


I lead Lin around the garden. Her violet hair shines beautiful in the sun light. I am going to make Subaru pay for hurting her. But first I must make her happy. Lin rest her head on my shoulder as we walk. "I like it when your like this." She said softly. "Like what princess." I said kissing the top of her head. "When your carring and not a sadistic asswhole." I felt bad when she said that. Its true though when I try an make love to her. I dont listen when she tells me to ease up. I think tonight I will try to be as gentle as possible. "Remember when we were kids. We would Waltz in the garden. She smiles an nods. She place her hand on my shoulder an the other in my right hand. I place my left hand on her hip an pull her close. As we started to dace a soft breeze blew flower petals around us. Lin's amber eyes full of happiness and love. She rest her head on my chest. This must be a dream because this is unreal. My Linzel finaly giving in to me. This is all I wanted no needed her to be comfortable with me. She looks up at me an I lean down an capture her soft lips with my own. It was a slow sweet kiss. I let go of her hand so she can wrap her arms around my neck, and my arms around her waist. It was like time stood still it was just me and her. This is the way it should be warm sweet kisses in the garden. I pull away looking into her Amber eyes. "I love you Laito." She whispers "I love you too Linzel."

The two continued to walk around the garden. They were unaware of the heart broken man that was watching. "I do love you Lin. Liato made me say all that." He said tears in his eyes.