which have a direct connection with chromodynamics. This is where my powers come from. - I pointed my finger at my head. - My intellect is advanced enough to have a rough idea in manipulating the quantum field, from which, theoretically, the forces of all energy quirks can originate. I only have one quirk, I just use it according to different principles and laws, and according to those same principles and laws, I know how to create solid structures out of light. - I explained, though the latter information wasn't entirely true. I use magic with science, of my own image, 'technomagic', if you can call it that. But with the quantum field, everything was true. Theoretically, if you fully master the manipulation of quanta, you can become a powerful high-energy entity, in terms of magic, such an entity is called a god, to become which I will strive to become.

- That's how...young Mizuiro, I am surprised that at such a young age, you have such a high level of knowledge in the high sciences. - spoke the Almighty.

- Hmm, so you're supplementing your quirk with scientific knowledge. That's an interesting approach. - thoughtfully took Momo's chin.

- All right, let's get on with the lesson. - said Almighty and called the next teams to prepare.

While the students were asking questions to the Almighty and the teams were getting ready, I felt someone else's gaze on me again, so I moved further away from the wall, but she came closer and continued to stare at me. I turned my gaze back to her and she pretended as if she'd stood next to me completely by accident.

- Is there something you want from me, Todoroki? - With a strained smile, I asked the stalkeress.

- Doesn't your quirk have any weaknesses? - She asked a strange question, Todoroki Shoko is a student who has white on the left side of her hair and red on the right. She has heterochromia - her right eye is grey, her left is turquoise, and she has a burn underneath. Overall, she looks very pretty, even the burn doesn't spoil her beauty, and her cold detached face, adds more charm. Todoroki, the second in A-class who got in by recommendation.

- Why do you need to know my weaknesses? - I asked Shoko.

- ... - she remained silent in response.

- Do not want to talk? - I tilted my head to the side.

- ...

- Nobody told you that you are very strange? - I asked.

- No.

- Okay, Todoroki, you have to go. It's your turn. - I said as I heard the Almighty give the teams their starting positions.

- All right. - with an unchanged face, she replied and left.

Yeah, she's weird, but she's cute, like a cold princess, and ice can be easily melted by my hot rod...pun intended.

Todoroki was on the 'B' team with the six-armed Koji, they were the heroes, and the villains were the 'I' team, consisting of Hagakure and Ojiro Mashirao, a blond man with a monkey-like tail, which is his quirk.

This fight went even faster than mine. Shoko's quirk 'Ice-and-Fire' is temperature control, with Shoko being able to control cold temperatures, creating ice with the right side of his body, and conversely control high temperatures, creating fire, with his left side. With her right side, Shoko froze the entire building, inside and out, freezing Ojiro and Hagakure's feet, from which she calmly captured the warhead, and then unfroze the building with her left side. Yup, further proof that quirks are a lottery ticket. Someone might get an uber powerful gun, and someone might get a dandelion out of their arse.....

While the bouts were going on, I was learning something about a student I was interested in who I hadn't had a chance to meet yet.

Tokoyami Fumikage is a short guy with a funny mutation manifesting as a bird's head. His Dark Shadow quirk is the materialised part of Tokoyami's dark matter soul, in the form of a distorted humanoid bird that he can control. In general, Tokoyami is the only one of the A-class who is truly a danger to me, as his powers can neutralise mine, just as I can neutralise his powers. 'Dark Shadow' Tokoyami is in fact darkness magic, which is roughly the same as what I use, and darkness and light, elements that neutralise each other like fire and ice.

Strangely enough, some quirks, like mine or Tokoyami's, are hard to explain scientifically, but magic is easy to explain. Another proof that magic is definitely involved in the appearance of superpowers on Earth.

The other students I didn't know were Koda Koji and Sato Rikido. Both guys are taller than me, though Koda looks more unusual because of his head, which is irregularly shaped: the bottom part is square and the top part is rock-shaped, while Sato is just a pumped-up big guy. Both of them have unimpressive abilities, Koda can talk to any animal, insect or other critter, while Sato gets a doping boost by eating sugar but getting stupider. They, including Hagakure, would probably be the weakest in combat potential.

The class went smoothly enough, no one got hurt, and the funny thing was that Ochako was teamed up with Denki Kaminari, who was trying to woo her, but she just didn't get it and ignored the silly guy's attempts. The funny thing is, when I hit on her, she always gets embarrassed and stutters.

After class, the Almighty hastily retreated to who knows where, and the students went to change into the locker rooms and then back to our classroom. I chatted with my classmates for a while, so to speak, and got to know them well.

