
My Godly Ascension

Betrayal, this word is too heavy for the heart to carry. In a world of magic and mystery, Alan Carter, once a soul scarred by betrayal in his past life, gets a second chance at happiness. Reincarnated into a noble family, he's now the charismatic and powerful heir to a duke. But this world isn't just beautiful; it's also filled with danger. As Alan navigates his new life, he discovers that his unique abilities make him both a lightning rod for attention and a magnet for admiration. Handsome, caring, and a touch of playful foolishness, he captures the hearts of those around him. A harem of adoring girls forms around Alan, drawn to his charm and strength. But beneath the surface lies a secret power waiting to be unraveled. Alan's journey is not just about gaining strength; it's about uncovering the mysteries of his abilities. With each new wife he adds to his harem, he inches closer to the love and peace he longed for in his previous life. Will Alan be able to protect the newfound happiness he's building, or will the shadows of his past once again threaten to engulf him? Join him on an epic adventure filled with magic, romance, and self-discovery as he strives to become the most powerful version of himself and safeguard the love and peace he treasures. Author note: Welcome to ALUCARD fam. This is my first time writing a novel. you Will find it interesting and entertaining. You will love the MC. This novel has 18+ content so be aware!!! [Hehehhe~] Either you like the novel or hate it, you guys are part of the Alucard fam. And don't forget to drop some golden tickets and gems this way. I will post 4-6 chapters a week Keep supporting. Discord Id- ALU_cArD#6962 ALUCARD

ALU_cArD · 奇幻
290 Chs

Rivals In Love Become Allies

Alan spoke holding Hannah's face by her chin "come on tell me".

Alan didn't want to pry between their sister's talk, but after Sarah warned him about being careful and Hannah reacting with a blushed face gave him creeps.

Now, how could he just keep his mouth shut after he knew the matter involves him.

Alan was waiting for Hannah's reply…

"…A-Alan" a beautiful voice that Alan recognized immediately, he turned only to find Isabelle panting.

Behind her came the three domes of Hannah, they were panting too.

'Did I run too fast?' Alan wondered.


Isabelle frowned immediately upon seeing Alan and Hannah close to each other "what are you two doing?" she asked in a cold tone as usual.

Isabelle didn't know why she was feeling jealous of Hannah and why was she getting angry upon seeing anyone close to Alan.

She doesn't realize her feelings for Alan yet.

A woman spoke in a neutral tone "And who might you be?", Isabelle turned towards the voice of a tall cat woman who looked a bit similar to Hannah.

Isabelle remained silent staring at Sarah with the same cold face. She isn't in the mood to answer some random bitches.

Isabelle released a blue aura from her body simply asking Sarah to fuck off. Isabelle doesn't give a fuck about anyone when she is really angry, but here she doesn't even know why she was angry in the first place.

She was not in a clear mind to question herself.

"… ah, Isabelle … she is my sister Sarah" Hannah said in a neutral tone, she didn't want these two to be going at each other right now.

"Hump…" she stopped releasing her aura staring at Alan with an annoyed face.

Sarah, chuckled visibly "… Alan, u have got plenty of work to do. Hehe".

'Here she goes again' Alan seriously couldn't decode anything form Sarah's words. He got this same feeling when he was trying to crack his math exams. They were so complicated that he would pull his own hair out sometimes in anger.

Mathematics were not his cup of tea. That's the reason Sarah looked like Alan's math teacher whenever she spoke these jumped words to him.

Isabelle immediately spoke with a serious face interrupting Alan's thought "Alan we found the source"

A silence fell…

"What, you found it" he walked closer to Isabelle with a curious look on his face "what is it?"

"Demons" Isabelle's face distorted as she spoke out loud in a cold tone, the word demons reminded her of her parents.

She stared at the ground releasing a heavy blue aura with killing intent.


It disappeared immediately as soon as she felt Alan's embrace.

Alan stared stroking her hair slowly and whispered in her ears "its fine Isabelle, 'I am here'"

She hugged him back tighter, resting her head on his manly chest.

The scene when she was hugging Alan when she was drunk played in her mind.

She could only remember herself talking to Alan imagining it was her parents.

