

"She's not even pregnant with his baby." Screamed Subaru standing at the other side of the aisle. He had tears in his eyes staring straight at me. People were whispering amungst themselves "You know it is not his Linzel." He said holding out his hand for me to run to him. "The baby is Liato's his blood keeps me in check. That is how I know it is his. The baby would reject it." I said tears in my eyes. "I love Liato Subaru your to late." I said facing Liato his lime eyes held love and joy. "Tell her Liato! Tell her what you made me do! Tell her it was you that made all this happen!" Subaru screams I growl and heard enough. "Someone escort Subaru away. He is disrupting the wedding like a spoiled child." Liato held me rubbing my back gently. "Let's not let him spoil the wedding. Subaru please sit down your delusional." He said his smooth voice.  Subaru looked at me as he was dragged away.

*time skip*

The party was over and the sun was about to rise. Lin was thinking about Subaru. Liato didn't deny it nor did he admit it. Well it doesn't matter now. I am married to him. I am pregnant with his child. Its over he won. She thought as she walked to her husband's room. She closed the door behind her.

"Is it true? Liato did you make Subaru act like that towards me?" She growls at him. He smiles at her pulling her into his arms. "Guess I couldn't hide it forever. You know its to late right. We are now bound to one another. Also the baby in your womb is mine. Yes I orchestrated all of this. I did it because I love you Linny and now your mine." He whisperes into her ear. Tears spilled from her eyes a look of horror on her face.