
Last hope

With his wand, the potter drew out selected memories and showed the audience the highlights of his meeting with Harry: the flight on the dragon, the first conversation in the house, the evening with the pets, the moment when Potter turned the eggs of the Hungarian pintail...

Plunged into the maelstrom of memories, Dumbledore stared uncomfortably at the young man who bore no resemblance to the dwarf Potter he had come to Hogwarts to see. Unwanted thoughts swirled around the grey-haired man's mind, lining up new plans and events to be adjusted according to those plans. Looking at his changed features, he noticed that the boy no longer wore glasses, had let his hair grow and looked nothing like James Potter, his father.

Even here, in Snape's dim memory, Dumbledore could sense the authority and superiority that emanated from the young wizard. The elder also admired the calm and equanimity the dragons showed around Harry, treating him as their own. The Headmaster thought that Potter was now completely independent and it would not be easy to bring him back under his wing, which meant that he would have to act very differently, for Hogwarts needed to be healed. There was no doubt that this was some kind of curse.

McGonagall looked fearfully at the red dragon that Snape and Harry were riding. She admired the courage of her favourite student's son, and could not hold back a gasp of surprise when she saw Potter calmly take the egg from the Hungarian Tailhorn's clutch, and it breathed flame on him. Most remarkably, the dragon's fire did not harm Potter!

The other wizards, Flitwick, Grimm, Lupin, Weasley and the others, were equally uninhibited in their emotions, speaking vividly and not always in bad language. There was a palpable sense of fear in many of them: Who knew what to expect from the mature and independent Potter. It was unclear whether he would respond to their pleas and admonitions.

There was hope in Molly Weasley's eyes that the boy (or rather man!) would come back and be part of the family.

Grum, who had seen enough in his life, was shocked. Never before had he seen a wizard so brazenly controlling these huge creatures! Still, the former Auror was ready to go to Potter with Dumbledore and ask for a favour.

Quietly, Lupin looked at the whole picture of memories that Snape had provided. It was unclear what feelings were overtaking him, but sometimes envy flashed through his eyes, apparently because he could not achieve anything in this life and blamed all failures on his 'fluffy problem'.

Be that as it may, the scenes shown did not leave anyone indifferent. Most of the wizards were frightened, confused and almost broken, and only a few were filled with the faint hope that such a Potter could restore the magic of the castle. But even Dumbledore did not know what to do.

Memories faded and blurred into an inky mist. The study was filled with loud shouts. The Potions Master took advantage of this and slipped out of the Headmaster's office and into his own. The ingredients he'd brought from the Valley of Dragons would be more than enough for several experimental potions, which would be worth starting right away.


There was an unimaginable uproar in the headmaster's office. Everyone felt compelled to speak out without listening to anyone else:

- Are those real dragons? Unbelievable!

- Oh, dragons! And Potter is like them, like kittens!

- So you've found the Chosen One, and what are you going to do?

- He'll never forgive us, and we can't force him to - the dragons will devour us before we've had time to make our demands!

- Perhaps we should promise him a few artefacts.

- We'll all die if Potter wants revenge!

- We need to find out exactly where he's hiding and attack first, then bring him here and that's it!

- Headmaster, we need an ally like that.

- The boy is good! Constant vigilance!

- We can do without him!

All in all, there were many opinions and Albus Dumbledore's head began to buzz. With a familiar gesture, he conjured Silenzio Totalum and spoke in a strangely cracked voice:

- After all that's happened, we can't risk the Chosen One. Thanks to Merlin, he's made contact and now we know he's much stronger. I suggest we go to him and persuade him to return to Hogwarts. Let's decide who goes with me. Finite.

Hermione, who had been thoughtfully silent, rose from her chair:

- Harry could probably only return to Hogwarts for the sake of the castle itself. Now, with so many dragons in his hands, trusting him wholeheartedly, Harry is practically omnipotent. You can see that he doesn't care about the war in England, about Voldemort, about any of us. He's not going to lift a finger to win. None of us can persuade him.

- I'll go with the Headmaster! - Lupin volunteered first.

- I can provide adequate security," Alastor Grum leaned on his staff and turned his wand frantically.

- Anyone else? No? Then it is decided. We'll get ready and leave in the morning. - The headmaster took a lemon drop. - The meeting is adjourned.


Before the door opened, a girl in a hooded robe recoiled from it, hiding in an alcove behind a gargoyle. A second later, she too separated from the wall and disappeared into the darkness, heading upwards, straight for the Astronomy Tower. What the girl had heard from under the door was something to think about, and she had a secluded corner to do it in.

She stood with her elbows on the spire that served as the parapet of the observation deck at the top of the tower. The wind ruthlessly fluttered her robes, tangled her dishevelled hair and blew on her tear-stained face. The girl looked off into the distance and whispered: "I'll find you, Harry...". She stood there for a few minutes, clenching her fists in helplessness, and then, as if determined to do something, she disappeared slowly down the stairs. In the twilight, it was impossible to tell who she was and why she had decided to look for Potter now, after all these years...