Bakugou, on the other hand, went home almost immediately after the class ended. Katsuki is difficult to understand, and the fact that she's blonde and has a terrible temper complicates matters even more. She's spent her whole life getting and doing whatever she wants, and because of her intense quirkiness and narcissism, Katsuki thinks she's the navel of the earth and now, technically, having lost to me for the third time, her world where she's perfect and the best at everything has begun to crumble. Maybe I should go after her and support her, but she'd probably send me away or ignore me, so it's better to leave 'Miss I'm Number 1' alone and let her adolescent maximalism go away. No, seriously, when a beautiful girl shows me so much aggression, and for no good reason, it makes me depressed, as if I'm some kind of evil.

The next day clearly started off on the wrong foot, as various media and journos were at Yuei Gate.

- How would you comment on the Almighty as a teacher? - A journalist asked me a question, poking me in the face with a microphone, and the rest of the journalists came to me after her.

- The last thing we need here is journos. - I ignored the question, and walked out of the academy gates while Aizawa tried to ward off the annoying media. The Almighty isn't even in school today, so much for the popularity of the strongest hero.

In any case, the journalists will not be able to get into Yuei, because the entrance has sensors that allow only those with a student ID or a special access card to enter, otherwise, the gates of the academy are automatically locked.

- I hope you had time to rest from yesterday's ordeal of battle. - Aizawa said, starting the class period. - I took the liberty of reviewing your results. Bakugou, stop acting like a little kid, you're simply wasting your potential.

- Tsk, I know. - The disgruntled girl clucked, and you can see her temper hasn't changed one bit.

- So, on today's agenda, we have... - Aizawa made a meaningful pause. - Choosing a headman - surprising the students, at least something normal, without the threat of exclusion.

- I want to be the headman! - Ashido threw her hand up in the air.

- And me, and me! - Shouted Kirishima from his seat.

- Me too. - put his hand up Kaminari.

- Why does everyone want to be a headman so badly, it's such a pain in the arse. - I argued.

- Don't you want to be one? - Jiro asked in surprise.

- Nope. - No way, I didn't hire me for free labour. Of course, being the formal leader of the students is not bad, but that's not why I came to the academy.

- Silence, please! - Iida exclaimed. - Being the headmaster is a huge responsibility that requires trust and respect from the people around you, not a simple amusement. The only right way to do it is to vote for a new headman! - he came up with a good idea, even though he had his hand up to the ceiling.

- We don't know each other well enough to trust each other yet. - Asui argued, putting a finger to her mouth.

- Yeah, so everyone's going to vote for themselves. - Kirishima supported her.

- That's why the person who gets the most votes will be a great headman! What do you think, sensei?! -Iida turned to Aizawa.

- I don't care, as long as you choose a head teacher by the end of class. - the lazy bum crawled into his sleeping bag.

The voting lasted for about five minutes, and at the end of the results...I had gained four points, thus becoming class president.

- What a turnaround. - I resented it, standing next to Momo at the blackboard. Yaoyorozu got three points, including one point from me, becoming my substitute.

- Eh, almost. - Momo said regretfully, as I was only one point ahead of her. But Iida got no votes at all, he must have voted for me or Momo, poor bespectacled guy.

- Okay, let's try Yaoyorozu then, shall we? - I turned to my sexy deputy. Momo, the only reason I haven't thrown the reins over to her is to have an attractive schoolgirl with a lot of assets in my charge, the only upside to becoming a head teacher, as far as I'm concerned.

- Yeah. She nodded at me.

At recess, I went to the cafeteria with Ashido and Ochako, and Yaoyorozu, my deputy, joined us, along with Itsuka and Jiro. I'm surrounded by beautiful schoolgirls.

- How is Akira's commanding officer? - Mina asked me while we were eating at the same table.

- You're having fun, I see. You're the one who voted for me. - I confirmed it. Ashido didn't even bother to say anything. - And you're Ochako, too?

- Yeah. - Ochako answered me.

- You two are so close, calling each other by name. - Itsuka remarked.

- We're very 'close'. - I emphasised the last word with a noticeable implication. - If you want, you can call me by my first name too.

- Okay, Akira-kun. - Itsuka smiled at me.

- I don't mind either. - Momo agreed.

- Me too. - Jiro nodded.

Uraraka didn't react at all, she was busy eating rice, but Mina looked at me suspiciously.

- Okay, now, which one of you voted for me? - I asked.

- I voted for Momo-chan. - replied Itsuka.

- I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I voted for me. - replied Momo, sighing heavily.

- And I voted for you, Akira. - Jiro surprised me. - You said you didn't want to be the headman, but I don't think anyone could do a better job as leader than you.

