
My Hero Academia: Benimaru Shinmon

Benimaru Shinmon in the world of superheroes and villains. What will he accomplish? Read and find out. Support me on: pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW Not my picture, inform me if you want it taken down.

DodgyWriter · 漫画同人
39 Chs

Final Exams 4

After coming up with a plan me and my partner went to watch the other matches taking place. First up was Kirishima and Satou, sadly for the two boy's they failed to find a way through Cementoss's quirk. With the teacher creating so may walls, it wasn't long before the close combat fighters ran out of juice, or in Satou's case, Sugar. Once they never had the strength to punch through the cement, it was a simple matter for Cementoss to trap them and end the match.

Second round was a pretty good display of teamwork from Tokoyami and Tsuyu, even after them got trapped in one of ectoplasms super moves they manged to use their quirks in conjunction and trap him in the handcuffs. Although of those of us who were watching, it was pretty disgusting seeing Tsuyu literally throw up her stomach, I'm pretty sure Midoriya's been scarred for life. Another thing I noticed was the amount of skill Ectoplasm has in hand to hand combat, even though his quirk doesn't do anything to physically enhance him, his technique was still good enough to hold back dark shadow, who's got some serious speed and power.

The last match before ours was Power Loader vs Ida and Ojiro. Though it seemed like a bad matchup for the two, they managed to escape not long after it started. Using a combination of both quirks they managed to avoid all the traps Power Loader planted and make it through the exit with little trouble.

Now it our turn, standing near the centre of the fake city, me and Todoroki were waiting on the match to start.

"Do you think he'll come for us or guard the gate?" Todoroki questioned.

"Not sure, either way we'll be heading towards the gate. So it's not like it really matters" I replied while scratching the back of my head.

Since it had something to do with the plan we we're attempting I asked something that's been on my mind for a while "Your fire resistant right?"

"To a limited degree I am, as long as the fire isn't exceptionally powerful I should be able to cope" he responded while creating a small plume of flames in his hands to demonstrate his resistance.

With that as confirmation I wondered "How'd you manage to get a burn like that then?" as my eyes scanned the nasty burn scar covering the entirety of his left eye.

Being reminded of his scar a solemn look appeared on his face as he gently rubbed the scarred skin with his finger tips, after a moment Todoroki replies "Now's not really an appropriate time for me to give you the entire story, but, my scar is actually a frost burn"

Although I was still confused as to how he managed to get a frost burn since he should have ice resistance as well, I decided to leave it until Todoroki gave me the full story.

Suddenly the alarm that signified the start of the match blared through the city, prompting me and Todoroki to spur into action.

"Think you can reach the gate with one of those ice spears-things?" I asked, wondering if we should move closer to make it easier for him.

Kneeling down on one leg, the surrounding temperature stated to drop as he stated "It should be fine, If this one doesn't reach I can just make another". When he finished talking an large horizontal pillar of ice shoot out in front of Todoroki and advanced down the street in the direction of the escape gate.

With relatively little stopping it, it wasn't long before the ends of the ice wrapped it's self around the gate, effectively blocking anyone from escaping, or if Aizawa was going to wait at the gate, forcing him to abandon his position.

Standing upright, Todoroki's body, clothes and hair were covered in patches of ice, but having slightly come to terms with whatever was stopping him from using his fire, a quick pulse of heat thawed ice, restoring him to his previous state.

With Todoroki done his part, I placed my hand on the large formation of ice. Applying some heat, swiftly a tunnel was formed from ahead of us allowing us both to step inside. Once we were within the structure, my partner block up the opening with another thick casing of ice.

The plan was to use this tunnel to travel all the way over to the exit, with the thickness of the ice surrounding us, plus the mistiness from due to it's formation not being perfect, it should prevent Eraser from using his quirk on us. Even if he somehow managed to break inside we had back up plans, basically split up and try to use our quirks to flashbang his eyes whenever we had the opportunity. But if push came to shove I wouldn't mind a shot at brawling with Aizawa since he's pretty impressive when I comes to martial arts.

Since I could only thaw small parts of the ice at a time to prevent the structures collapse, it was going to take a while till we reached the end.

With not much else to do I called out to Todoroki as he was blocking up the path behind us "So, you want to go ahead and tell me the story behind that scar or do you want to do the rest of this in silence?"

Seemingly thinking for a moment, he gave a slight nod and replied "I suppose I might as well, now that I think about it there's never really an appropriate place to talk about this stuff..."

For the rest of the journey Todoroki gave me a bit of insight into the mess that was the Todoroki household. Although I never took Endeavour for a good parent this was just some next level stuff, what's worse is that it was probably just the tip of the iceberg regarding everything that's happened. Since I could tell Todoroki was skirting over some parts but overall I got the gist of the situation.

The scar was from his mother using her quirk to try and prevent a burn from happening, but due to her state of mind she never realised that would just make it worse.

"Man that's messed up" I commented as I melted the the final portion of ice, triggering the end of match bell as we exited the casing of ice having passed the exam with no trouble at all.

As we walked over to Aizawa who was standing around with a noticeable miffed expression, I couldn't help but feel a degree of companionship between me and Todoroki due to his family circumstances. Who knows, maybe one day I'll tell him out my own childhood, but for now it put those thoughts to the back of my mind as Aizawa congratulated us for our completion.


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