She separated herself from Alan immediately upon realizing she they were half naked with Alan.

She still thinks 'They did it'.

Her face flushed as she remembered the incident which never actually happened.

Alan flashed a satisfied smile; he knew she wasn't angry at him for hugging her but rather embarrassed.

Sarah whispered in her sister's ears "Hannah, here is your second competitor" she giggled and continued "but, I am rooting for you"

Sarah was just enjoying the show, she was excited to see how things would play out between them.

One of Hannah's rivals was Isabelle, who was on par with her. Hannah could win against her if Isabelle doesn't realize her feelings for Alan.

But the biggest competition was Hannah's twin sister for her, she was a woman who never liked men at all. But if she is attracted to Alan's scent just like her, it would be a very tough to win against her.

Hannah clenched her fists 'I will never give up'.

But …

She doesn't know that others had already taken the lead.

The first was Victoria who slept with Alan and is one of his fiancées.

The second was Ashley who kissed Alan on his cheeks and is his second fiancée.

The third would be Lucy who was bold enough to kiss Alan in front of his parents, who knows what might have happened if Catherine didn't stop her. But she is just like Hannah, someone who is madly obsessed with Alan.

The next was Isabelle who is yet to discover her feelings for Alan. she was just that dense.

There is still one more competitor, it was anna. She is just afraid of Alan's response if she reveals her feelings for him. Who knows how long she can hold herself back from confessing it to Alan?

If you guys think this is all, you should know the author better.

Hehe he

Alan said as he flashed a weird smile "shall we go visit the demons?"

Alan, Hannah and Sarah with her soldiers followed Isabelle.

After a five minute run.


Everyone hid behind the bush.

Alan watched through the gaps between the bush.

A black body with long sharp fangs, and wings that escaped from its backbones. Their eyes bloody red.

Isabelle spoke "these are demons" she continued "there seems to be about a hundred of them"

"Hmm… let's go" Alan was about to get up.


Isabelle and Hannah pulled Alan's hand at the same time and spoke in sync "stop being so reckless"

Alan just wanted to fight, is there anything wrong with this. All he wanted to do was have some fun.

Isabelle spoke in a neutral tone "These are just the soldiers; the leader must be inside the cave" she pointed at a cave entrance. These demons were coming in and out of the cave.

"Leader huh?" his smile grew wider, now he wanted to fight so bad.

"So can I go kill them now?" Alan asked the two girls for permission.

They both got up immediately "No, I will kill them" they spoke at the same time.

Hannah wanted to fight only to show her true strength to Alan, he didn't want him to think she was weak just because she lost to him.

As for Isabelle she wanted revenge for her parents, she has been holding grudge against these demons for so long. And just a bit of the other reason too. Just a tiny bit. She just wanted to show how much she learned from her spar with Alan.

The two women glared at each other.


Isabelle on the right and Hannah on the left.

She asked her domes not to interfere.

Alan stood beside Sarah who was staring at him.

'what's with his absurd amount of mana' she wondered inwardly, she wanted to know about her future brother-in-law.

But she was interrupted.


Hannah kicked the demon in Sarah's direction.

Alan walked out in the open, took a couch out of his inventory and sat with a box full of popcorn.

'Is He serious!' Sarah was dumbfounded.


Alan patted the seat next to him on the couch "come, Sarah, sit here".

She didn't want to sit while her sister is fighting the demons but she was tired, she has been searching for these demons from last night.

She sat next to Alan who sat with his legs crossed, she peeked at him through the corner of her eyes.

'My sister is really lucky; he is so fucking hot.'

She could have gone for him if she had met him before her sister. she could still do that now but…

She felt a shiver down her spine as she thought of her other sister 'I don't want to compete with that bitch'.

Alan took another box of popcorn "please have it" he handed her the popcorn. It was still warm as there is no time change in his inventory.

She took it and sniffed it.

"Don't worry, I just sprinkled some salt on it" he ate some "I bet u will like it".

She ate one "ummm"

"It tastes really good" she exclaimed with a surprised expression on her face, "when did humans create such good foods"

"I made it" Alan blurted the truth out.