It wasn't long before the three men were on their way to Mexico. They were followed by a stealthy shadow, someone under a darkening spell. Grum looked around oddly, but with a cheerful grunt he sipped from his flask and calmed down, concentrating on finding out where Snape had been. Lupin sniffed the air noisily, taking in the scent of dry grass soaked in the afternoon sun. Even when he smelled something, he blamed it on the local beasts.

The Dragon Valley was nowhere to be found. For the past half hour, mages had been scanning the area, peering around the security barrier. A powerful spell prevented anyone from entering: Dumbledore, as the most powerful wizard of the three delegates, could not even create a breach to let Potter know he had visitors.

Ingvarr noticed the attempted intrusion immediately as he circled once more. He dashed towards the house. Images flashed before Harry's eyes.

Potter jumped onto Junshen's back and shouted to Sirius that they had company. As they circled the beach, they saw the company.

- Hmmm... Well, this was interesting. Snape leaked the information right away. Look, Yunshan is Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, Auror Alastor Grum and former friend Remus Lupin.

The dragon snorted as if to ask, "Are you going to let 'them' in?"

Approaching the boundary, Harry took a long look at the newcomers. Then he snapped his fingers. A hole appeared in the protective circle, through which Dumbledore stepped deftly.

Potter sat comfortably on the dragon and looked disdainfully at the newcomers. The usual leather armour accentuated his lithe yet muscular form, his eyes glowing with superiority and confidence in his own abilities. With all his will in his fist, Potter turned to Dumbledore with a contemptuous chuckle:

- Headmaster, what in the world? Have you given up hope of reinstating the Muggle girls? Or has Voldemort had his hands full?

- How dare you speak to Albus like that, you little brat! - Grumbled, clinking his prosthesis as he squeezed through the hole. - He's done so much for you, you ingrate!

The dragon raised its huge head and let out a menacing roar, accompanied by puffs of steam. Dumbledore could not bear it:

- Silence, Alastor!

Potter smiled brightly:

- Have you come to fight with me? Remember, you're on my turf, so be kind - be polite. Who knows when my dragon will be hungry. I think he'll like you... Although he'll probably get indigestion.

- My boy, we have much to discuss.

- Headmaster, Snape must have told you I don't want to see you and I won't help you. - Harry maintained his icy calm. - And you, dear Auror, could you tell me exactly what the Headmaster has done for me? Gave me to the Muggles, manipulated me, failed to keep me out of Azkaban - is that what you meant? So tell me what you want and get off my property.

Remus stood behind everyone else, unable to believe what he was seeing: in Snape's memories, Harry had looked commanding, but now it was almost all over his body. A flexible and agile man, reeking of the Force. Lupin's inner wolf shrank to a lump, ready to howl in fear. Remus could barely resist the urge to tuck his tail and run as far away as possible from this wizard who looked nothing like James.

But this was Harry, the same Harry he'd taught to create the Patronus, the son of his beloved friends, which meant he wouldn't hurt him. The same could not be said for the dragon. A huge red and gold lizard, watching his guests warily, ready to swoop down and protect his master at a moment's notice. That's what I wanted to hide from. But since he'd volunteered to accompany the Headmaster, he'd better stay put. Then Lupin remembered another old friend:

- Harry, is Sirius with you? I need to talk to him.

- Do you? Where have you been for ten years? Sitting in Hogwarts, feeling sorry for yourself? - Potter held up his hand and the Stag Patronus quickly darted south. After a few seconds, the Patronus Dog appeared and said in a cheerful voice:

- Harry, tell everyone I'm no longer an errand boy. I'm not going anywhere, I'm happy here. And I don't have any more friends.

The silver haze cleared and Remus stood there, looking surprised. He didn't know whether it was the wandless magic or the cold tone of his former friend that struck him. Then Lupin seemed to deflate and slumped, stepping back behind the Auror and the Headmaster. He had a lot to think about.

Dumbledore, if surprised by the wandless magic, acted as if everything was going as it should:

- Harry, I'm asking you to return to Hogwarts. The castle is dying. The magic is disappearing, the hat doesn't sing, the paintings don't move, the ghosts are gone and the students are growing weaker. Only you can help us restore the magic.

- This is no longer my problem, Headmaster. All my life you have manipulated me, controlled my every breath through the Muggles and the castle, and now you dare to ask for help? After condemning a one-year-old child to a personal hell for ten long years? After you put me in Azkaban? Ha! Give me one good reason why I should help you.

- Do not help me. Hogwarts. All the trouble started after you were sent to Azkaban. We all think you have something to do with the school, and the castle is losing its magic because of you...

Of course, Potter was surprised that events had turned out this way, but he didn't let on. Is Hogwarts losing its power? Are the ghosts becoming disembodied? What kind of madness was this? The whole situation was very odd. And interesting.

- Are you trying to make me feel guilty again, Headmaster? It won't work. Hogwarts is the seat of the Force, the union of all the elements. I can't have anything to do with it.