- I didn't know you thought so highly of me, Jiro. - I remarked At my words, Kyoka blushed a little, and Mina stared at me suspiciously again.

Out of the blue, a siren went off across the academy, causing students to jump up and down from their seats.

- Security level three had been breached. Students are requested to evacuate the building. - announced a mechanical voice.

- What is level three? - asked a worried Ochako.

- Someone broke through the gate, that's what. - unnoticed, I hacked into the school's cameras, and through them I saw how the academy territory was penetrated, the very media, guarding students at the entrance. Sotrigolova and Mick the Meek - Okay, girls, you stay where you are and I'll handle this. - I told them what to do, as the students were already rushing for the doors. I flew towards the exit, and hovered in the air so I could be seen and heard better.

- Create construct: Loudspeaker. - I created an object in my hand and used it for its intended purpose. - Ahem... ATTENTION ALL! THIS IS A FALSE ALARM, THE MEDIA HAS INFILTRATED THE ACADEMY, THERE'S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! STOP THE PANIC AND CRUSH! - I calmed the people down and went back to the girls.

- You, managed to calm the crowd. - Kendo stated the fact.

- Sad to say, but I was completely powerless here. You did a great job as headman. - Yaoyorozu congratulated me sincerely, and Mina looked at me again, very suspiciously.

Soon, the police arrived at the school and dispersed all the journos away from the school. After class, I wondered exactly how the media had infiltrated Yuei. Once again, I hacked the academy's defences and searched through the camera footage, and found footage of a white-haired devil touching the gate and turning it into rubble to make way for the journalists. He's got a hell of a face, all bruised and pale-skinned. In the database of the police and the network of heroes, his face is simply not, he is not listed in any database, and this is very alarming. Even stranger, he appeared out of thin air, and then just as suddenly disappeared, as if he never existed at all. It's not as if a left-handed person just decided to mess with Yuei when the Peace Symbol showed up at the school.

Ashido and I walked Uraraka to the station, and when the train arrived, we said goodbye to her, and then I went home. Succuba lives in Mustafu too, so she came with me, she's on her way.

- Look, you're not going to do anything naughty with the girls, are you? - Mina squinted at me suspiciously as we walked together.

- Maybe. - I answered evasively.

- ...Akira, do you have a girlfriend? - Mina suddenly asked.

- I do. - I didn't deny it and didn't lie.

- Then why are you trying to flirt with other girls? - My answer obviously offended her, because Mina liked me from the first meeting.

- Because I'm a pervert and a womaniser. - I answered honestly. - And also, because Kazuho, my girlfriend, alone can't stand my pressure.

- Your pressure? - The succubus didn't understand.

- This. - I made the famous gesture of putting my finger in the hole.

- Oh... - Mina realised what I meant.

- My quirk certainly makes me strong, but because of that, I just have a huge libido. When I told Ochako that my only weakness was girls, I wasn't lying. - I said.

- So you've been acting like that with Ochako all this time because you have a huge libido? - Mina clarified.

- Not only that, it's just that I like her as a girl...just like I like you. - I stopped abruptly when I saw the skin on Mina's cheeks darken a little. - I like you Mina, and I know you feel sympathy for me too. - I put my hand on her cheek and stroked it.

- I don't feel anything. - She replied awkwardly, but she didn't take my hand away.

- Then how about you check it out? - I put my arm around her. - Will you go out with me?

- What about your girlfriend? What about Ochako?

- Kazuho, I'll make her so hot that she'll ask me for more girls, and I'll seduce Ochako just like I seduced you. - I brought my face close for a kiss and Ashido didn't resist, she let me kiss her on the lips. - Did you like it, Mina? - I licked my lips after kissing her.

- Wow, you're like a villain. There's a reason you were on the test. - She also licked her lips, Mina clearly enjoyed the kiss.

- I take it your answer to the proposed date is positive. - I said affirmatively. - Tomorrow is a day off, we'll go on a date.

- Okay. - Mina agreed... and kissed me. After I walked her home, and if during the conversation she was not very happy, but now, on the way from her face did not fall smile, and she went in jumping.

It was quite funny with Mina, considering that I met her just the other day. However, both Mina and I, initially sympathised with each other, we can consider it love at first sight, and love has no barriers...and I also hacked into Mina's mobile phone, and found a lot of videos where she does with her ass different bad things that proper schoolgirls should not do. Mina, like me, has an obvious kinky personality, so no wonder it's like this. People with similar interests will be drawn to each other, Mina likes to play with her back hole, and I like to drill cutie butts, we have definitely found each other.