
Chapter 5

It's been two weeks since I made the decision to leave, we are going today.

As much as it will pain me to leave Mya, this is what's best for the packs if they want me to rule. This may even be my chance to find my mate, so I won't be assigned one.

Cassy has gotten super close with Ryder, and he agreed to come with us. Ash is also coming, with his new mate, Allison.

Normally, wolves can leave the pack for a bit and come back when they want. Except for royals, we must always stay in the packs, we are never supposed to leave. If we do, then we are in big trouble, or sometimes can be exiled from the packs.

In my case, Father cannot exile me, and if he punishes me, I cannot become queen, so it is in my hand either way.

We have not decided where we will go yet, but we will figure it out at some point. The good thing is, all of us have a wolf, so we can travel faster. I have a feeling we will just go where our paws take us.


A good thing to know about wolves, is that spirit is different, our wolves have their own names, sizes, colors, eyes, etc.

My wolf's name is Sky, and she is white with a little gray on her nose with blue eyes. While my brother's wolf, Alder, is brown, with white speckles and brown eyes. My wolf is actually bigger than his, father says it is because he is only half wolf. This wasn't very convincing, as Asher's wolf is of royal decent just like mine, but it could be the case and his spirit wolf just got smaller due to the smaller amount of wolf abilities in him.

Wolves can have different strengths in abilities as well, I have incredibly good hearing and sight, and I am fast, but other wolves are not as powerful as me, they may not be the best at all of them.

One struggle I do have is controlling my wolf, she is very strong, and it can become difficult for me to not let her take control.

Our wolves have minds of their own, separate thoughts. When I let Sky come out, she can have control of my mind, we can also connect our minds to communicate to one another without even speaking.

We can also let our wolves out, while still controlling our minds. This is what we mainly do, but sometimes our wolves do take control fully. This is when our wolves need time out if they have been kept in for more than a few weeks. Also, we can let them take control ourselves if we want a break, but, all in all, wolves are confusing and extremely hard to understand.

For size range, royal wolves, are the biggest, as long as they are full wolf, next in size are our warrior wolves, the packs' protectors. After that goes council wolves, then commoners, which is what we call the wolves that are not part of those three categories. This means, about seventy percent of the packs are commoners.

Over the centuries, wolves have gotten smaller in size, nobody knows exactly why, before it started even before legal cross mating. Father says it has to do with some prophecy.

"Wolves shall shrink from existence,

Unless an upcoming royal shall change this.

They shall fall in love,

With a powerful cross mated child of,

Unknown blood and that they will be,

When she meets them you shall see."

I think it is a load of crap, but Father believes it to be true. My great, great grandfather found it engraved in our cave, along with others as well. This prophecy is the only one yet to happen, this is why Father believes so much.

Great, great Grandfather found thirteen prophecies, some had happened before the discovery, while others happened after, but this one is our last, the packs have been waiting for this one, and this solution to our shrinking.

I do not see how these are all factual, yes most have happened, but I think it is just a matter guessing, or a coincidence These are not the stories of our pack, they were made before any happened. They are just accomplished because we were trying to do so, not just letting it happen when it does.


I was packing a small bag, my door closed. Father and Mother are with the council once again, and Mya is with her friend Chloe. This was the best time to leave.

I started pulling out clothes from my closet, I threw as many as I could fit into my bag. I grab a few pictures and fold them into my favorite book and throw it in too.

I walk over to my bed and reach underneath for my jacket. It was draped over something, but I pull out the red hoodie and put in in my bag before reaching back in. I felt something hard, not fabric. I pulled it out and saw my old sketchbook.

"Stella! Almost ready?" Asher calls from his room; I can hear him begin walking downstairs.

Yeah, I'll be there in a sec."

I flip through the pages. All of these drawings and sketches still make me wonder, who is he? What is he? And why do I draw him, but never seen him? It disturbs me so much; I remember throwing it under my bed two months ago.

I couldn't take drawing him again, yes, he was hot, but somehow, he is all I can draw, every time I try something else it still ends up being him.

I stare at the last page, the last one I drew, it seems different in a way. I just can't figure out why.

"Stella." That sounds closer than Asher was before. I turn and find him standing in the doorway, my door now open.

"I told you I would be down in a minute." I stare at him; he is leaning against my doorframe.

"It has been ten." He turns around and walks back downstairs.

How has it been that long? I thought at most it was two, I look at the drawing, "It's you!" I throw the book in my bag, put the note for my sister and parents on my nightstand and head downstairs.

Ash, Allison, and I met up with Cass and Rocky at the border, "I can't believe we are leaving." Cass looked worried, but I saw a small sparkle of excitement.

"We'll be back soon, Cass." I look over at her sympathetic, but she was the one who insisted on coming along. I think she could sense the tiny amount of aggravation in my voice, I felt horrible for putting my frustration on her.

I was mad that it had to come to this, I didn't want to go against my parents, I didn't want to put those coming with me in danger. I don't want to be queen!

"We ready?" Asher breaks the tension. Allison nods, a few dark brown pieces of hair come out of her bun. Ryder picks up Cass and his bags.