- My boy, what have you decided? We need your help...

- I'll think about what you said, Headmaster. Anyway, I'm not going anywhere with you right now. I have my own business and responsibilities in the Valley that come first in my life. I'll get back to you within a month.

Potter didn't really want to go back because he felt that there was trouble waiting for him there. He didn't want to see his former friends: both Ron and Hermione were disgusted, angry and contemptuous in his soul. Besides, how easily they had turned their backs on him! So a meeting with them would be anything but pleasant.

Neville and Luna had graduated from high school and married about five years ago, having recently moved to Iceland. Totally disillusioned with the actions of the Light Side and no longer wanting to be involved, they decided to do some research for Mr Lovegood's magazine.

They invited Harry to join them, but he declined. Nevertheless, they corresponded regularly and even saw each other a few times in the Valley, which Harry was reluctant to leave in order to give his friends a dragon ride around the lake. There was no discontent.

The Weasley twins had opened their own shop, All Sorts Pest, in France. From this, Potter received regular royalties to Gringotts. In short, nothing connected him to Hogwarts except those rare memories of his first steps in the magical world.

The flow of thoughts was interrupted by the hoarse voice of an Auror.

- Beautiful creature. - Grum looked at the dragon with a wizard's eye. - I wish Hogwarts had one of those.

At this point, Potter couldn't stand it any longer:

- You have abused my patience enough. Please leave my domain.

He snapped his fingers. He snapped his fingers, and another gap in the defences appeared, blowing all three mages out at once. They fell to the ground in surprise and watched in amazement as the dome was restored and the dragon swept the boy away.


During this conversation, a small transparent dragon made its way to the shore of the lake to hide in the caves. The lizard was about five feet long, with beautiful crystal scales. At first it was afraid to leave the cave, hunting only at night, constantly sniffing and looking around. Then thirst forced the lizard to move closer to the beach, where it was introduced to other reptiles. After a few days, the female crystal dragon became quite familiar, but was still afraid to approach the beach hut.


After a few days, Yunsheng noticed a new dragoness. He did not attack, just watched. The female didn't try to take over the territory, just came to eat and hide. It took a while to make mental contact. The crystal dragon was just silent. After another three days, Yunsheng couldn't stand it any longer. It came closer, sucked in air noisily, opened its eyes and snorted menacingly.

The dragon trembled and began to shrink rapidly. A moment later, a skinny girl in a wrinkled robe appeared in front of Yunshen. The dragon grabbed the edge of the robe with her fang and dragged her along, walking slowly towards Potter's Manor. The girl followed in silence. When they arrived, he nudged her with his nose into the living room and made a distinctive whistle himself. Harry and Sirius emerged from the study.

An avalanche of images washed over Potter. Junshen didn't think the girl was dangerous, but led the way to his master. With that, the lizard crawled back to shore and the girl sat down on the sofa.

- Er, Louise Stone, what on earth? - Harry remembered the girl from school, but only vaguely. Apart from Ron and Hermione, he hadn't had much contact with anyone. And all Potter remembered of Louise was the fact of her existence. Which made her appearance here all the stranger.

- Harry, all I wanted to do was find you, and until now there was no way of even knowing where you were. - Louise held herself together, but it was obvious that she was going to cry a little more.

- Let me see for myself," Potter approached and took the girl by the chin. - Legiliments!

Memories flashed before her eyes.

Harry had already seen enough to know that Louise had only come here because of her feelings for him, but he couldn't stop himself from sinking gently into her mind. He saw himself on the bed in the hospital wing, Ron's face when he realised Harry had recovered and was walking down the aisle between the tables, his speech in the Great Hall, his meditation class in the clearing in the Forbidden Forest, his first transformation into a dragon...

Finally, he came to his senses and broke the connection. Louise lost consciousness.


She woke on the soft bed. The sun shone through the window. She tried to sit up, but a housekeeper came into the room. Louise knew what it was, for her guardian had about thirty heads of housekeepers in her castle. She was not frightened, even though the elf looked rather strange. He wore a child's cap with frills, a pillowcase tied up like a Roman toga, and socks of various colours with embroidered cuts. Yet he bowed deeply:

- Miss Awake, may I invite Master Sir to see you?

Louise tried to say something, but there was no voice. So she just nodded.

Harry looked around the room.

- Miss Stone, I apologise for delving into your memories. But I'm not in the least ashamed of what I saw there. - He placed a large bouquet of magic roses on the bedside table. - It was the only way I could be sure you weren't lying, that you weren't a spy for the Light Side, or even the Dark Side. Take a fortifier - you'll feel better.

Three vials appeared on the table. Louise drank the potions quickly. Feeling better immediately, the girl got up. Harry took her to the bathroom where she cleaned up. Then she walked around the house, looking at the rooms. She liked absolutely everything about the place. Louise walked carefully into the living room. There, closer to the exit, was Yunsheng, watching the conversation between the two wizards.