
My heart bleeds for another

Linzel is the daughter of Cordelia. They look alike in every way but she has a kind heart. Her father told her she is to be wed to Laito her older brother. She accepts knowing it did not matter what she thought, or what she wanted. Lin wants to be with Subaru but what will happen when he chooses to leave her to wed their brother. Will she still love him or will she let him go?

Mama_Wolfblood · 漫画同人
16 Chs

Linzel Sakamaki

Name Linzel Sakamaki

Age 17

Pail skin Amber eyes

5ft 9"


She has violet hair.

Lin is the youngest of the Cordelia's children and only daughter. She was crule to her and her brothers. One day she locked her in her in a black room. Left her ther for a week. Lin was scared of her mother and tried to tell her father what happend but he dismissed it. Then she was beaten and almost draid of her blood. But she still remains kind to everyone. By the time her father believed her it was to late the damage was done. She hates him for it.

Lin plays the piano

An dances.

She loves Subaru but is to Marry Laito.

She feels she doesn't matter an lets them choose for her.