
My Great British Empire

The twilight of the medieval era has not yet faded, and the best of times has already arrived. The protagonist travels to Edward VI of the Tudor dynasty in sixteenth-century England, centralizes power, rebuilds the Parliament, and establishes the United Kingdom of Great Britain, taking you through the strongest monarchy in British history, the dawn before the sunrise of the British Empire.

Rumngsuy · 历史
75 Chs

Private Conversations

 "Gentlemen! We will discuss this tomorrow!" The Earl of Warwick rose as well and bowed in apology to the murmuring ministers. Swaggering, he opened the door to the conference room and walked out.

 Bishop Thomas then stood up trembling as well, and after bowing to the ministers, he slowly walked out of the conference room without waiting for a return bow from the crowd.

 "All right! Gentlemen! Let us disperse!" Duke Horton rose as well, saying in his raspy voice and whacking the floor with his cane to remind the gawking ministers.

 The Earl of Southampton and Baron Seymour then left the room, and the rest of the men looked about them, and all rose and left their seats.

 Coincidentally, the last to go were the Earl of Wellington and the Earl of Boswell, and the two men who had quarreled at the meeting met afterward as if they were good friends having a laugh.

 "Dear Earl of Wellington! I wish you a pleasant day." The Earl of Boswell laughed merrily, as if to prove that there was no conflict between the two men, and shook his hand.

 "You too! Count Boswell! Have a good day!" The Earl of Wellington wished kindly, his voice sincere.

 The two then each boarded their own carriage, and at the gallop of their horses, they traveled farther and farther away until they could not see the figure of the person on the other side of the road.

 The Earl of Boswell finally didn't hold back during the carriage's journey, cocked his mouth, gasped for air, and couldn't stop pounding the carriage's doors and windows with both hands, making a thumping sound.

 The horseman held the mentality that it was not a matter of concern, his face did not show the least bit of surprise, and he still drove the carriage in his hands seriously.

 "Damn Edward Wellington, isn't it just his own nephew who is a general in the army? Where in the world does one fight a war without dying! What are you afraid of!" Earl Boswell cursed hatefully, the eyebrows on his face scrunched up into a ball, so it was obvious how bad his mood was ah!

 Could he not be in a bad mood! If he could open the war against Scotland this time, his arsenal would have orders for at least five thousand muskets, which would bring him tens of thousands of pounds.

 This can be higher than the factory's usual five-year income, originally nine things, by the Earl of Wellington intervened in a bar, the business almost yellow, how can he let go of his mind.

 "Yves! Turn, first the Duke of Somerset House!" The Earl suddenly remembered the Duke's Mansion not far from here, and hurriedly instructed the middle-aged coachman who was driving.

 "Aye! My lord!" The horseman Yves, who had always been silent, responded bluntly without any follow-up and slowly drove the carriage in a different direction towards the Duke's Palace.

 "Whew! Whew! Lord Earl! The Duke's Mansion is here!" As a horseman, Yves was qualified, and in a moment's time, he smoothly delivered Earl Boswell to the door of the ducal palace.

 "Got it! You help me down first!" Lord Earl's voice was calm. Apparently, the road had transformed the Earl's mood into a normal one.

 Yves conscientiously took a padded footstool and placed it beside the carriage, helping the blighted Lord Earl down.

 After that, he ran to the gate of the Duke's mansion and saluted the attendants guarding the gate, after all, the power of His Excellency the Duke was still hot in England, and there was an endless stream of nobles and merchants who came to pay their respects.

 "Greetings! I am a servant of the Earl of Boswell, and my Lord Earl has come to visit His Excellency the Duke!"

 Yves addressed the young time servant politely, and behaved in a courteous manner.

 "Good! I'll go ahead and report! Please wait for a moment with Lord Earl!"

 As a young man the attendant glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him, and then glanced in the distance, where a rich man in aristocratic finery was waiting by the side of a magnificent carriage, looking at the place without haste.

 Soon Duke Edward received news of the Earl of Boswell's arrival, and hastened to the gate to greet his important supporter in person.

 Duke Edward's figure appeared in the doorway of the ducal palace, and the Earl of Boswell, who was not far away, hastened to welcome him after seeing it.

 "Earl Boswell! My friend! Welcome!" Duke Edward's tone was enthusiastic, cracking a smile and shaking the Lord Earl's hand.

 "I'm glad to see you, too! My dear Lord Duke!" The Lord Earl was no less enthusiastic, and his eyebrows arched under his forehead, clearly favorably impressed with the Lord Duke's polite approach.

 Then the two of them came together to the study, and there were a few servants guarding the doorway tightly, so it was obvious that the Lord Duke also knew that the Earl of Boswell's arrival must be about something.

 They chatted for a while about other things to warm up the atmosphere, and when they saw that the time had come, the Count decided to try his attitude, so he said slowly

 "My Lord Duke! I am shocked at the Earl of Wellington's opposition to your proposal today!"

 "The Earl of Wellington's thoughts are known to me, and currently without an heir, he has only his nephew as an heir, and his nephew is not to be trifled with!"

 Duke Edward glanced at the Earl of Boswell, who was full of his thoughts, and blinked, then said in a nonchalant manner.

 "But! We can't give up the expedition to Scotland just for his nephew, either! It's the most important military operation we have in the Reformed Holy Church!"

 At present, after the reform of Edward Seymour in the first half of the year, the reform of the whole of England has reached the bottleneck, that is, to the deep water. And by virtue of the current prestige of Edward, has been unable to reform deep down, there must be an external force to help him.

 And Edward agreed with those of his aides that only a sound victory would fuel Edward's prestige and thus advance the Reformation in England.

 There are so many such examples in history, such as the familiar Wang Anshi's change of law.

 After several years of changing the law, Wang Anshi decided to let the war test the benefits of the change, thus convincing the opposing forces in the country.

 Thus, the Northern Song Dynasty Xining six years (years), under the command of Wang Anshi, Song Xiehe Road by the Pacification Wang Shao rate of military attack on the Tubo, recovered the river, Tao, Min and other five states, to expand the land of more than 2,000 miles, caressing the Qiang three hundred thousand accounts, this is the Northern Song Dynasty military an unprecedented success, but also to establish the attack on the Western Xia region of the favorable battle line.

 Unfortunately, but a few years, after Song Shenzong Shi, Yuanfeng eight years (years), Song Zhezong reign of the first, the high empress dowager curtain, the rise of Sima Guang as prime minister, the new law is almost completely abolished.

 Even Wang Anshi during the expansion of thousands of miles of results, were the history of the glorious image of Lord Sima Guang all sent back to the Western Xia, the results of the change of law is almost ruined.

 Hearing this, Duke Edward's heart could not help but ripple, for his political ideal of reforming the Holy Church, he was bound to accomplish it.

 "Rest assured! My Lord Earl! I'll get the motion passed! Your factory is ready to start!"

 Edward's words kindled the Earl of Boswell's heart within him, and he all but thought of his own pleasant life of wealth and liberality for the next year.

 As for the mind that was punctured by Duke Edward, Earl Boswell has been deeply hidden into the depths of his heart, after all, poking the face of the nobles in front of the nobleman's face, to the nobleman's high self-esteem can not stand it.