She glanced at the people staring at him.

He took a couple of more popcorn boxes and gave them to the soldiers and the domes.

"Please share among yourself."

On Hannah's and Isabelle's side...….



Slash slash

"Haaa…" Hannah moved swiftly taking down these demons one by one.

"….arrrrr," they noticed her presence and attacked her in groups.



Isabelle was taking down demons at a much faster rate than Hannah.

Isabelle was wielding a double sword.

The demons came in packs.

Hannah inserted mana in her sword, a slashed twice diagonally in the shape of an X.


The demons' bodies fell to the ground.

On Isabelle's pov.

She raised her hands

Multiple ice spears appeared in the air.


They were aimed perfectly at the demon's heads.

After a couple of minutes.

There wasn't a single demon left to tell the story of how two girls destroyed the whole troop of demons.

'These demons are just so weak...' Alan felt the beasts were much stronger than these demons, no wonder they didn't attack directly.


A big demon walked out of the cave and screamed "who dares to kill my soldiers". He looked exactly like the other demons and was uglier. He was able to talk, as expected he was their leader.

The stronger demons were the one who were to impersonate the other species, but not all demons could impersonate others, if they could they would have invaded the other territories easily transforming themselves to look like that particular species.

He noticed these two beautiful women standing with their swords covered with black blood.

His face was controlled with rage; he spoke with a hostile glare.

He ran towards them and punched on the ground.

Isabelle and Hannah were not able to evade the punch.

They crashed on the either side injured.

"Hannah … Isabelle" Alan got up from his seat, they thought they would be able to hold heir ground against the leader.

Alan took a step forward…

"No Alan" Hannah screamed and Isabelle continued "this Is our fight"

Alan flashed a smile and said "ha-ha".

He did that crazy laugh as usual and said in a proud tone "As expected of my women"

'Hump… when did I become his woman?' Isabelle said to herself. A small smile peeked out of her face and went back to normal immediately.

'He said I am his women' Hannah was celebrating in her world.

"…" Sarah remained silent, 'uhoo… now it's getting interesting' she thought to herself while she kept munching on the popcorn.

The two women glanced at each other and nodded.

Isabelle threw some ice spears at the demon to draw his attention.


The demon roared in pain, Hannah used her sword to cut down all the joints on the demon's leg.

The demon raised his hand to punch.


"…" he turned to Isabelle.

A huge sharp spear came fling to his chest at an incredibly high speed.


It pierced his heart from the front and suited itself in his chest.


He trembled and fell on his knees holding the end of the spear trying to remove it.

Hannah and Isabelle stood in front of him with a smirk on their faces.

'Teamwork... nicee' Alan thought inwardly, he never imagined these two women working in a team.

They were just like Victoria and Ashley.

"… you will pay with your life… cough my lord will not let you live" he fell on his face "… it has already started, you will notttt…" he died with his eyes open.

Isabelle screamed in agony "I will kill every demon; I will kill you all" her roar echoed throughout the woods.

"Ok OK calm down Isabelle" Hannah hugged Isabelle trying to calm her down.

A gentle smile appeared on Alan's face when he saw the two women hugging. He saw a different side of both the women.

A vulnerable side to Isabelle who was always cold and a caring side to Hannah.

Sarah ordered her soldiers to remove some parts of the demon as a trophy of her victory. Just as Hannah promised her.

Alan still doesn't know the real reason why the two sisters became allies in a competition for the throne.

Sarah looked at the sky and said to Alan "it's gotten dark already, why don't we came here tonight"

Alan glanced at Isabelle and Hannah 'I would be nice if Isabelle could spend some time with Hannah'

He nodded at Sarah who was waiting for his reply.

Isabelle's mental health was the most important thing to Alan now, it would be more comfortable for her to talk to a girl of her age than Alan.

Alan patted Isabelle's head with a warm smile on his face and asked "so who would like to have steak for dinner?"

Isabelle's eyes gleamed with excitement.

'Steak steak steak' was the only thing running through her mind.

A weird girl indeed, why does Alan only like weird girls?

Author's thoughts: keep supporting the Alucard fam.

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