
My Forever Love For You:Rebirth for Love

He was separated from his love a thousand years ago,After she was reborn,he decided to get her no matter what comes his way. She is beautiful,the goddess of beautiful flower,the second princess of human realms ,Dreaming to marry a prince but one day on her wedding,the demon king adopted her claiming her to be his his fated lover.what will she do? I hate you , “ Yu Xuan ji shouted all her lungs out” And I love you “Xueying said calmly “ my love for you is true and no one not even the heavens will separate you from me in this lifetime .

Floral_Rhea · 奇幻言情
16 Chs

I hate you

Demon tower

Yaohua palace

Yuxuan woke up forgetting where she is,she opened her eyes and saw a lady at her front,she quickly sat down and remember she wasn't at home anymore ,she flash a fake smile at her.

My lady,His Holiness told us to get you ready and escort you to his Villa "A mo said and smiled warmly at Yuxuan "

What is your name ?

A mo,my name is A mo "she said and smile" My lady,Would you like to take your bath with warm water "A mo asked "

No,A cold water,I feel good when I use cold water "Yuxuan said and went to take her bath "

After taking her bath,she wore a pink gown that revealed her curve body,she happily ran out of the room feeling at ease,she exiled in and out and open her eyes and saw Xueying then she frown at him.

You... what are you doing here "Yuxuan said and Xueying smiled at her"

You are looking beautiful "Xueying said and look at her face trying to know if she was affected by his words,Yuxuan was blushing but she quickly frown her face "

Dong Xueying,I have a fiancé and don't you dare flirt with me "Yuxuan said and quickly walk fast has she can so she can avoid his cute look but Xueying only smile inwardly"

Yuxuan,you don't know were we are going.

No,don't listen to him,just continue walking,I might see a way of exit, "Yuxuan was walking fast that she didn't notice the pool of water at her front and she was about to fall in the water when a strong arm enveloped her waist , she gasps when she saw Xueying was so close to her ,she quickly moved away from him and mu xing arrived and whispered something into Xueying now his cool face turn cold and hard making Yuxuan frown.

What's wrong "Yuxuan asked looking at Xueying back but he didn't look at her and talk "

Go back and rest,I will be back "he left before Yuxuan could process what he said"

He just left,I must look for away to escape,I need to see my siblings and friends somehow but where do I go "Yuxuan looked around and saw a peach tree and her eyes widened in disbelief "

So there is a peach tree here, hehehe,it will be lots of fun "she quickly went near the tree and round it and she immediately fly and lay down on the tree.

I really miss you sister,Ling Long,Brother tan,Feibai and others,I must get out of this place "she thought and started hearing foot steps,she quickly grab a stick looking alarm when she knew the person is near enough she swift towards the person and pinned the person down,she looked at the person and her eyes widened in disbelief "

Aunt Li yan,old demoness, "she hugged her"I miss You so much,do you know after you left ,I was thinking where you will go…..but what are you doing here "Yuxuan wasn't sure why she was here but she knew something was wrong "

I really don't know why that bad demon kidnap me from my wedding but I am sure he has an ulterior motive,Aunt,now that you are here then tell me how can I escape "Yuxuan said smiling widely and he same smile that melt Li yan heart but Li yan didn't want to be distracted by her,she needs to focus for her son's life and For Yuxuan not to remember her past life and love.

I am afraid to tell you that you can't escape from here,you will remain here for the rest of your life,well that how the soon to be demon king survive on ladies that are still young "Li you an said clenching her fists hard as she look at Yuxuan who is shocked and she continue speaking " He was going to be the king years ago but he was captured by the immortal and now he is back so in other to gain strength back,he needs a royal blood and a powerful cultivation body to make him powerful and as the rumor goes you are still more powerful than your siblings "Li yan hugged her and whispered in her ear" I can't help you Yuxuan,my hands are tied "Li yan regret what she said but she heard to do it,she turn her back and left the shock Yuxuan "


Yuxuan sat on her bed thinking about what Li yan said she wasn't thinking straight,she remembered when he had kissed her that too on the lips" if he didn't like me then why did he kiss me , "Yuxuan felt as if her heart was broken,didn't know what to do anymore. "So he always use ladies like this and he will use me and dump me ,no no no I will have to escape "she stood up and started pacing around then she hit her hand on the table gripping on it hard until she was bleeding and the door open she turned and saw Xueying standing with a small smile on his face while is hands are holding two different flowers,he looks at Yuxuan sad and pale face and he frown slightly and walked up to her not seeing the blood in her hand"

Yuxuan was scared that he was trying to use the flowers to impress her and he will start his plan when she notice him walking towards her she moved back while he was moving forward.

Xueying notice her behavior and was shocked that she has never behave like this before, she was shivering in fear and he didn't no what to do to comfort her,maybe she has a nightmare or she miss her family,he thought to himself,he drop the flowers in his hands and hugged her tightly holding her shivering body but she was trying to push him away but Xueying didn't want to leave her alone her want her to hugged him but it seems she was scared of him.

Yuxuan was stunned as he hugged her,she has been carving for someone she can hug ,she wanted to melt in his embrace but he wasn't the right person ,she started struggling from his hold but he was still hugging her with his strong arms and put her bleeding palm on chest which made Xueying weak and she pushed him away from her .

"Ignoring the pain in his eyes Yuxuan shouted" WHY ?WHY? Why did you kidnap me ?

Xueying knew that one day she will ask but he never expected her to ask as if he hates him ,no no she can't hate me ,my hardwork of earning her trust shouldn't be ruined before it can start ,he thought to himself,Xueying heart hurts but all he wanted was to ask her why she is behaving like this.

No I don't want to stay here with you,please let me go,I promise if you ask for anything else I will give you but you can't have me "Yuxuan begged him, but it broke his heart seeing her beg him as if he is a wicked person but Xueying chest pain got more intense but he was standing and looking as if nothing was wrong with him.

Do you think I kidnap you because I want to use you,if that what you think then you are wrong,I really love you Yuxuan "he said moving closer to her"

No ,don't come near me "she said moving back "

Yes ,I won't come close to you

I don't love you,if you really love me then you will let me life the life I want but you are keep close to you that's not love ,you are using me,you are lying ,I hate you "she started crying placing her hand on her chest "

Now Xueying hate himself more for making her cry,he still keeping his face calm

I hate you "Yu xuan ji shouted her lungs out "

And I love you "Xueying said calmly "

My love for you is true and no one and not the heavens will separate you from me in this lifetime. "He said with conviction and Yuxuan fell on her knees holding her head i pain while crying in pain and her nose started bleeding as if she was has heard does words before then she remembered she was hugging someone and that person was patting head but she was trying to see his face but she couldn't,she was struggling and then she felt a body hug her ,it was warm and she hugged him back shivering as she lose consciousness

"Xueying hate himself for causing her more pain,he hugged her and spitted blood holding his chest then he shouted in pain and he carried Yuxuan in his arm".