
Chapter 8

I still haven't realized we left the packs. We left the packs! I won't see Mya for 6 months, and Mother and Father.

I won't have my nice bed, or any duties, I won't have the different veggies or fruit I used to. So much will change. I will be queen in 6 months!

It is not just what is changing while I am away, but what will change when I come back.

I might even be assigned a mate in a year and a half! So much is changing, no, too much is. I have to process so much in such a short amount of time, even thinking about queen was too much, now all of this.

I realize I have not gotten any berries, and find Amber walking up to me, "You okay Sky?"

She had startled me, I didn't hear anyone coming, but maybe I was just so deep in thought I never noticed.

"Woah, you that deep in it?" She tilts her head, Amber and I have this unknowing sense, we know what each other mean while others look at us like we're crazy. It's like we've known each other as long as I've been friends with Crystal.

I sigh, "Yeah, just so much going on at once." She nods knowingly.

"I get you, Alder and I bonded so fast, now we left. It is a lot. I am sure you are going through a lot more though." She comes by me and starts picking berries.

"If only you and Alder could rule, there is nothing in the book that it has to be the royal descendant that is full wolf." I look down, I realize Amber has already picked enough for everyone.

She snorts, "Yeah, I am not queen material." I look over at her.

"Neither am I!" We both laugh. I am still facing her, "I am being serious though, you would make a great queen, way better than me. You are far more mature, and you actually care, not saying I don't but-" I begin trailing off.

"I get what you mean, I am sure you are the only one that did not dream of being queen as a pup. I will talk the Alder, but no guarantees, okay?" I nod.

We both head back, Crystal is asleep on Rocky whose is in the middle of a conversation with Alder, who looks over, "Took you two long enough.

"Why are you so snappy?" I look at him, He has been in a mood all day.

"Oh, why am I snappy, hmm, maybe it's the fact that I just found my mate and left the pack because my sister does not want to take up the greatest opportunity of someone's life. So she decides to leave our entire lives just to go out and do something so selfish she doesn't even deserve to be queen. She also brings others because she wanted to do something so badly but did not want to be alone. Oh, and don't forget the fact that most of us were part of the warriors or council and we are leaving our duties of helping our packs to help the future queen!" He stands up, glaring at me.

"We already talked about this; you were the one who agreed to come! All I did was say I was leaving and asked if you WANTED to come! I could have very well left on my own! You don't get to control what I feel and want! I was there for you the entire time you were denied the throne, why can't you get past the jealousy and support me like I did for you!?"

"Because you didn't have to deal with the worry of losing me. I don't want to lose you, but maybe I should!" He turns around and trails off.

"I'll go talk to him." Amber follows him.

My brother has never said anything so mean to me before, and we have never fought like that. I can't move, I can't speak, I'm frozen.

"You know he doesn't mean it." Ryder turns his head back to me, trying his best not to move the rest of his body.

"Do I though? It makes sense that he said all of that." I still have not moved, not being able to fully face him.

He sighs, "You know your parents had a fight like this a month after you were born. I mean, I was only 5, but it was their first major argument, so it was news for a while."

What? I thought my parents never fought, but now I know there have been two major instances. How do I feel so close to them when I'm really not? I feel like a know nobody at all.

"Your father was furious that you were the one to be full wolf and get the throne, and after a month, your mother had enough and finally called him out." Rocky paused for a second to glance at Crystal.

"It seems as if my father wants to be the only one right." I pause to think on how I am going to say the next part, "If I were to be queen, I would take other opinions before choosing what's best."

Rocky looks at me proudly, as if I were to be his student, "WHEN, you will be queen."

When he says that I could finally move, I scoff and walk towards him, "Well, enough of that discussion." I sit beside him, and he turns his head to me.

"You're going to have to face it sooner or later, this is why we left." I glance at him before turning my head the other direction.

"Oh, so now you're badgering me too." He stays silent after that, and I realize I upset him, just like with Ash.

I lay my head and pretend to sleep, I had too much to think about.