

Lin was playing the piano sad about the fight she had with Subaru. Tears came to her eye because all she want is him.


It was a beautiful spring morning. Lin lays in bed with Subaru. They were cuddling in afterglow. His hands rome her body. Linzel smiles loving the feeling. He was so gentle more than her brother Laito. "We should stop this Lin. You are to Marry Laito." He said getting up. "But I want you Subaru!" She cried. "I love you an only you Subaru!" She said geting up. Though he lied he knew they were not going to be with each other. "You were nothing more than a body to warm my bed. A sweet piece of ass. You are nothing but a play thing. You did what you were ment for now get out." He said she redressed and ran out crying. When she left he fell to his knees crying saying how sorry he was. Knowing full well he just pushed her into Laito's arms.

(Flashback end)

Lin plays till a pair of arms wrap around her. "Why so sad sweetheart." Laito's smooth voice came from behind her. He kiss her cheek. She looks at the man she will Marry in spring. She thought 'well if Subaru doesn't want me...then why fight Liato.' "Just one of those days love. Its nothing to worry about." She said giving him a smile. "You finally giving in to me. It will be much easier for you now you know. Come on let go for a walk. You can tell me whats really bothering you." He said taking her hand. They walk aroun the garden hand in hand. Lin tells Laito everything. To say he was upset was an understatement. "He said that to you? He will regret it Lin. No man talks to you like that. Not as long as I'm around." He said glaring at the window of Subaru's room. Holding her to him gently. "Linzel I love you." His words we so soft so only she could hear them. She felt so warm and safe in Laito's arms.